MAY 6, 2013
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Haber called the public hearing to order. He stated that it was for the opt out program for the electric aggregation. Jeff Allsman with Good Energy explained that the referendum passed in April gave the Village Board the ability to decide the electric rates for the residents in the Village. A request for proposal had already been sent out to electric providers. Good Energy is the consultants for more than 20 communities. The providers had to be able to combine with Ameren’s billing system. The only difference on the bill will be the supply portion that shows the rate will be less than the current rate of over five cents per kilowatt hour. They also have to maintain customer service. They also have to guarantee they will at least match the Ameren rate. He explained how the opt out would work. Ralph Bowley asked how long the contract is for. Jeff answered a year. Jeff explained a list has been sent to Ameren and they will get with the Village to decide what citizens won’t benefit from the aggregation and they are taken off the list. Residents who take part in real time pricing from Ameren will also be opted out but they can chose to opt back in if they would like. Tracy Holmes asked if they would have to wait until the contract is up to opt back in. Jeff answered they would have to contact Ameren. A resident asked if he was already in the program since he just moved to the Village. Jeff answered that if he was already getting utility bills, he was in the program. Another resident asked if the Village has gone out for bids for other companies like Good Energy. Mayor Harber answered no, they did not. Ralph stated Good Energy came to the Village. Tracy added that he shouldn’t confuse Good Energy, who is the consultant, with the provider, who hasn’t been approved yet. Discussion followed about different providers. Jeff explained that if a citizen already has gone with another provider than Ameren, they will not be a part of this program. A citizen asked how they will know the citizen is getting the lowest price since the providers are paying the consultant. Jeff explained that a representative from the Village can attend the bid openings. The new supplier will send a letter with a tear off piece to be sent back if a resident would like to opt out and Ameren will confirm it with the resident. Discussion followed. A citizen asked what would happen if the new provider would go bankrupt. Jeff placed a call to Steve with Good Energy and he answered that there is a clause that all the customers would go back to Ameren. A resident asked if he would be notified what the new rates are going to be. Jeff answered yes, once the provider is decided. Jeff used a residents Ameren bill to explain what the changes will look like on the bill. There were no more questions or opponents. Mayor Harber closed the meeting.
MAY 6, 2013
7:00 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by Weldon Harber, with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Ray Famula, Mike French, Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, and Mike Todd. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Ralph Bowley made a motion to open the public hearing. Ray Famula seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Harber announced the hearing was for the opt out program for electric aggregation. There was a notice in the Belleville News-Democrat on April 18th. There were no objectors or supporters. Ralph Bowley made a motion to close the public hearing. Mike Todd seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Harber swore in Crissy Wegescheide as the Village Clerk.
A motion was made by Mike Todd to approve the April 15th minutes. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS: Ralph Bowley stated he reviewed the bills. Ralph Bowley made a motion to pay the bills. Ray Famula seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ralph stated the Village saved $1,500 in the month of April by using Cost Recovery Corporation. The Village has saved over $67,300 in the 18 months of using Cost Recovery Corporation.
SEWER: Al Lehr stated the plant had a high load from the previous two storms so Brian has been pumping water to the lagoon. Brian will run the water back from the lagoon as it goes out of the plant. There have been complaints of water in residents’ basements which is due to the heavy rain.
WATER: Al Lehr stated Brian is still working on getting the bid for the panel board for the ground storage tank. They are trying to find the right one for what is needed.
REFUSE: Al Lehr stated everything was fine at the Township Recycling on Saturday, May 4th. Trash pick-up is also going well.
STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Mike Todd stated Millstadt Legion Post 502 Auxiliary would like to use the 4-way intersection at Washington Street and Jefferson Street to collect for their Poppy Days. Mike Todd made a motion to allow the Millstadt Legion Post 502 Auxiliary to collect at the intersection of Washington Street and Jefferson Street for Poppy Days 2013 on Friday, May 24th and Saturday, May 25th from 3pm to 6pm or 7pm. Linda Lehr seconded the motion. Mayor Harber stated there would be a possible rain date of the following week. The motion carried unanimously.
Mike Todd stated the bids had been opened for oil and chipping. EJ Dougherty Oil and Stone Supply had the low bid of 30,000 gallons of oil for $2.117. Oil and chipping will be done on July 11th, July 25th, August 8th, and August 15th.
PUBLIC BUILDINGS, MAINTENANCE, AND EQUIPMENT: Mike Todd stated the X Mark mower at the sewer plant cracked a head. To fix it would cost $3,000. The mower is 10 years old. Don Traiteur is pricing new mowers and will take one of the old ones down to the sewer plant.
CABLE SERVICES AND CELL TOWERS: Linda Lehr stated the franchise agreement with Charter Cable is due this fall. The paperwork is in progress with Charter who will then pass it along to the Village. The Village receives 5% from the cable services.
Steve Muskopf stated that Verizon will be doing a tech upgrade over the summer. They will probably be updating their 4G service. There is no date set yet. Linda asked if Verizon will contact him. Steve answered yes, because they need a new shelter so they will have to apply for a permit.
ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS: Mike French stated Ordinance 1110 is to approve the electric aggregation plan amending code to opt out and implements the program for the Illinois Power Agency. Mike French made a motion to approve Ordinance 1110 as presented. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mike French stated Resolution 13-06 is based on the passed referendum authorizing the execution of the service provider that was the lowest bidder for those who didn’t opt out of the program. Mike French made a motion to accept Resolution 13-06 as presented. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mike French stated Ordinance 1111 is a zoning ordinance for case V147. It is for II Progressive Properties at 711 West Washington Street. It is for a variance of 10 feet and the buildings will be moved to the south. The setback will be 40 feet instead of 50 feet. The Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval. Mike French made a motion to accept Ordinance 1111 as presented. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Ray Famula stated the pool is being cleaned for the upcoming season. The chair lift has arrived and will be installed soon. Ray stated the concrete has been poured for the new basketball court. There will be a Park Board meeting in May. Ray stated he ok’d Laura Schafer creating a Facebook page for the parks.
CEMETERY: Ray Famula stated there has been a struggle to keep the grass cut between the rain storms but it is getting done.
COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated there was a Bunco Night on April 4th that raised $1,400. There was a Senior Spelling Bee on April 12th that included 10 participants. The 1st and 2nd place winners will progress to the regional Spelling Bee to be held on June 14th at the Community Center. There will also be a quilt raffle on June 14th. Linda stated there were 529 volunteer hours clocked at the Center during the month of April.
PLANNING COMMISSION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French stated there would be no Planning Commission meeting for the month of May.
TIF: none
Police Department – none
Emergency Service and Disaster Agency – Travis Jones stated the check would be sent out on May 7th or 8th for the new siren. It will take 10 to 12 weeks and will be installed by Global Tech. Travis stated he gave the trustees a packet on Code Red and would like to discuss it at the next Village Board meeting.
Fire Department – none
BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf stated the following permits were issued:
Johnson 3314 Diamond View Court Single Family Residence
Johnson 570 Admiral Wendt Parkway Single Family Residence
Johnson 562 Admiral Wendt Parkway Single Family Residence
KTM Properties 548 East Washington Street Sign
KTM Properties 548 East Washington Street Sign
Wenge 608 Manor Lane Fence
OLD BUSINESS: Mayor Harber gave his annual Mayor’s report of the year’s activities. He thanked everyone for allowing him the pleasure of serving as Mayor of Millstadt.
Mike Todd stated the June 29th Movie in the Park will be Escape from Planet Earth. The August 10th Movie in the Park will be Rise of the Guardians.
Mike Todd stated that if anyone is interested in the 60/40 project, they need to give their information to the Village Office and it will be looked into.
NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Harber congratulated everyone that was elected to the Village Board and praised the fine job they will do.
Mayor Harber presented Linda Lehr with a plaque thanking her for her years of service to the Village of Millstadt.
Mike Todd presented Mayor Harber with a clock on behalf of the Village Board and the residents thanking him for his 32 years of service to the Village.
Crissy Wegescheide swore in Mike French, Al Lehr, and Mark Todd as Trustees. Crissy swore in Mike Todd as Mayor.
Mayor Todd asked the Trustees for a motion to appoint Kurt Pellman to the vacant trustee spot. Mike French motioned to appoint Kurt Pellman as Trustee. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Crissy Wegescheide swore in Kurt Pellman as Trustee.
CITIZENS COMMENTS: Charlie Mueth thanked the Village for fixing East Madison Street behind Mertz. He has delivered mail in Collinsville and would like to see the Village streets improved before the oil and chipping is done. The new concrete roads in Alpine Trails and Alpine Meadows are already busted. Charlie suggested to save time and maintenance in the future these roads should be improved. He would like to see the Trustees work out a program with the Village maintenance crew. He would rather see the roads get fixed than oil and chipped.
ADJOURNMENT: Ralph Bowley made a motion to adjourn the general Village Board meeting and was seconded by Al Lehr. The motion carried unanimously.
Crissy Wegescheide, Clerk Weldon Harber, Mayor