April 2013
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: Revision programme for all Year 11 students.
This is an extremely important time for all Year 11 students as they prepare for their exams. On the 13thMay the Year 11 timetable changes to a Year 11 revision programme. For the last 2weeks of term 5 (13th -24th May) students must be in school full time. From Monday 3rd June students should be in school for exams and revision sessions only.
Teachers have planned and will deliver a series of revision sessions across the subjects to support students to be well prepared for their exams. Each revision session provides targeted revision that will improve the performance of students in the exams. Students who attend revision sessions in school get better grades. This is particularly true when revision sessions are timed immediately prior to the exam. Consequently we have put together a revision timetable that ensures all students have the ability to benefit from subject specialists and focused revision.
Attached to this letter is the revision programme. It highlights the Year 11 exams and the revision sessions that students should attend. Please note that at all times students should use their individual exam timetables (being issued in early May) for the precise timings of their exams and not rely of this revision programme. Please discuss the revision programme with your son/daughter and ensure they attend these sessions; they will achieve more.
Students should be putting aside time each day to prepare for their exams. They should also have a clear revision plan that will now include the sessions on the revision programme attached. Parents and carers play a very important role in supporting students in their revision and helping students to perform well in their exams, we hope that this revision programme will assist you to support your son or daughter.
Students who normally attend Springfield, Wiltshire or Swindon College need to continue to attend the college throughout the exam period, except for when they have an exam or a revision session. Students should also use the ‘Maximize’ revision booklet and the subject specific revision materials, which can both be found on the VLE. All Year 11 students have been given a hard copy of the ‘Maximize’ revision booklet.
During the exam period students can use the Youth Centre, which remains open, with access to computers at lunchtime, as well as the schools facilities.
The Examinations Handbook for Students and Parents covering all matters exam related is available to view on the VLE and the School website. The following is an extract:
Attendance At Examinations: Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving atSchool on the correct day and time, properly dressed in school uniform and with the correct equipment. Candidates must arrive 15 minutes prior to the start time of their examination.
Absence From Examinations: If you experience difficulties during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, personal problems) please inform the school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise you.
Clearance Day: Friday 28th June, Main Hall, 9:00am–10:30am All pupils must attend Clearance Day on Friday 28th June. School uniform to be worn.
Results: Available for collection on: Thursday 22nd August 2013, 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
We wish all Year 11 students the very best of luck in their exams.
Yours sincerely
Mrs J Miriam
Deputy Head