NDA project full title: MAPP-MAL: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Develop Prototype for the Prevention of Malnutrition in OP: Products, People, Places and Procedures
PI: Paula Moynihan
Macdonald A.S., Teal G., Moynihan P.J. (2010) Redesigning food service for vulnerable older adult hospital patients Gerontechnology 2010; 9(2):306; doi:10.4017/gt.2010.
Macdonald AS, Teal G, Moynihan P (2010) A smarter food service for nutritionally vulnerable older adult hospital patients. Proceedings of CWUAAT 10, Cambridge, March 2010. 169-177.
Macdonald AS, Teal G, Rice G (2010) Complex systems, collective mind-shifting and interactive workshop design. Proceedings of CWUAAT 10, Cambridge, March 2010. 37-45.
Macdonald AS, Teal G, Moynihan P (2009) Improving the quality, nutritional benefit, and enjoyment of food for older people in hospitals. In Inclusive design into innovation: transforming practice in design, research and business. Royal College of Art, London. 6-8 April 2009. Available from [Accessed 30/4/02009]
Payne C, Bell A, Methven L and Fairfield C(2010). Inconsistent Rheological Behaviour of Starch Based Dysphagia Products. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69 (OCE2) E146.
Payne, C., Bell, A., Methven, L. and Fairfield, C. (2010) Consistently Inconsistent – Commercially Available Starch-Based Dysphagia Products. Dysphagia, 26, 27-33.
Mavrommatis, Y., Gosney, M.A. and Methven, L. (2010)Effects of different hospital catering systems on sensorial degradation of foods provided to elderly patients in the UK.Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69 (OCE6) E457
Payne, C., Methven, L., Fairfield, C., Gosney, M.A. and Bell, A. (2011) Variability of starch-based thickened drinks for patients with dysphagia in the hospital setting. J Texture Studies, ISSN 0022-4901.
Mavrommatis, Y., Moynihan, P.J., Gosney, M.A. and Methven, L. (2011) Hospital catering systems and their impact on the sensorial profile of foods provided to older patients in the UK. Appetite, 57, 14-20.
Payne, C., Bell, A., Methven, L., Fairfield, C. and Gosney, M.A. (2011). A study of the variation of starch-based thickened drinks prepared for patients with dysphagia in one NHS hospital. Dysphagia, submitted.
Heaven B, Bamford C, May C, Moynihan P (2011). When 30-40cms becomes a problem: Feeding, food-work and the space between patient, plate and feeding assistant on hospital wards. Sociology of Health and Health Care. Submitted.
Original communications on mappmal research presented at learned societies
Tsikritzi R, Wang J, Moynihan P, Methven L (2011). Development of sauces with High Energy Density, flavour and taste impact for older people: aiming to increase food acceptability and consumption. BSG July 2011.
Tskiritzi R, Mavrommattis Y, Gosney M A (2011). The effect of macro and micro nutrient fortification of cookies on their sensory properties and on hedonic liking of older people. BSG July 2011.
Macdonald AS, Teal G, Moynihan PJ (2010). An Inclusive Design Methodology for Redesigning the Food Service for Vulnerable Older Adult Hospital Patients, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Universal Design, Hamamatsu 2010, Japan. Oral presentation.
Teal G, Macdonald AS, Moynihan PJ (2010). Adapting service design tools to facilitate interdisciplinary research collaborations. Service Design The 2nd Nordic Conference on Service Design and Service Innovation Linköping, Sweden. Oral presentation.
Heaven B, Bamford C, May C R and Moynihan P (2010). When 30-40cms becomes a problem: Feeding, food-work and the space between patient and plate on hospital wards. Abstract presented to Medical Society Durham.
Macdonald A, Teal G (2011). Service Innovation in hospital nutrition healthcare through co-design. European conference Design4 Health. Sheffield July 2011.
Teal, G., Macdonald, A.S., & Bamford, C. (2011). ‘Food for thought: redesigning hospital food services for vulnerable older patients’, Service Design Network Conference, 20-21 October 2011, San Francisco (oral presentation).