Please see below information relating to rounds 1 & 2 of individual competitions. The first of these will start on the morning of Tuesday 21st August. The 3 bowl rinks semi finals will be played on Thursday 23rd with the finals being played on Friday 24th . Play will need to be extended with an extra session on some afternoons. It also means we have to play some other finals on the Friday Afternoon. With 20 competitors in 3 or 4 competitions and 167 duplications some times for the Thursday have still to be arranged. Times allocated for semi finals and finals on the Friday and Saturday are subject to alteration as there may still be competitors in more than one competition.

You are advised to buy a championship programme for further details and these will be available from the Secretary’s office from Saturday 18th August. If you reach the semi-finals, do not leave the vicinity of the greens without checking your semi-final time with the Tournament Director.

Bowls will be examined for stamping complete with County Stickers.

Team events on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th .August are as follows:-

Saturday: Reg Wright:- Green C; Durham Centenary Trophy :- Green A; Silver Vase:- Green B;

Sunday; Donald Steward Trophy :- Green C; Newton Trophy :- Green A; Adams:- Green B;

At all Presentations winners & runners-up are required to be in MATCH Dress - see rules 7.21 & 7.22 pages 42/43 2012 yearbook.) PLEASE NOTE T-SHIRTS ARE NOT ALLOWED - ANYONE WEARING ONE WILL BE ASKED TO CHANGE. Where a match is rained off in the individual comps the 75% rule will apply. See Rule 7.19a Page 42 of the yearbook but 7.19b for team events

There will not be any LEARN TO BOWL courses this year. The Reg Jackson Tournament will have four sessions, ending on the Monday afternoon and no finals or semi-finals will be played.

Dave Woods

Dave Woods.


Tie / Day / Time / Rnd / Tie / Day / Time / Rnd
A / Tues / 3.15 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Cleveland / A / Tues / 11.45 / 1 / Cleveland / Norfolk
B / Tues / 10.45 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / North Essex / B / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Northumberland / Durham
C / Tues / 12.15 / 1 / Derbyshire / Northumberland / C / Tues / 11.45 / 1 / Nottinghamshire / Huntingdonshire
D / Tues / 10.45 / 1 / Lincolnshire / Durham / D / Tues / 11.45 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Derbyshire
E / Tues / 1.45 / 1 / Humberside / Norfolk / E / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Suffolk / Lincolnshire
F / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of A / North Cambs / F / Tues / 4.45 / 2 / Winner of A / North Essex
G / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of D / Suffolk / G / Tues / 4.45 / 2 / North Cambs / Winner of C
H / Wed / 10.45 / 2 / Winner of B / Winner of E / H / Tues / 4.45 / 2 / Winner of E / Winner of B
J / Wed / 2.15 / 2 / Winner of C / Nottinghamshire / J / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Humberside / Winner of D
HILDA CARVER – Ladies Under 25’s Singles / ANNE SAINT TROPHY - Women’s Senior SINGLES
Tie / Day / Time / Rnd / Tie / Day / Time / Rnd
A / w/o / 1 / Lincolnshire / Cleveland / A / Wed / 10.45 / 1 / Cleveland / Northamptonshire
B / Thur / 9.15 / 1 / Nottinghamshire / Derbyshire / B / Wed / 10.45 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Durham
C / Thur / 10.45 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Suffolk / C / Wed / 12.15 / 1 / North Cambs / Lincolnshire
D / Wed / 10.45 / 1 / Derbyshire / Northumberland
E / Wed / 12.15 / 1 / Suffolk / North Essex
F / Thur / 3.15 / 2 / Humberside / Durham / F / Thur / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of D / Winner of A
G / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Winner of C / Northumberland / G / Thur / 9.15 / 2 / Norfolk / Nottinghamshire
H / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Northamptonshire / Winner of B / H / Thur / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of B / Winner of C
J / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Lincolnshire / Norfolk / J / Thur / 3.15 / 2 / Humberside / Winner of E
IVY YOUNGER TROPHY – Ladies Secretaries’ SINGLES / FREDA WILES TROPHY – Ladies Champion of Champions
Tie / Day / Time / Rnd / Tie / Day / Time / Rnd
A / Thur / 10.45 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Durham / A / Wed / 11.45 / 1 / Humberside / Lincolnshire
B / Wed / 12.15 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Derbyshire / B / Thur / 10.45 / 1 / Suffolk / Northamptonshire
C / Thur / 10.45 / 1 / Humberside / Northumberland / C / Wed / 3.15 / 1 / Northumberland / Durham
D / Thur / 10.45 / 1 / Suffolk / Cleveland / D / Wed / 12.15 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Nottinghamshire
E / Wed / 3.15 / 1 / North Cambs / Nottinghamshire / E / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / Derbyshire / Cleveland
F / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / Winner of E / Winner of C / F / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / North Cambs / Norfolk
G / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / Winner of A / Norfolk / G / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / Winner of E / Winner of C
H / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / North Essex / Lincolnshire / H / Thur / 3.15 / 2 / Winner of A / Winner of D
J / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Winner of B / Winner of D / J / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / North Essex / Winner of B
Women’s Senior Citizens’ PAIRS
Tie / Day / Time / Rnd / Tie / Day / Time / Rnd
A / Tues / 4.45 / 1 / Cleveland / Northamptonshire / A / Tues / 4.45 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Humberside
B / Wed / 11.45 / 1 / Humberside / Lincolnshire / B / Tues / 4.45 / 1 / North Essex / Lincolnshire
C / Tues / 4.45 / 1 / Derbyshire / Northumberland / C / Wed / 2.15 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Cleveland
D / Tues / 4.45. / 1 / Norfolk / North Cambs / D / Wed / 12.15 / 1 / Durham / North Cambs
E / Tues / 3.15 / 1 / North Essex / Nottinghamshire / E / Wed / 10.45 / 1 / Norfolk / Suffolk
F / Thur / 1.45 / 2 / Winner of D / Huntingdonshire / F / Thur / 10.45 / 2 / Winner of C / Winner of D
G / Wed / 1.45 / 2 / Winner of C / Winner of B / G / Thur / 10.45 / 2 / Nottinghamshire / Winner of B
H / Thur / T.B.A / 2 / Durham / Winner of E / H / Thur / 3.15 / 2 / Northumberland / Derbyshire
J / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Winner of A / Suffolk / J / Thur / 12.15 / 2 / Winner of E / Winner of A
Tie / Day / Time / Round / Tie / Day / Time / Round
A / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / Humberside / Northumberland / A / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Humberside
B / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / Derbyshire / Cleveland / B / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Cleveland / North Essex
C / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / Northamptonshire / Durham / C / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Northumberland / Lincolnshire
D / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / Nottinghamshire / Lincolnshire / D / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Huntingdonshire / Nottinghamshire
E / Tues / 9.15 / 1 / North Cambs / Huntingdonshire / E / Tues / 2.15 / 1 / Durham / Derbyshire
F / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of C / Suffolk / F / Wed / 2.15 / 2 / Winner of D / Winner of E
G / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of D / Winner of E / G / Wed / 2.15 / 2 / North Cambs / Winner of B
H / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / North Essex / Norfolk / H / Wed / 2.15 / 2 / Winner of C / Norfolk
J / Wed / 9.15 / 2 / Winner of A / Winner of B / J / Wed / 2.15 / 2 / Suffolk / Winner of A