Terms of Reference

Consultant: Corporate Social Responsibility for Children –

Corporate Analysis with Reference to Marketing, Industry Research Development and Support to CSR Screening Consultation Process

Corporate Social Responsibility Unit, UNICEF Private Fundraising and Partnerships


The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Unit within the Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division is responsible for developing UNICEF’s strategy for advancing children’s rights with business in order to guide UNICEF country offices, regional offices and national committees. The strategy is complemented by a range of tools that provide further technical and practical guidance on how businesses can implement CSR for children. The unit provides technical guidance and leadership on mainstreaming of CSR issues into initiatives for business and human rights, and will provide networking, knowledge strengthening and learning opportunities for UNICEF staff and partners.

The CSR unit was established in early 2011. While the Unit has a small team of professional staff, consultants are needed on a regular basis to provide technical support to the team particularly when assisting national committees and country offices on the development of a CSR engagement strategy.

The purpose of this terms of reference is to establish a consultancy which will provide support to the implementation of the Children’s Rights and Business Principles and the General Comment on Child Rights and Business as part of CSR Unit based in Geneva.

Scope of Work and Main Tasks

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide direct technical expertise to the PFP/CSR unit in order to undertake a number of important initiatives that are part of the 2013-2014-work plan (xxx).

The Consultant, working under the general supervision of the Senior Advisor/CSR, will perform the following tasks:

·  Individual Corporate Engagement: Support research and analysis of Coca-Cola´s Sustainability Management with regard to the Children´s Rights and Business Principles (Consumer Health and Safety, Product and Service Labeling, Marketing Communications).

·  CSR Screening Consultation: Support Consultation process within PFP and with ROs; COs; HQ Divisions; JCG; SG; NatComs; and CC.

·  Research and strategic analysis on responsible marketing with regard to the Children´s Rights and Business Principle 6: Support the research on marketing to children based on scope, type and tools of marketing, legislation and advertising standards. Targeted analysis of the selected companies. Cross-industry assessment of responsible marketing.

·  Industry segmentation: Supporting the development of a cross-industry characterization. Analyze data and design a research methodology. Define industry-specific risks and opportunities. Assess impact of industries.

·  Design of country mapping framework: Support PFP in developing a framework for CSR country research. Contextualize to country and sector specifics.

As an outcome of the above, the consultant will have 6 months to deliver the following:

End of First Month:

·  Draft of Coca Cola´s marketing approach on a global and country level.

·  Summary of research on Coca Cola´s Sustainability Management and core activities related to Children´s Rights and Business Principles.

·  Summary on main initiatives and case studies related to active, healthy living and fight against child obesity.

·  Outline of main discussion points for conference of Coca Cola on “Active Living” in Atlanta.

·  List of major researches on children and marketing.

·  Monthly report reflecting Coca Cola announcement / press statements / cases studies on programmes related to children.

·  List of policies / regulation related to children as consumers across countries.

·  Support provided to facilitating the consultation process on the CSR screening criteria.

·  Preparatory work for country mapping framework.

End of Second Month:

·  Summary of main discussion points of previous discussion with Coca Cola.

·  Summary on marketing features and tools of Coca Cola related to the CRBP.

·  Summary of issues related to marketing to children in beverages industry (e.g. industry explicit strategy of age compression, influence of brand, etc.)

·  Monthly report reflecting Coca Cola and industry wide announcements / press statements / cases studies on programmes related to children.

·  Summary of main stakeholders / gatekeepers related to Coca Cola´s issues related to UNICEF CSR identified areas in selected countries.

·  Preparatory work for industry segmentation.

·  Draft of country mapping framework.

End of Third Month:

·  Research on lessons learned from Coca Cola.

·  Monthly report reflecting Coca Cola and industry wide announcements / press statements / cases studies on programmes related to children.

·  Summary of marketing tools to/with children across industries and major conclusions based on principle 6 of the Principles.

·  Report on case studies and research related to marketing to/with children within xxx industry in consultation with main stakeholders.

·  Ongoing work for industry segmentation.

·  Finalization of country mapping framework.

End of Fourth Month:

·  Monthly report reflecting Coca Cola and industry wide announcements / press statements / cases studies on programmes related to children.

·  Summary of Industry Analysis of all down- and upstream activities of Coca Cola and map challenges and opportunities.

·  Report on case studies and research related to marketing to/with children within xxx industry in consultation with main stakeholders.

End of Fifth Month:

·  Monthly report reflecting Coca Cola and industry wide announcements / press statements / cases studies on programmes related to children.

·  Report on case studies and research related to marketing to/with children within the food and beverages industry in consultation with main stakeholders.

·  Draft of research methodology for industry segmentation.

·  Draft of engagement plan for Coca Cola with regard to responsible marketing.

End of Sixth Month:

·  Draft Report on industry comparison.

·  Final report on marketing to/with children within the food and beverages industry.

·  Conclusions for implementation of the CRBP within food & beverages industry.

·  Draft proposal for industry segmentation and list of potential partners to undertake research.

·  Finalization of Coca-Cola corporate engagement plan.

Reporting and Qualifications

The incumbent will report to the Senior Advisor, CSR.

Candidates should hold a master’s degree in law, social or political science, or related field. This is a junior consultancy where a strong research background is required, along with some exposure to CSR and children’s rights issues. Applicants must have a proven record of excellent writing and analytical skills in English.


The duration of this contract is 6 months at a rate determined based on experience of the candidate. The consultancy starts on 11/11/2013 and ends on 11/05/2014.


Please apply by 29 October by sending your CV to Bo Viktor Nylund, Senior Advisor, CSR:

This Terms of Reference is issued by the:

Corporate Social Responsibility Unit

Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division, UNICEF

5-7 Avenue de La Paix

Geneva 1211, Switzerland

22 October 2013Page 3