Date of CPD event: / Click or tap to enter a date.
CPD online link: (Copy and paste direct link to your event on CPD online full details page) / Click here to enter URL link to your event page on Ealing CPD online.
For attention of: (Tick as many as appropriate): / ☐ Heads of nursery/children's centres
☐ Primary school heads
☐ High school heads
☐ Special school heads
☐ Governing boards and clerks
Author: / Click here to enter author’s name.
Email: / Click here to enter contact email address.
Tel: / Click here to enter contact telephone number.
Deadline date to register for event: / If you add a deadline date the item will be repeated in the newsletter nearest to that date:
Click or tap to enter a date.
The ‘CPD gatekeeping template’ is for CPD items only. The title and date of your CPD event will appear under ‘CPD updates and reminders’ in the next gatekeeping newsletter. It will link to the full event details on CPD online.
For other items/non CPD items please complete the ‘Gatekeeping template’ which you can download from
Only items that are correct, complete (above template fully completed), timely (ie achievable deadline dates) and relevant are accepted by the EGfL web team:
Reminder: your items are made publicly available unless we have been explicitly informed by you to secure your content behind a login.
By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have read, understand and adhere to the terms and conditions: (please take your time to read this)
Use Ealing Council’s housestyle protocols guide (pdf) to maintain corporate brand and consistency.
This statement applies to schools:
Ealing school effectiveness service policy on supporting schools to promote and share their CPD
Ealing supports schools to share their CPD opportunities with other schools by enabling them to promote events and opportunities via the weekly EGfL gatekeeping communication and on the training management system CPD online
Use the above template for gatekeeping and the separate template for CPD online – contact or download the template from the resources section on the training website. Ealing principle advisers are consulted before we agree to publish school CPD offers.
The Ealing teaching school alliances have access to upload their own event information onto CPD online.
We ask schools to check for potential date clashes on both and on the senior leaders keydates calendar on prior to setting dates and we may not be able to publish events which we feel will put pressure on the intended audience or affect negatively something that has already been planned/scheduled on or around that date. (We don’t currently charge for these promotional services)