/Grading Period
/ SS Unit /Enduring Understanding/Essential Questions
1st / LA/SS / 2nd 9 weeks / Week 10 / Families / Families have basic needs that must be meet.Why is it important for people to work?
How do families meet their basic needs?
How is a want different from a need?
How do families make choices about spending?
Why are beliefs, customs, and traditions important to families?
How does the exchange of goods and services meet basic needs and wants?
This document is only a guideline to assist teachers in the development of their lesson plans so that all TEKS will be covered. Teachers should make adjustments as needed to meet the needs of their children.
ELA1.05G Recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehendELA1.07D Learn & apply the most common letter-sound correspondences, consonant blends, consonant digraphs, vowel digraphs and diphthongs
ELA1.07E Blend initial letter-sounds with common vowel spelling patterns to read words
ELA1.08C Use structural cues to recognize words with inflectional endings such as -ed
ELA1.12A Use prior knowledge to anticipate meaning and make sense of texts
ELA1.14A Distinguish different forms of texts such as lists, newsletters, and signs and the functions they serve
ELA1.14B Understand simple story structure
ELA1.14I Recognize the story problem(s) or plot
ELA1.21A Use nouns and verbs in sentences
SS1.9A Describe the requirements of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well-performed
SS1.9B Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services
Suggested Reading: Teacher selected big book or One Good Pup, McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 8-35
v Suggested big books for social studies integration:
v Splishy Sploshy and Dishy Washy both by Joy Cowley (Wright Group) Work Around the Clock (Newbridge)
v What We Pay For (Newbridge) Family Night (Zaner Bloser)
v Discuss various reasons why people need to work, what kinds of jobs different people do and why, and how these jobs contribute to your families’ basic needs and wants.
Introduce short u McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 10A-B
Introduce story elements McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 35I-J
Introduce inflectional ending –ed McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 35K-L
Introduce nouns McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 35O-P
Review short a, i, u, sh, th McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 35E-H
ELA1.8B Use common spelling patterns to read words
ELA1.8E Recognize high frequency irregular words such as said, was, where, and is
ELA1.20A Write with more proficient spelling of regularly spelled patterns such as consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) (hop)…
Word Wall: Introduce the high frequency words from the story to add to the word wall: no, out, ride, small
Making Words: Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use, Patricia Cunningham, pp. 29-33, Lessons 19-23, or Making Words, Patricia Cunningham, p. 59 (duckling; _uck chunk), p. 77 (pockets; _ug chunk)
Spelling: McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp. 35E-F
ABC Center:ELA 1.6D Identify and isolate the initial and final sound of a spoken word
v Have strips of paper in a center with a word written on it, and directions to say the word, and then say it again without the beginning or ending sound. (Say dog, say dog without the d or say cat, say cat without the t). Adaptation: teach students to cover up the part of the word to be left off and then sound out the word. Extension: have students think of a rhyming word and repeat, leaving off the same sound. (Say jog, say jog with out the g). Have students practice the cards to each other so the word is not visible in print. They are listening to the other student say the word and the sound to be left off.
Write Around the Room Center:
ELA 1.8E Recognize high frequency irregular words such as said, was, where, and is
v Write the walls. Assign students a letter, vowel or sound to look for around the room. As the students look around the room for their assigned sound, they write down the words they find.
Continue Literacy Centers that were introduced in the first 9 weeks. Below are some suggested activities to integrate social studies.
Research Center:
ELA1.15B Use pictures, print, and people to gather information and answer questions
SS1.9A Describe the requirements of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well-performed
v Make a career poster. Think of a job students would like to do, make a poster with pictures and information about careers. Encourage students to do research to find out about equipment and requirements of job.
Pocket Chart Center:
ELA1.10A Read fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, including classic and contemporary works for pleasure and/or information
SS 1.9A Describe the requirements of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well performed
v Harcourt Horizons, p. 239A, “Career Song”
Art Center:
SS 1.9A Describe the requirements of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well performed
v Pick a job and illustrate the picture using paint, tissue paper, magazine pictures, etc.
Writing Center:
SS1.9B Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services
v Prompt: If you need______, the ______can help you. For example: bread, baker
Handwriting Center:
ELA 1.7B Write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase, using correct formation, appropriate size, and spacing
v Prepare a set of handwriting cards with appropriate handwriting form. Then have a set of poems read with the class or shared reading that are handwritten. Students will copy the poem onto lined paper with appropriate handwriting. If time is available, students can illustrate their writing.
Listening Center:
ELA 1.1A Determine the purpose(s) for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciate
v The teacher will choose an appropriate book for the listening center. When students are finished with their book, they will draw a picture of their favorite part of the story.
ELA1.7G use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable texts (engaging & coherent texts in which most of the words are comprised of an accumulatingsequence of letter-sound correspondences being taught)
ELA1.9B Read regularly in instructional level materials that are challenging but manageable (texts in which no more than approximately 1 in 10 words is difficult
for the reader; a “typical” first grader reads approximately 60 wpm)
ELA1.9C Read orally from familiar texts with fluency (accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing, and attention to punctuation)
v MEET WITH STUDENTS READING BELOW GRADE LEVEL EVERYDAY! Choose books from your leveled library. These books do not necessarily have to go with the unit. If you find a book at the group’s level that matches the unit, utilize it. Remember to choose appropriate levels to teach reading strategies (look at the picture, re-read for meaning, look for parts/chunks, etc.)
SHARED WRITING (Grammar and handwriting are taught during shared writing.)ELA1.17G Use basic capitalization & punctuation such as capitalizing names & first letters in sentences, using periods, question marks, & exclamation points
ELA1.18A Dictate messages such as news and stories for others to write
ELA1.21A Use nouns and verbs in sentences
SS 1.9A Describe the requirements of various jobs and the characteristics of a job well performed
SS 1.9B Describe how specialized jobs contribute to the production of goods and services
Grammar Skill: identifying nouns McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE p. 35O-P
Shared Writing: Suggested ideas: Brainstorm jobs people do and list goods or services provided by those jobs. (6+1 Writing traits: Ideas) After brainstorming write sentences about different jobs and the goods and services they provide. After writing sentences, discuss and identify nouns. After reading one of the suggested titles below discuss requirements of various jobs and how you know that a job is well performed. Write sentences to tell about a job or tell about a job that is performed correctly.
Suggested big book titles: The Grasshopper and the Ant, Aesop’s Fable, Pigsty by Mark Teague, Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin, The Firefighter, The Construction Worker, (Zaner Bloser); Passing it On, (Newbridge) Read and discuss these books to build background information.
ELA1.17G Use basic capitalization & punctuation such as capitalizing names & first letters in sentences, using periods, question marks, & exclamation pointsELA1.18C Write to record ideas or reflections
ELA1.18F Write in different forms for different purposes such as lists to record, letters to invite or thank, and stories or poems to entertain
v Students can write about a job in the community, a job that they performed well, or about the jobs their family members hold.
ELA1.1A Determine the purposes for listening such as to get information, to solve problems, and to enjoy and appreciateELA1.1C Participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
Suggested Books:
Everyone Has Important Jobs to Do, Shirley Ray Chilton-Odell Jobs People Do, Christopher Maynard
Richard Scarry’s Busy Workers, Richard Scarry What Do People Do All Day?, Richard Scarry
All In A Day’s Work, Neil Johnson This and That Bread, Joan Ellis
The Ant and the Grasshopper, Aesop Career Alphabet A to Z, Joelene Griffith
Our School Workers, Amy and Richard Hutchings The Three Little Pigs, Steven Kellogg
In My Family, National Geographic Fathers, Mothers, Sisters, Brothers-Collection of Family Poems, Mary Ann Hoberman
Brothers and Sisters, Ellen Senisi Grandmother and I, Helen Buckley
Grandfather and I, Helen Buckley
Teacher Selected Poems from Thematic Poetry Neighborhoods and Communities, Scholastic
or other teacher selected poetry
ELA1.7A Name and identify each letter of the alphabetv Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 151, LK5 “Forming Letters 1: Verbal Path”
ELA1.7A Name and identify each letter of the alphabet
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 155, LK6 “Forming Letters 2: Handwriting Book”
ELA1.7F Decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 109, PA6 “Identifying Onsets and Rimes: Go Fish”
ELA1.7F Decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 113, PA7 “Hearing and Blending Onsets and Rimes: Oral Word Game”
ELA1.8E Recognize high frequency irregular words such as said, was, where, and is
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 329, HF2 “Learning High Frequency Words 2: Making and Writing Words”
Running records as needed to guide instruction for guided reading groups.Grade
/Grading Period
/ SS Unit /Enduring Understanding/Essential Questions
1st / LA/SS / 2nd 9 weeks / Week 11 / Families / Families have basic needs that must be meet.Why is it important for people to work?
How do families meet their basic needs?
How is a want different from a need?
How do families make choices about spending?
Why are beliefs, customs, and traditions important to families?
How does the exchange of goods and services meet basic needs and wants?
ELA1. 5G Recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehendELA1. 7C Learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to read
ELA1. 7E Blend initial letter-sounds with common vowel spelling patterns to read words
ELA1. 8C Use structural cues to recognize words such as compounds, base words, and inflections such as –s, -es, -ed, and –ing
ELA1.14B Understands simple story structure
SS 1.14A Describe ways that families meet basic needs
SS 1.14B Describe similarities and differences in ways families meet basic needs
Suggested Reading: Teacher selected big book or The Bug Bath, McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 36-65
Suggested big books for social studies integration:
Big Red Barn, (Harper Collins)
What Do We Pay For?, (Newbridge)
At the Market, (Newbridge)
Mrs. McNosh Hangs Up Her Wash (Scholastic)
v Discuss ways families meet their basic needs.
v Why is it important for people to work?
v How do families make choices about spending money?
Introduce short o McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 38 A-B
Introduce adding s to nouns (plurals) McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 65 O-P
Review short o, u, i, a, ck McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 65 E-H
Review story elements McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 65 I-J
Review inflectional endings –ed McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 54 K-L
ELA1.8B Use common spelling patterns to read words
ELA1.8E Recognize high frequency irregular word such as said, was, where, and is
ELA1.20A Write with more proficient spelling of regularly spelled patterns such as consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) (hop)
Word Wall: Introduce the high frequency words from the story to add to the word wall: saw, two, very, want
Making Words: Systematic Sequential Phonics They Use, Patricia Cunningham, pp. 29-33, Lessons 21-25, or Making Words, Patricia Cunningham, p. 137 (stopping: _op chunk), p. 108 (pockets: _ock chunk)
Spelling: McGraw-Hill Chipmunk Book 2, TE pp 65 Q-R
ABC Center:
ELA 1.6B Identify, segment, and combine syllables within spoken words such as by clapping syllables and moving manipulatives to represent syllables in wordsv Using picture cards, have students say the name of the picture and clap out the syllables. Adaptation: Code the cards on the back by writing the name of the picture or by tally marks for the number of syllables to hint the name of the picture.
These activities are independent practice from the previous week’s guided practice to reinforce previously taught skills.
ELA1.7A Name and identify each letter of the alphabetv Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 151, LK5 “Forming Letters 1” (verbal path)
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 155, LK6 “Forming Letters 2” (handwriting book)
ELA1.7F Decode by using all letter-sound correspondences within regularly spelled words
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 109, PA6 “Identifying Onsets and Rimes” (Go Fish)
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 113, PA7 “Hearing and Blending Onsets and Rimes” (Oral Word Game)
ELA1.8E Recognize high frequency irregular words such as said, was, where, and is
v Phonics Lessons Grade 1, Pinnell & Fountas, p. 329, HF2 “Learning High Frequency Words 2” (Making and Writing Words)
Art Center: