INDICIUM Guidelines:

How to register as SDF

Password Resetting


1 / Type in the link on your browser(Best viewed in Google)

You can access the system by via our website on the home page.
Just click on the orange block that states INDICIUM – SDF/User Logon

You can access the system by going to our website:
Skills Planning > Mandatory Grants > INDICIUM LOGON
2 / Click on the Register an SDF Link on the login page

3 / Click on Register

4 / Capture the person’s details.
Please note: All mandatory fields will be highlighted in red when trying to save and information has not been completed

At the bottom there is a Save and Proceed button click on itto move to the next step.
5 /
6 / Click on the magnifying glass to enter yourOrganisation
details that you wish to be linked to
7 / Type the SDL number and then click on the Search button
The search result will return the organisation if it exists. Click on the name until the area is highlighted and click on Select button to add it.

9 / Upload the Letter of Appointment by clicking on the Choose File button then click on Upload. Wait until the document is uploaded before proceeding. You will see this is loaded by the green line it will throw out as per the screen shot displayed.

Once the company is linked and the Letter of Appointment uploaded, it will appear as on the right
Proceed to click the Finalise Application button to submit the application

Please note for first time registered SDFs their logon details will be as follows:

Username: ID Number

Password: Surname

This is system generated and will expire within 30 days. For already registered SDFs their old logon credentials still function on Indicium.

Once logging in with your password the system will force the user to update their passwords immediately. Enter the new password, confirm it and go back to the login screen and re-enter the new password. Please follow the forgot password functionality

1 / Type in the link on your browser (Best viewed in Google)

You can access the system by via our website on the home page.
Just click on the orange block that states INDICIUM – SDF/User Logon

Or you can access the system by going to our website:
Skills Planning > Mandatory Grants > INDICIUM LOGON

2 / Fill in required logon credentials.
Click Login when complete

/ SDF dashboard appears after logging in
1 / Type in the link on your browser (Best viewed in Google)

You can access the system by via our website on the home page.
Just click on the orange block that states INDICIUM – SDF/User Logon

Or you can access the system by going to our website:
Skills Planning > Mandatory Grants > INDICIUM LOGON
2 / Click on Forgot Password link
3 / Fill in username and click Request Password
*Note the password reset will be sent to the email linked to the username provided

4 / Email notification for temporary password
5 / Input the temporary password received in the e-mail when you login. Click Login

6 / The system will prompt you to change password immediately after using the temporary password

7 / Click Change Password to confirm password change
*NOTE password must be 8 characters in length

8 / After successful password change the following screen appears where you can logon using new details

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