Diocletian´s Palace – 1700th anniversary (305 – 2005) of the

8th Wonder of the Ancient World

1.  Read these instructions carefully:

a)  Open this word-document on your computer and save it locally (the teacher will give you instructions on the appropriate drive + directory) under the name of your group (=group1)

b)  Type/ copy and paste all the results of your research into this document immediately!

c)  Have both Internet-browser and Word-application open!

d)  Hitting the appropriate icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen will allow you to switch from application to application.

e)  If you want to insert texts/ images from Internet sources, make sure:

§  you mark the desired text/ image

§  click the right mousebutton

§  choose „COPY“

§  change to your Word-document by means of the taskbar!

§  Hit in the menu above – the text/ image will be inserted!

f)  At the end of your research list all the sources you have used (Copy URL from the location menu!)

2.  Study the Powerpointpresentation about Diocletians Palace and try to obtain a first general view of the building and its history. Concentrate especially on the following points: “Diocletian´s Palace”, “The Basement”, “The Temple of Jupiter”. Then answer the questions below.

Here you get the solution.

a) / What is the scheme of the palace? Compare with another picture of the Palace!
b) / What are the dimensions of the palace?
c) / In which part of the palace were the emperor´s quarters situated?
d) / What did the basement enable?
e) / The whole substructure has not been changed throughout the past 17 centuries. So what can we say about the form of the emperor´s residential quarters?
f) / How did the later generations use the Basement Halls?
g) / The figures of which gods can we find in the Temple of Jupiter?
h) / What happened with the temple in the Middle Ages?
i) / Have a look at a modern map of Split! What´s the difference between the local situation in 305 and 2005? Compare with the reconstruction of the palace you have seen in the powerpointpresentation and with this modern photo!

3.  Browse through the presentation “The Palace of Diocletian at Split: A unique structure from the later Roman empire” and answer the following questions (use Strg+ F):

a) / Where does the name “Split” come from?
b) / Which famous architect tried a resconstruction of the palace in 1721?

Here you get the solution. J

4.  The following links offer information about Emperor Diocletian. After having read the information, answer the following questions:






Very good link in German

Stemmata of the tetrarchs

Here you get the solution. J

a) / When and why did Diocletian resign?
b) / Describe the district (“tetrarchy”) ruled by Diocletian himself!
c) / Which reforms did Diocletian initiate?
d) / How many provinces did Diocletian install? Why did he do so?
e) / How did Diocletian try to strenghten Roman tradition?
f) / What was the name of the capital of the Roman province of Dalmatia?
g) / When was the palace included in the register of the World Cultural Heritage?
h) / Which was the main gate of the palace? What reasons are there for your argumentation?

5.  Have a look at the colorslide-show “Dioklecijanova Palaca” at the Croatian EC-Community and at the following links, which offer photos too:






6.  Translation: Lactantius, De mortibus persecutorum 7,8,42,52

Diocletian became – in a negative way – well known for his very harsh persecution of the Christians.

Lactantius, born around 250 in Africa, wrote from the Christian view about the “deaths of the emperors, who persecuted Christians”. One of these emperors was Diocletian…

Translate chapters 7, 8, 42 and 52. Don´t forget to save your document after having finished work!

Lactanti effigies (?), pictura muralis, saec. IV

7.  After this lesson you´re an expert on Diocletian and Split. Therefore it shouldn´t be difficult for you to solve this riddle!

In which buildings in the area of Diocletian´s Palace can you find these motives:

To get the pictures large hit them!

8.  At the end you surely know the form of the most important places worth seeing of Diocletian´s Palace:

Walls, Gates, Peristyle, Vestibule, Temple of Jupiter, Mausoleum, Basement and the Emperor’s Apartments.

Please fill in the correct names (into the textfields)!

Here you can find the solution! J


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