Welcome & Introduction
Welcome to Mesa Ridge! I am excited to work with you this year, together we can make this year great by striving to always show excellence, creating an environment that encompasses mutual respect and holding ourselves to a high level of integrity!
Course/Unit Outline
This year in biology we will cover the following topics:
· Biomolecules
· DNA / · Natural Selection
· Bioengineering
· Cell processes
Textbook: Copies of the individual chapters we are working in will be uploaded onto the students Google drive.
Materials & Supplies
Students are expected to bring materials with them each class. Students will lose daily points if they do not have their materials.
· Composition Notebook
· Colored pencils & scissors
· Writing utensil
10 pts extra credit will be given to students who bring a box of tissue.
Class Expectations
Backpacks are NOT allowed in the classroom! Student work area in this classroom is small; having backpacks with students makes it difficult & dangerous to walk through the class. Backpacks brought to class will be placed in the hallway.
Cell phones should put away, out of sight unless students are asked to use them for an assignment.
Food and drink are not permitted in the science room (water is allowed). No gum.
Come organized and prepared. Be in your seat as soon as you come into the classroom, & begin working on the bell ringer.
Students not in their seats working when the bell rings will be marked tardy whether they were on time or not.
Students are expected to maintain all the elements of the Grizzly way at all times (Respect, Integrity and Excellence).
Late Work Policy & Absences
Students have 2 days to makeup work from an absences, if turned in after the allotted time it will be considered late and be subject to late point deductions.
Students must complete all necessary work prior to a unit test. Once students have taken the unit assessment, missing work for that section will not be accepted. Students have one week from due date to turn in assignment.
Students will receive 70% of the score they earned. Special projects and assignments MAY NOT be eligible for make-up.
Aside from advisory, I am available to assist students before or after school everyday except Fridays.
Grades will consist of the following categories and percentages:
· Tests & Quizzes 35% / · Notebook checks 20%
· Engagement 20%
Tests CANNOT be retaken, plan accordingly-STUDY before you take the test.
Quizzes can be retaken, students have 1 week to retake a quiz.
Contact Information:
Katie Hobbs
------Please sign and return: Block: ______
I have read and understand the above information:
Student’s Name:______Student’s Signature:______
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Parent’s Signature______Parent’s Email:______
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