Minutes of November Monthly Meeting of Longford County Council

held in the Council Chamber, Aras an Chontae, Great Water Street, Longford on Wednesday, 18th November 2009 at 4.00 p.m.

PRESIDING: Councillor Peggy Nolan, Mayor.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Councillors – Larry Bannon, Paddy Belton,

Gearoid O Bradaigh, Mick Cahill, Micheál Carrigy,

Mark Casey, Paul Connell, John Duffy,

Sean O Fearghaile, Donncha Mac Gleannáin,

Victor Kiernan, Frank Kilbride, Padraig Loughrey,

Luie McEntire, Alan Mitchell, Martin Mulleady,

P.J Reilly, Mae Sexton, Barney Steele

and Thomas Victory.

IN ATTENDANCE: Mr. Tim Caffrey, County Manager.

Mr. Jack Kilgallen, Director of Services.

Mr. Frank Sheridan, Director of Services.

Ms. Maeve Killian, A/Head of Finance.

Mr. Terry Rooney, A/Director of Services.




On the proposal of Councillor F. Kilbide seconded by Councillor V. Kiernan,
the Minutes of Monthly Meeting held on the 21st October 2009 were confirmed and adopted.

Nomination of two members of Longford County Council to the Board of

Backstage Theatre.

Councillor D. Glennon referred to his nomination to the Board of Backstage Theatre at the October meeting of the Council.

Councillor Glennon stated that as he is already a member of the Board of Backstage Theatre that he wished to nominate Councillor Padraig Loughrey in his place.

This proposal was seconded by Councillor M. Cahill.

It was agreed that Mayor Peggy Nolan and Councillor Padraig Loughrey be the two members representing Longford County Council on the Board of Backstage Theatre.


The Minutes of Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on 16th September 2009, which had been circulated, were noted.


The County Manager’s Orders, which had been circulated, were noted.


Councillor A. Mitchell referred to the recent allegation that 3,000 polling cards were returned to the Council during the recent Lisbon Treaty Referendum and enquired if a statement had been issued to the media clarifying this matter.

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, informed the meeting that a statement was issued to the media during the past week and a copy of this statement will be circulated to the members.

The members reiterated the need for every possible effort to be made to ensure the accuracy of the compilation of the Electoral Register.


Councillor A. Mitchell expressed concern regarding the progression of the CPO process for the N5 Bypass and the fact that approval is required before February 2010 to move to the next stage which is Notice to Treat.

All the members present emphasised the importance of this project going ahead and requested that a further letter be sent to the National Roads Authority.

Councillor Mitchell asked if the Fianna Fail members of the Council could request

Mr. Noel Dempsey, T.D., Minister for Transport, to receive a deputation from Longford County Council regarding this issue.

LONGFORD SEWERAGE PHASE 2 – Flooding at Midara Gardens and

Teffia Park, Longford.

Councillor A. Mitchell proposed and Mayor P. Nolan seconded that a letter be issued to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government requesting that, due to the urgency of the situation, the section of the proposed Sewerage Scheme affecting Midara Gardens and Teffia Park be approved, in advance of the completion of the Local Area Plan for the South East Environs of Longford Town.


Mr. Sheridan agreed to investigate the condition of the count equipment following it’s transportation to the storage location.


Presentation of certificates to “Pride of Place” Representatives.

Mayor P. Nolan welcomed the County Longford Entrants to the National Pride of Place Competition 2009 as follows:-


Youth. REVAMP Project.

Tony Lynch & Mary Smith.

Population Category/Housing Estates Pairc Mhic Giolla Brid.

Peter Mulhare & Rebecca Garry.

Heritage Abbeyshrule Community Development.

Gabriel Mc Goey and Margaret Dowler.

Integration. “East meets West”

Najat Boxham & Nadiya Khalid

Ms. Laura Heneghan, Community and Enterprise Development Officer, informed the meeting that this competition is hosted by Co-operation Ireland in conjunction with the all-island Local Authority Steering Forum comprising officials from authorities in both parts of Ireland. The competition seeks to celebrate communities for their involvement in activities that enhance their local area. She complimented the excellent projects representing County Longford in the competition.

The Mayor presented each group with a certificate from Co-operation Ireland and a cheque from Longford County Council.

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, paid particular tribute to Ms. Heneghan for her role in organising this competition.

Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme.

Councillor A. Mitchell proposed and Councillor D. Glennon seconded the following amendments:-

·  The minutes of each of the Strategic Policy Committee meetings be circulated to the full Council.

·  The Chairpersons of the Strategic Policy Committees will, by agreement, serve for two terms of two years and three years.

·  The three non-party members to agree their representation on the Strategic Policy Committees.

It was agreed that this item be placed on the Agenda for the December meeting of the Council when the Local Authority membership of the Strategic Policy Committees can be agreed.

The meeting was informed that arrangements will be made to seek the nomination of the external representatives by the various Sectoral Pillars and representative bodies which are entitled to nominate persons for membership of the Strategic Policy Committees.

Corporate Plan 2010 – 2014.

Mr. F. Sheridan, Director of Services, informed the members that the Council is currently preparing a new Corporate Plan that will outline the Council’s key strategies, objectives and priorities for action by the newly elected Council.

An advertisement has been placed in the local papers inviting contributions from interested parties who may wish to express views or ideas which may shape and inform the final plan.

A Draft Plan will be presented at the December meeting of the Council.

Arts Development Strategy 2009 – 2012.

It was agreed to defer this item to the December meeting of the Council,

Disposal of Lands at Townspark, Longford.

On the proposal of Councillor A. Mitchell seconded by Councillor P. Connell, it was unanimously agreed to dispose of lands containing 0.036 hectares at Townspark, Longford to Gerard & Celine O’Rourke, Townspark Industrial Estate, Longford in accordance with the terms of Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001 issued on the 5th November 2009.

Refurbishment of Ballymahon Courthouse.

The Director of Services informed the meeting that this project has been approved by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in the amount of €900,000.

The members complimented Mr. Sheridan and the sub-committee for their input into this project.

Notices of Motions.

Increase in School Bus Fares.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor F. Kilbride and seconded by Councillor P. Connell:-

“That the Council ask The Minister of Education to direct Bus Eireann to rescind the decision to increase bus fares for school children going to secondary school due to the present financial climate”

It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Minister for Education outlining the details of Councillor Kilbride’s Motion and also requesting that the criteria in relation to the distance of the student’s home from the school be amended.

Social Welfare Payments.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor F. Kilbride and seconded by Councillor P. Connell:-

“That this Council calls on the Minister for Finance not to reduce Social Welfare payments in the upcoming Budget.”

It was agreed that a letter be sent to the Minister for Finance.

Rural Social Scheme.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P. Connell and seconded by Councillor S. Farrell:-

“To call on the Minister for the Department of Community and Gaeltacht Affairs,

Mr. Eamon Ó Cúiv, to double the numbers on the Rural Social Scheme from 55, as exists at present, to 110 to provide opportunities for those unemployed who have suffered because of a lack of Government investment in the County.”

All members of the Council supported Councillor Connell’s Motion and agreed that the criteria for eligibility to work on the Rural Social Scheme should not be confined to people with a Herd No. or Flock No.



Notices of Motions.

Roads Programme.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor L. McEntire and seconded by Councillor D. Glennon:-

“That this Council contacts the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to ensure that there is no change regarding the system already in place for roads being submitted by local Councillors to the Department, and not allow the National Roads Authority the final decision.”

Mr. T. Rooney, A/Director of Services, referred to Circular RLR 18/2009 received from the Department of Transport in relation to regional and local road grants and in which it was stated that the revised arrangements will not affect the statutory role of local authorities or the Minister for Transport in any way.

Proposed Build Outs on Main Street.

The members from the Longford Electoral area expressed concern regarding the proposed construction of two ‘build-outs’ on Main Street in Longford.

The members were informed that, on behalf of the National Roads Authority, the Council are to construct two ‘build-outs’ on Main Street before Christmas in order to avail of National Roads Authority funding which is being allocated to improve road safety.

The meeting was informed that seventeen accidents, involving pedestrians, have taken place on Main Street over the last four years.

This funding was originally intended for these ‘build-outs’ but had been diverted for improvement works at the Cathedral junction. However, the Part 8 Report in respect of the proposed work at the Cathedral junction was rejected by Longford Town Council.

The works in relation to the ‘build-outs’ on Main Street will be done within two weeks and some work will take place at night time in order to avoid disruption to traders.

Consultation has already taken place with the traders on Main Street.

Councillor A. Mitchell, on behalf of the four County Councillors who are also members of Longford Town Council, stated that they do not want the construction of the ‘build-outs’ on Main Street to go ahead.

Councillor A. Mitchell proposed and Mayor P. Nolan seconded that the County Manager request the National Roads Authority to hold the funding for use in 2010 by Longford County Council.

Public Car Park in Granard.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor P.J. Reilly and seconded by Councillor T. Victory:-

“I request Longford County Council to reconsider their decision of not purchasing an area of ground at Moxham St. Granard for public car parking.”

Councillor Reilly expressed disappointment that the development of plot of land at Moxham Street, Granard for car parking purposes is now not going ahead.

Mr. T. Rooney, Acting Director of Services, informed the meeting that it is very regrettable that the Council does not have the finance available, at the present time, to buy and develop the land in question.

Public Lighting Programme.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Carrigy and seconded by Councillor G. Brady:-

“I propose that Longford County Council carry out a review of the Public Lighting Programme which is not due to finish until 2013.”

It was agreed that this matter will be reviewed at the Area Committee Meetings.

Disabled Parking Places.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor M. Carrigy and seconded by Councillor G. Brady:-

“I propose that Longford County Council carry out a review of all public facilities at Churches etc. to ensure that Disabled Parking places are provided at all these sites.”

Mr. T. Rooney, Acting Director of Services, stated that there is no funding available to carry out a survey, as requested by Councillor Carrigy.

A number of these car parks are in private ownership and, also, the policing of these facilities would prove difficult.


Notice of Motion.

Licenses for Solvent Usage.

The following Notice of Motion was proposed by Councillor F. Kilbride and seconded by Councillor P. Connell:-

“What is the up-to-date position on my Notice of Motion from the October meeting regarding licenses for solvent usage.”

The Acting Director of Services, informed the meeting that there are currently 8 premises licensed by Longford County Council under the Deco Paints Regulations. There are also 5 licenses pending. The owners of another 4 premises have been issued with Warning Letters and enforcement action is being considered in these cases.

The EPA issued Longford County Council with details of 35 premises, all of which were inspected, and the following is the outcome of the investigations:

No longer in business / 6
Business doesn’t exist / 2
No spraying carried out on the premises / 15
Use other licensed premises for spray-work / 8
Being investigated/enforcement / 4
Total / 35

In relation to the sale of paints, there were 7 Autofactors identified by the EPA as selling Deco Paints, and all 7were investigated. Of the 7 Autofactors, 4 of them sell compliant paints while the other 3 do not sell Deco Paints.


Planning Applications

The list of Planning Applications which had been received since the October meeting of the Council was submitted and noted.

Update on Cluid Housing Scheme at St. Michael’s Road.

Mr. J. Kilgallen, Director of Services stated that there has been no change in the status of the Cluid Housing Association proposal since the last report to the Council at the October meeting on 21st October, 2009 except that officials from Longford County Council and Longford Town Council had a meeting with officials from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in Ballina on the 6th October 2009.

The Department is aware that the Council is very supportive of this application.

Update on progress with Unfinished Estates.

Mr. J. Kilgallen, Director of Services, stated that the legal background to ‘Unfinished Housing Estates’ is the Planning & Development Act, 2000, Part VIII (Enforcement) & S.180 (Taking in Charge of Estates).