Public Hearing – IH 35

From North LP 340 to FM 1858

December 16, 2008

Interstate 35 Expansion

Public Hearing

Project : IH 35 From North LP 340 in Bellmead to FM 1858 in West

Connally Junior High School

100 Hancock Drive

Elm Mott, TX

December 16, 2008

6:30 p.m.


·  Welcome & Introductions – Albin A.(Andy) Petter, P.E., TxDOT Interim Director of Transportation Planning and Development

·  Project Description – Milton Richter, P.E., Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc., Project Manager

·  Right of Way Acquisition and Relocation Assistance - Sheila Mills, TxDOT Right-of-Way Administrator

·  Intermission

·  Public Comments

·  Closing - Albin A. Petter


The Texas Department of Transportation is in the process of expanding and reconstructing IH 35 through central Texas. This includes 17 projects covering 3 counties for a total length of over 90 miles between the Bell/Williamson county line and the East/West split in Hillsboro. The project being discussed at tonight’s hearing extends from North Loop 340 in Bellmead to FM 1858 in West.


The proposed project will consist of a six-lane controlled access roadway with one-way frontage roads. The total estimated cost of construction in current dollars is $203 million. Additional right of way will be required for the project.

PROJECT SEQUENCE – Anticipated Schedule

·  Right of Way Acquisition – Begin 2009*

·  Construction – Begin 2012*

* Pending availability of funds


Information about this project is available for inspection at the Waco District Office at the address below. Project information is also available on the TxDOT website at: Click on “Hearings and Meetings” under the Quick Links column. Look for Elm Mott “IH 35 Expansion Public Hearing.”


Mail comments to:

Albin A. (Andy) Petter, P.E.

Interim Director of Transportation Planning and Development

Texas Department of Transportation

100 South Loop Drive

Waco, TX 76704-2858

or Click on “e-mail us” at the webpage described above.

Please submit all comments by Monday, December 29, 2008