RvZxq e¨emvq cwiKíbv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv-2016
e¨emvq cwiKíbv ˆZwi welqK IqvK©kc
ZvwiL: 22 AvM÷ 2016, †mvgevi
mgq: mKvj 9:00 Uv
¯’vb: GmGgB dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvh©vjq
IqvK©k‡c AskMÖnYKvix‡`i ZvwjKv (MÖæc-G)
Sl / Applicant Name / Title of the Business / Address /2015-16 A_©eQ‡i Av‡e`bKvix
1 / RwR©qv Avj †Rwib / Recycle-N- Regeneral / 606, KvRxcvov, wgicyi XvKv-1216, †iv‡Kqv ¯^ibx †ivW|
Mobile: 01629602118
2 / Mohammad Riaz Mahmud Hossain / Halum.com / Flat:B-2, 47, Lakecircus, kolabagan, Dhaka
Mobile: 01706312721
3 / Abdulla Al Hamid / Used Cooking Oil Recycling / 245/A, west Dhanmondi, Dhaka-1209
Mobile: 01931796123
4 / Samia Hasan / FLY free with Solar / Lalmatia Delight, Apt-4c, plot-4/1, block:D, Lalamatia, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01791099982
5 / Russell Jashim Uddin / Manufacturing of Fiber From Banana Stems / 9/4 Bhagobati Banerjee Road, Dhaka 1203
Mobile: 01713044000
6 / A¤øvb †`IqvbRx / ‡Kvqvcvov g‡Wj wf‡jR GÛ G‡MÖv B‡Kv BÛvt dvg© / গ্রাম:কোয়েপাড়া, ডাকঘর: কোয়েপাড়া, উপজেলা: রাউজান, জেলা: চট্রগ্রাম
Mobile: 01711823437
7 / Engr. Md. Omar Faruk / Palvaraizing import and sell / evmv-10, †ivW-53, †j‡fj-6, ¸jkvb-2, XvKv|
Mobile: 01719035536
8 / Engr. Md. Abdur Rahim / sugar cane juice and sugar peel use for board / V-18, Block-D, 5th floor, Nurjahan Road Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: 01717729527
9 / Md.Jhural Islam / Khulna HVAC Engineering / 280/8 †ki B evsjv †ivW, Lyjbv|
Mobile: 01718739920
10 / †dŠwRqv web‡Z Iqvwn`- / I‡qU wUmy Drcv`b / nvWkb †ivW, gvZzqvBj, hvÎvevox, XvKv-1362
Mobile: 01715611648
11 / ASADULLAH-AL-GALIB / Organic Pesticides by using Mahogany seeds / e-mail-
Mobile: 01729389776
12 / Zvnvwgbv Av³vi / wbg G‡iv‡mj †¯úª / evmv-17, jvBb-6, eøK-B, cjøex, wgicyi
Mobile: 1679224614
13 / Farhana Yeasmin / E-Bangla(Food establishment that serve all renown foods of Bangladesh) / Begum Fazilatunnessa Mujib hall, University of Dhaka
Mobile: 01624348700
14 / Foyez Ahmed Saikat / Purification of water by SAU-Bio-Filter / e-mail-
Mobile: 01521460363
15 / Tasneem Haque / Production of Ethanol from agricultural waste / House-206,Road: 02, Avenue: 03, Mirpur DOHS, Dhaka
Mobile: 01677444279
16 / Jitesh Chakma / Marketing of Ethnic Minorities Products / 36/7/b, Flat:2A, Shah Alibagh, Dhankhater Moor, Mirpur-1
Mobile: 01762449922
17 / Md. Abdul Mukit / Swasthosheba Online Hospital(Online healthcare and awareness) / C/3, Prime Rose, House No-1, Road No-1, Nobody Housing, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: 01710189605
18 / Avey e°i wmwÏK / wb‡RivB LuyR‡ev-nvwi‡q hvIqv cb¨ / 72/3, kvnx gnj, e¨vsK K‡jvbx, mvfvi, XvKv
Mobile: 01711050954
19 / ARMAN RAHMAN / Applying e-commerce sercice in agricultural sector / 1011/1/a,Idgah Road, Ibrahimpur, Dhaka-1206
Mobile: 01926001507
20 / Shahanaz Parvin / SweetNZero(Stevia extracts) / Kabi Sufia Kamal Hall (Prodipto-212)
The University of Dhaka
Mobile: 01938062769
21 / Kibria Haider Chowdhury / Producing raw material by cultivating medicinal trees / House-33, Road- 2/A, Hill View Housing Society, Chittagong-4211
Mobile: 01916118470
22 / Shahida Afrin / Afrin's Art of clay / 10/411, Padma Residential area, Boalia, Rajshahi
Mobile: 01765145254
23 / ‡gvt AvwRRyj Bmjvg / ‡gmvm© ‡gvwgbyj g¨vbyd¨vKmvwis †Kvt / wewmK wkíbMix †g‡nicyi|
Mobile: 01716190557
24 / Abdur Rahman / NutriFeed(Poultry & livestock feeds) / 567, Masterda Surja Sen Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka
Mobile: 01840299090
25 / Maherunnessa Joty / A business Idea to earn profit by making candle by using modern and traditional methods / Mobile: 01819363865
26 / Md. Arefur Rahman / Handicraft Business / Flat: 3rd, House: 171, 2nd lane, (off side of Law College, Kalabagan, Dhaka
Mobile: 01977158022
27 / Md. Mozammel Hoque / National Co. Ltd / MÖvg: fxiZjv, WvKNi:BwjqU MÄ, `vD`Kvw›`, Kzwgjøv
Mobile: 01845661651
28 / Mohammad Habibul Akkas / Rayat Manufacturer (jute bag) / House: 18, Road: 08, Baunia, Turag, Dhaka-1230
Mobile: 01716240374
29 / Tanvir Ahmed Romel / Ahornish information technology service center / 396/wm, gvwjevM †PŠayixcvov, wLjMuvI, XvKv-1219
Mobile: 01725465709
2013-14 A_©eQ‡i Av‡e`bKvix
30 / Humayun Kabir / Green Furniture & Accessories / 329, Surjasen Hall, University of Dhaka
Mobile: 01757-962309
31 / Jarin Najnin / BioPack -Environment is our Friend / Bnasree,Block-A, Road-5, Dhaka 01684515187
32 / Md.Shahidul Islam / Green Chain Recycling (PVT) Ltd. / Room No.150, Salimullah Muslim Hall, Dhaka University, Dhaka-1000.
Mobile: 01824522392
33 / Yiaser Arafat Rubel / Gypsum3R (Sustainable Building Materials from Industrial Waste) / Room No.-207, Suhrawardy Hall, BUET, Dhaka-1000
Mobile: 01727844276
34 / Fahim Hassan / “Plutus Packaging Company Limited”
(Fiber polythene bags) / 279/2, Banglasarak, Rayerbazar, Dhaka
Mobile: 01742203556
35 / Debojit Saha / Shurokkha / 62 R K Mission Road Gopibagh Dhaka
Mobile: 01819525042
36 / Ruksana Afroj / Rosh-Up: "Eat green, think green". / 147, D P Road, Narayanganj-1400
Mobile: 01676035153
37 / MD. Rabiul Islam / Life protector from useless materials / 316/B, Shaheed shamsul haque hall, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Mobile: 01719246685
38 / Naimur Rahman Sarker / Textile Yarn From Sugar Cane Bagasse / 247/1 West Monipur, Mirpur-2 , Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01677151099
39 / Muntaka Mohammed Sayeed / Regenerated Furniture Assistance / 13, Ameer Hossain Dovash Road, Bara Bari, Rashid Building 1st By Lane,Chittagong-4100
Mobile: 01812799962
40 / Md. Alim Al Razi / Produce Environmentally friendly products by the bagasse / Sumita Engineering,Ground Floor,2/1 Monipuripara, Sangsad Avenue, Dhaka-1215
Mobile: 01724320004
41 / MD. Asif Jobayer / Green World / 309/2 East Nakhalpara, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01685570116
42 / M. Shafiq Zaman / Producing Dry Ice & Liquid CO2 from Emitted CO2 Gas / Room no. 314, Khan Bahadur Ahasanullah Hall, Khulna University, Khulna. +8801717738070
43 / Masud Rabbi / Jute Composite Furniture / 38 B/B 2nd Colony Mirpur 1, Dhaka 1216 01777804729, Mobile: 01681016265
44 / Md. Alim Al Razi / Produce Environmentally friendly products by the bagasse / Sumita Engineering,Ground Floor,2/1 Monipuripara, Sangsad Avenue, Dhaka-1215
Mobile: 01724320004
RvZxq e¨emvq cwiKíbv cÖwZ‡hvwMZv-2016
e¨emvq cwiKíbv ˆZwi welqK IqvK©kc
ZvwiL: 23 AvM÷ 2016, g½jevi
mgq: mKvj 9:00 Uv
¯’vb: GmGgB dvD‡Ûk‡bi Kvh©vjq
IqvK©k‡c AskMÖnYKvix‡`i ZvwjKv (MÖæc-we)
Sl / Applicant Name / Title of the Business / Address /2015-16 A_©eQ‡i Av‡e`bKvix
1 / †gvt †nvmvBb / evsjv‡`k b¨vPv‡ij Gw›U Bb‡m± / 77, †RvbvKx †ivW, cvBKcvov, wgicyi-01
Mobile: 01923860066
2 / Shafikul Hasan Riaz / NBOM Ltd / H-40, R-2, B-E, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01752025611
3 / Zahidul Alam / chitin, chitosan,glucosamine / 33/c, Dilu road, New Eskaton, Dhaka
Mobile: 01711402381
4 / Md Raihan Kawshaik / Banna fiber ,textile and by products / 126/2/KA, North Mugdhapara, Dhaka
Mobile: 01689902435
5 / Sourav Chakraborty / Production of Biodiesel, Biofertilizer and Glycerine from jatropha plant / Dept. of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Mobile: 01738370061
6 / Anisar Rahman / Eco-Friendly Bio-pesticide and bio fertilizer production / Hatibanda-5820, Gabtali, Bogra
Mobile: 01911085586
7 / Syed Nur-A-Alam Siddique / E Krishi: Sun511 / Road#31, House#9, Block-10, Section-10, Mirpur, Dhaka
Mobile: 01746698365, 01778755523
8 / Iqbal Hossain / Save the Green / Room # 446, Master da Surjasen Hall, Dhaka University
Mobile: 01681287376
9 / Abdullah Al Zabir / Anti Mosquito Business Plan / Room#358, Humayoun Rashid Hall, Sylhet Agricultural University
Mobile: 01717416364
10 / ‡gvt †ejøvj nvIjv`vi / B‡Kv GbvwR© / 847, c~e© KvRxcvov, wgicyi,XvKv
Mobile: 01933785181
11 / Farhana Afroj / Vita coco / 533 dzjevoxqv, evþYevoxqv
Mobile: 01787774712
12 / Syed Ataullah Ibrahim / EasyBag(Bio-degredable poly bags) / 2/a, Golam Mostafa Lane, Begum Bazar, Dhaka
Mobile: 01777647625
13 / Gm Gg dviƒK / ev‡qv M¨vm Gi e¨envi e„w× Kiv / Mobile: 01712-117588
14 / Rezwan Haque / Ctrl F(Control Fake): Expired Product varification through mobile sms / 347, Fazlul Huq Muslim Hall, The University of Dhaka
Mobile: 01671013550
15 / Mehnaz Arin Oni / Sapodilla fruit Shake / Chameli Bhaban, Room No: 511, Begum Ruqayyah Hall, University of Dhaka
Mobile: 01680478168
16 / A. M. Anisuddin Bappy / Coconut Husk Soil / Nurul Amin Manik, 4285/A Khalifa para, Khaja Para, Khaja Road, South Chandgaon, Chittagong-4212
Mobile: 01818511955
17 / Md.Omar Faruk / Making fish feed pellet in Bangladesh / Purbo Bheramara, PS: Bheramara, Dist: Kushtia
Mobile: 01677548091
18 / Mohammed Forkan Alam / Grameen Online Health Care(E-Health) / C/o: Md. Fazlul Hoque Master, Vill + Po-Ramchandrapur, PS-Muradnagar, Dist: Comilla
Mobile: 01713371533 (off)
19 / Jannatul Naima / DiaHeal Firm(Greensulin: Insulin plant based products) / 52 Hazrat Shahjalal Road, Konapara, Demra, Dhaka-1362
Mobile: 01717431272
20 / Fauzia Sultana / Drizzle Bluetooth Umbrella Ltd / House-06, Line-01, Block-B, Avenue-3, Section: 11, Pallabi, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01683065025
21 / Zarif Hassan / White Board Marker manufacturing & Sales / Flat-2E,
Sheltech Niribili
210/2 Elephant Road, Dhaka-1205
Mobile: +8801911348093
22 / ‡gvt †Mvjvg wKewiqv ivnvZ / Oxx leather product comoany Ltd / we`¨vf~wg GKv‡Wwg, evox-06, †ivW-11, iæcbMi Av/G, wgicyi XvKv|
Mobile: 01710338835
23 / ‡gvt ivqnvb gvgy` ivmy / Leather goods / iæg-1000, Kz`iZ B Ly`v, eøK-mv‡Ru›U Rûiæj nK nj
Mobile: 01521-495801
24 / Fahima Nuzhat Jahan / Rangan Jute Products / 265/1 West Monipur, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Tel: 9009428
25 / Md. Abu Saleh Abir / Healthy Fast Food From Fish / Gopalpur IB Road,
Mobile: 1681747755
26 / Md. Farhan Shahriar / Confidence Sanitary napkin / 15, Road: 12, Block: A, Benarosi polli, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: 01534989320
27 / MD. Rakib Ahamed / Eco-Edition Craft(Button manufacturing from waste materials like coconut) / B/40 Eastern Housing Ltd.
Faridabad, Dhaka-1204
Mobile: 01719336814
28 / Md. Abdul Latif / Adorsho Agro Farm / nvRx kwn`yjøvn mycvi gv‡K©U, 3q Zjv, KvUvevox (evM`v evRvi), †vc: KvUvevox (evM`v evRvi), Dc‡Rjv: †Mvwe›`MÄ, †Rjv: MvBevÜv
Mobile: 01774545365
2013-14 A_©eQ‡i Av‡e`bKvix
29 / MD. Nasim Uddin / Pulp Fiction (Eco-Pen business) / 210, Kabi Jasimuddin Hall, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mobile: 01670339291
30 / Towqeer Ahmed / Ananab Plastic Company / D-503, BSL Residential Complex, Mirpur-13, Dhaka-1216
Mobile: +8801966120232
31 / Sudarshan Kundu / Solar Cold Storage ( A new h0rizon for farmers) / Vill: Schoolpara, P.O & P.S: Ishurdi, Dist: Pabna
Mobile: 01770705469
32 / Name: A.K.M.Monirul Islam / ComfoBike / Mobile: 01913479000
33 / Hisham Uddin Khan / Healthy Food Colors / 5/A/26, Razia Sultana Road, Mohammedpur , Dhaka 1207
Mobile: 01713389890
34 / Imran Hasan / SkyShare / Baliapukur Rajshahi
Mobile: 01746026404
35 / Md. Minul Islam / Manufacturing of Wooden like board from local grass namely paitra bon in southern part of Bangladesh. / Room no. 201/A, Ashraful Haque Hall, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202
Mobile: 01911734039
36 / S.M. Samau Nus Shafa / Foot Sun Electricity / House 8, Road 1, Shekertak PC Culture Society, Adabar, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: 01943680410
37 / Zahidul Alam / Biochemical’s Limited / 33/C, Dilu Road, New Eskaton, Dhaka.
Mobile: 01711402381
38 / Adib Uz Zaman / Manufacturing of Fiberglass / 382/C, Malibag Choudhury Para, Dhaka-1219.
Mobile: 01670754563
39 / Raiha Nawal / Surf Gold / 3/10, Block G, Lalmatia, Dhaka-1207
Mobile: 01741124928
40 / Farhad Azim / Activated Carbon From Saw Dust and Coconut Shell / Room no- 2013, Shahidullah Hall, University Of Dhaka.
Mobile: 01670692827
41 / Kamrul Islam Lipu / Manufacturing of Propylene Glycol / 5012, Dr. M.A. Rashid Hall, BUET
Mobile: 01682624221
42 / হুমাইরা জেসমিন / মাছের আঁশ থেকে জৈব প্লাস্টিক উৎপাদন। / রুম নং- ২০৮, বেগম ফজিলাতুন্নেসা মুজিব হল, শেরে বাংলা কৃষি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ঢাকা-১২০৭
Mobile: ০১৭২০৪৭৯৬৭৯
43 / Md. Ali Ahmed (Mohi) / Sonirvor Palmoil tree plantation Ltd. / Vill- Babutipara, PO- Eliotgonj
PS- Muradnagar Dist-Comilla
Mobile: 01728942049,