Attending Chairs and Co-Chairs:

Jennifer Wenzel, Director of Research

Lora Beebe

Ellen Buckner

Cathy Campbell

Barbara Carlson

Ruth Tappen

Deborah Jones

Maren Coffman

Leanne Lefler

Karen Karlowicz

Julie Meaux

Eugenia Millender

Lyn Stankiewicz-Murphy

Christine Williams


Ann Mehan Crosse, Executive Director

Welcomes New RIGs Leaders

Urged everyone to review the leadership list to be sure that contact information is accurate. Jennifer announced the new RIG. Be sure to report any communications issues to Jennifer and Ann Mehan Crosse. Happy to explore other forms of communication other than the listserv. Asked for suggestions. Requests for RIG member list can be obtained by request to Ann Mehan Crosse. Each RIG has its own Web page on the SNRS Web site. She encouraged RIG leaders to utilize this and keep information up to date. Linda Pocsik, 720-881-6117 or email: is the RC staff that can assist with RIG Web pages. Her contact information is in the RIG Handbook.

RIGs Presence at Annual Meeting

·  Dedicated symposia for 2010 Conference:

o  Community/Public Health

·  RIGs expressing an interest in sponsoring a symposium does not mean that you are obligated; it simply serves as a placeholder for the Annual Conference Planning Committee. If you are interested in presenting a RIG-sponsored symposium at the Annual Conference, please let Jennifer Wenzel know. Suggestions for improving this process are welcome. Input from the RIGs leadership will be extremely important as we establish policies and procedures for the RIGs.

·  Some discussion surrounding the possibility (probably less likely due to the current financial climate) of RIG-sponsored preconferences. This process is the same as any group proposing a preconference workshop, but RIGs do have some opportunities, through RIG-sponsored SOJNR issues and symposia, to be able to build member interest.

·  The Aging/Gerontology, Minority Health and Psych/Mental Health RIGs are all in the process of incorporating new awards, adding to our recent history of the Parent/Child student poster awards. Cindy Munro, Director of Grants and Ann Malecha, Director of Awards have developed new RIG award guidelines, which will be incorporated into the RIG policies and procedures. Criteria will need to be developed for RIGs with general member awards. RIG Chairs will need to work with Ann Malecha to develop various award criteria, keeping in mind that we would like to standardize the all types of award guidelines across RIGs as much as possible.

Director Announcements

·  Continuing requests for information to update individual RIG Web pages [please see the following RIG Web pages for examples: Academic Nurse Managed Centers, Aging/Gerontology, Biobehavioral, Community/Public Health, Evidence-based Practice; Health Promotion, Minority Health, Parent/Child, Psych/Mental Health, Psychometrics—the photos on the Minority Health and Parent-Child Web pages are especially nice!] Linda Pocsik is the staff person at the Resource Center who can assist you with your Web pages. Leann Lefler also works with keeping the SNRS Web site up to date. She asked those RIGs who do not currently have a Web presence to contact her if they need assistance in getting their pages set up. Jennifer Wenzel is also available to review content or assist in whatever way possible.

·  All new RIG leaders are asked to provide short bio to include in upcoming newsletters. If you have highlights/suggestions for next newsletter, please contact Lenora Smith, Southern Connections Newsletter Editor.

·  RIGs Director and Chair-elects will compose a RIGs Council to work with Marti Rice on the development of RIG policies and procedures. All Chairs who are interested are also invited to participate. We expect to begin this work prior to the annual meeting in 2010 (it has taken longer than anticipated to revise the policies and procedures for the organization-at-large).

·  Please review the RIGs leadership list to verify Chair and Co-chair contact information. Please provide corrected information to Ann Mehan Crosse at the Resource Center. Jennifer Wenzel stressed the importance of keeping your SNRS membership current to retain your leadership position.

RIG Leadership Issues/Questions

Ruth Tappen, Psychometric RIG would like suggestions on what kinds of information should go on RIG Web pages. Please contact Leann Lefler for suggestions. Template for RIG Chairs to use to get started is included as Appendix A of this document. All RIGs have a listserv; frequent discussions on listservs are also suggestions to post on RIG Web sites.

Jennifer Wenzel will send provide resource information on setting up blogs or conference calls that will be sent out along with the minutes of this meeting. (Provided as an Appendix B to these minutes.)

The next RIGs Leadership meeting will be held in Austin as a face-to-face, self-pay dinner meeting. RIG Chairs do receive a reduced registration fee of $175.00 for the conference.

Leann Lefler reminded everyone that a how-to article with instructions for sending RIG email blasts was in the last Southern Connections newsletter.

Appendix A


RIG NAME ______

Welcome from ______Chair and ______Chair-elect of the ______Research Interest Group. The purpose (Our MISSION perhaps) of the ______RIG is to: ______

We offer networking opportunities, peer support, and inspiration to others interested in this area of work and research. We encourage all members to participate. We welcome all interested parties in our area of work--researchers, clinicians, academicians, and students to our RIG. Be sure to “sign-up” by logging in to the Members-Only section and choose which RIG(s) to join. There is no fee to participate and you can join up to three RIGs as part of your membership benefits. Just “click” on the topic and the Resource Center will do the rest!

We met at the 2009 Annual SNRS Conference in Baltimore. We discussed the following: 1), 2), 3), and 4)

Our recent activities and/or current projects and/or opportunities include______are you giving any awards for posters or presentations within your RIG? What about sponsoring a symposium or preconference? What about sponsoring an issue of SOJNRyou’re your RIG scheduled to sponsor an issue? Contact Judith Lewis, editor if interested. ______

Appendix B

Resources for RIG Leaders

RIG webpage & blog information:

There is a free blog service (that also has additional options that you must pay for). Here is a link to their tutorial on setting up a blog: Here is the link to Word Press, to sign up for a blog:

Doctoral students within SNRS have set up their own blog using wordpress:

We also have another research association that uses a different service, here is a link to their blog:

Please take a look at these links and let me know what you think. If this is something you are interested in, you can set up the blog then send me the link to post on the website. Please let me know If you have any questions. Thanks!!!

There are really no space constraints as far as the web is concerned. Typically, pages simply link to other pages or documents such as pdf’s or the like.

Linda Pocsik,

For those interested in conference calls within RIGs:

Here is the conference call service I use (see link below). There is no charge for the service (everyone calls in just as when using a conference service), but people do have to call in to a main # which is not toll-free (however, with cell phones & University calling plans, we have not found this to be insurmountable an issue). It has worked quite well for my study team and for other study teams here on campus as well. It's possible to have calls recorded, andwhoever sets up the account as host willreceive a record of each call & information re: who dials in.

Jennifer Wenzel,

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