The research strategy that will be used to implement the empirical research is a case study. What is a case study approach and why is it suitable for this research?Cohen and Manion (1995: 106) describe a case study thus:

‘. . . the case study researcher typically observes the characteristics of an

individual unit – a child, a class, a school or a community. The purpose of

such observation is to probe deeply and to analyse intensively the multifarious

phenomena that constitute the life cycle of the unit.’

According to this definition, a case study is therefore concerned with close observation of how a particular population group behave in a particular context[mj1].A case study approach facilitates this researcher’s drive to probe deeply into a university’s response to e-Learning, by devoting time and energy concentrating on specific aspects of e-Learning in one higher education institution[mj2]. However, there is some disagreement about what constitutes a case study. Yin (2003: 13), for example, defines a case study in a different way:

‘A case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident.’

Yin, with the above definition, is trying to distinguish a case study from other research strategies. An experiment, he argues, intentionally separates phenomenon from context; historical research, although integrating phenomenon and context, normally deals with non-contemporary events; surveys can investigate phenomena and context together, but lack the in-depth investigation of a case study approach. That a case study is an in-depth study of a phenomenon is not evident from Yin’s definition (Cohen and Manion’s definition makes the depth of study clear – probe deeply and analyse intensely), although his book Case Study. Research makes it obvious that he knows that case study research is a detailed and time-consuming undertaking.[mj3]This research is concerned with an in-depth study of the phenomenon e-Learning in a contemporary context – a university environment – where the boundaries between e-Learning and a university environment are not obvious. For example, the review of literature showed clearly that there is confusion over what is meant by the term e-Learning; further, it is difficult to compartmentalize e-Learning in a teaching and learning institution; also, the boundaries, if there are any, between e-Learning and learning, a university’s primary focus, whether it be through teaching or research, are not clearly evident.[mj4]

[mj1]Choice of research strategy.

[mj2]Justification for choosing that strategy.

[mj3]Your understanding of that particular research methodology.

[mj4]justification for choosing that strategy.