Newsletter – January 2014
Dr Victoria Gauge
We were delighted to welcome Dr Gauge to the practice on 1 June 2013. She has replaced Dr Gavin McBride, who has moved on to do a variety of medical jobs in the district.
Dr Gauge has worked both as a trainee and salaried doctor in the practice for a number of years, and is now a member of the partnership. We are delighted that she has remained with us.
Dr Mike Doherty
We also welcomed Dr Doherty to the practice on 1 October 2013. He replaced Dr John Saunders, who has retired as a GP after 30 years here at the practice.
Dr Doherty is an experienced GP and comes to us from a practice in Burnley. Mike lives locally with his family. He has a particular interest in orthopaedic medicine.
Dr Fairwood
Dr Fairwood returned from maternity leave in the summer and now works for three days a week in the practice.
Patient Survey 2013
In September 2013 we asked patients a number of questions about the practice, and asked them to answer each question as either: excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor. The following results indicate the percentage of patients who answered either excellent, very good, or good:
Ease of contacting the practice on the telephone / 87%
Satisfaction with the practice opening hours / 90%
Ability to see a doctor on the day if needed / 81%
Ability to see a doctor of your choice / 76%
Ability to see a doctor more than 2 days in advance / 73%
Length of time waiting in the practice / 70%
About the Staff
Manner treated by receptionist on the phone / 94%
Manner treated by receptionist at surgery / 97%
How do you find the dispensary service / 90%
How do you find the treatment room service / 97%
How do you find the blood clinic / 90%
About your Consultation
Manner treated by the doctor or nurse / 99%
Respect shown for your privacy and confidentiality / 99%
The amount of time you were given / 99%
My confidence in the doctor or nurse’s ability / 99%
The doctor or nurse’s explanation of things to me / 99%
The respect shown to me by the doctor or nurse / 99%
About the Building
The signage within the health centre / 83%
Access to health information leaflets / 89%
Comfort level of the waiting room / 80%
The following results indicate the percentage of patients who agreed with the statement:
About the Opening HoursI would like the practice to open additional time / 49%
I would like the practice to open before 8.00 am / 44%
I would like the practice to open after 6.30 pm / 56%
I would like the practice to open on Saturday / 71%
The results of the survey were presented to the Clitheroe Health Centre User Group on 22 October 2013. An action plan will be developed in consultation with the group over the coming weeks. The main issues for patients were:
· To extend the opening hours
· To enable patients to see their own doctor more easily
· To enable patients to book appointments within a shorter time period
· To be informed when the doctor is running late
· To improve the comfort level of the waiting room
Appointments – Should we change the system?
Whilst there is generally a high degree of satisfaction with the practice, there has been some dissatisfaction with the appointment system in recent months. Last year we responded to complaints from patients who felt that they were unable to book appointments in advance. We increased the number of appointments available in each surgery to be booked in advance, and consequently reduced the number of appointments available to be booked on the day. This meant that we had to restrict the on the day appointments to things that needed to be seen on the day. Routine things had to be booked in advance.
Most people would be happy with this arrangement if they could be seen for routine matters within a few days. Unfortunately, we have not always been able to meet patient expectations, leading to some disgruntlement.
Understandably this is frustrating for patients and staff. We are trying to look at ways of improving things, and would ask people to be patient with our reception team, who are trying their best to accommodate people’s requests.
Some people have asked us to go back to the way we used to manage doctor’s appointments, where all patients would contact the practice for an appointment on the day they wished to be seen, whether urgent or routine. Many people liked the system, but some patients were unable to get to surgery on the day, especially if they work, or live out in remote parts of the area.
We have decided to ask patients which of the two following options they would prefer:
1. All appointments for urgent and routine matters will be booked on the day that the patient wishes to be seen (not in advance).
2. Appointments for urgent problems will be booked on the day and routine appointments will be bookable in advance. Note – the waiting time for a routine (or non-urgent) appointment may involve a significant wait.
Please let us know your preferred option by completing one of the questionnaires available on the reception desk in the New Year.
Suggestion Box
Please let us know your comments and suggestions about the practice by completing a slip of paper on reception and placing in the suggestion box.
Patient User Group
We run a user group jointly with Pendleside Medical Practice, and collectively try to involve patients in how local health services are provided.
We are always looking for new members – we meet once every 3-months, for an hour, at 6.00 pm. If you would like to join us please contact Phil Mileham (Managing Partner), or leave your details at the reception desk. The next meeting is on Tuesday 28 January 2014.
Are you caring for a member of the family, neighbour or friend? Did you know that you can get help and support (sometimes financial) if you are caring for somebody?
The practice is trying to encourage people who are carers to let us know – we can sign post people to a fabulous organisation called Carers Link, who offer practical help and support to people. They can offer breaks from your caring role; help in an emergency; a sitting service, grants to help you take a break, a free information pack and other support.
If you are a carer please do tell someone on reception – they will give you more details about Carers Link, and with your permission, put you in touch with them, or, you may telephone them direct on:
Tel: 0345 688 7113
My Doctor’s Surgery
Useful Telephone Numbers:
Practice Number 01200 413535 NHS East Lancashire (CCG) 01282 644700
Dispensary Number 01200 413585 East Lancashire Hospitals 01254 263555
Treatment Room 01200 413588 Clitheroe Hospital 01200 427311
District Nurses 01200 413516 Out of Hours Services 111
Health Visitors 01254 828005 Health Centre Reception 01200 413500
Doctor’s Surgery Times (January 2014)
Doctor / Mon / Tues / Wed / Thurs / FriAM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM / AM / PM
Fairwood / In / In / In / In / In / In
Flatley / In / In / In / In / In / In / In / In / In
Higson (D = Dermatology) / In / D / D / In / D / D / In / D
Ibbotson (S = Stonyhurst) / In / S / In / In / In / In / In / In
Mackean (T = Training) / In / In / In / In / In / In / T / In / In
Gauge / In / In / In / In / In / In / In / In
Mellody / In / In / In / In / In / In
Owen (T = Training) (S = Stonyhurst) / In / T / In / In / In alt am / S / In
Doherty / In / In / In / In / In / In / In / In
Holch / In / In / In / In / In
McCreath / In / In / In / In / In / In
Sunil / In / In / In / In / In / In
APPOINTMENTS – 01200 413535