expression of interest for

ECDA Partner Operator Scheme

The ECDA Partner Operator (POP) scheme supports child care operators (“operators”) to keep fees affordable, build capabilities to raise quality, and improve career prospects for Early Childhood (“EC”) professionals.Under the POP scheme, selected operatorswill receive funding to:

  1. Reduce their current fees, keep to a monthly fee cap of $800 (excluding GST)and $1,400 (excluding GST) for full-day child care and infant care respectively, and ensure any fee increases are kept affordable for parents.
  2. Invest in improving quality through the Singapore Pre-school Accreditation Framework (SPARK), and in HQ capabilities[1]
  3. Support continuing professional development and career progression opportunities for EC professionals.

Operatorswho meet the following eligibility criteria are invited to submit an expression of interest to participate in the POP Scheme from Year 2016 – 2020.

  1. Capacity: Currently operate licensed child care centres providing at least 300 childcare places
  2. Affordability: Willing to reduce current fees, and not exceed a monthlyfee cap of $800 (excluding GST) and $1,400 (excluding GST) for full-day child care and infant care respectively

Operatorswho express interest and meet the eligibility criteria maybe further assessed and shortlisted based ontheir (i) operational performance and track record; and (ii) capability to meet therequirements of the POPscheme[2]. ECDA will then contact shortlisted operators to request for further information, as well as to provide more details on the process to be appointed on the POP scheme.For the avoidance of doubt, ECDA reserves the right to shortlist operators in accordance with the criteria stated in this paragraph and to give those so shortlisted the opportunity to submit new or further information on the basis of ECDA’s revised/further requirements.

This is an Expression of Interest (EOI) exercise and ECDA shall be under no obligation to appoint any operator(s) on the POP scheme arising from the submission of this EOI form alone. ECDA shall further be under no obligation to give reasons for the non-acceptance of any operator(s) for the POP scheme.

Where information is not available or applicable, please indicate accordingly.


Name: / NRIC/Passport No.:
Email: / Tel (O): / Mobile:

Name of Operator:
Business Registration No./UEN No.:
Organisation Type (Private/VWO):
Email: / Tel (O): / Mobile:
Proposed List of Participating Centres in the POP Scheme
Centre Name
(Centre Code) / Current Enrolment
(Child care)+ / Current Enrolment
(Infant care)+ / Licence Tenure / Current Fees*
(Child Care) / Current Fees*
(Infant Care) / SPARK Certified?
e.g. PTXXXX / e.g. 80 / e.g. 15 / e.g. 24-mth / e.g. $1,000 / e.g. $1,500 / Pls check if yes

+As at 31 Jan 2015

*Fees are excluding GST

If there are insufficient rows in the table above, please attach your listing as a separate attachment (according to the table format above)and submit it together with your Expression of Interest Form.


Please provide the actualrevenue and costs for 2013 & 2014 and the projected revenue and costs for 2015 for each of the categories below. The amounts stated for each category should comprisethe total revenue and costs for all participating centres as listed in Section B above.

Note: The total revenue and costs in 2013/2014should be stated with reference to the latest financial statements submitted. Please refer to Annex A for the classification of teachers.

Assumption: No additional enrolment growth for 2015

Period: ______
(e.g. Jan – Dec) / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / Remarks (Assumptionsif any)
Revenue (S$) / Actual
Revenue (S$) / Projected
Revenue (S$)
Average Centre Fees* per enrolment #
Fee* Revenue from Full-DayProgrammes
Fee* Revenue from Half-Dayand Flexi-Care Programmes
Other Fee* Revenue from Enrichment Programmes[3]
Other Income
(please specify)
Period: ______
(e.g. Jan – Dec) / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / Remarks (Assumptions if any)
Costs (S$) / Actual
Costs (S$) / Projected
Costs (S$)
Staff Salaries [incl. Annual Wage Supplement (AWS)and CPF Contribution]:
No. of Programme Staff (as per categories of staff listed in Annex A attached)
Supervisor Salaries ($)
No. of Supervisors
Senior Teacher Salaries ($)
No. of Senior Teachers
Teacher 2/3 Salaries ($)
No. of Teacher 2/3s
Teacher 1 Salaries ($)
No. of Teacher 1s
Educarer Salaries
No. of Educarers
Infant Educarer Salaries
No. of Infant Educarers
Other Staff (Non-teaching Staff) Cost
No. of Non-teaching Staff
Monthly Rent (incl. GST)
Other Operating Costs
(incl. HQ overheads)
Other Expenses
(please specify)

# Average centre fees per enrolment is equivalent to where total fee revenue is defined as the sum of fees collected from existing enrolmentfor all participating centres . For 2015, please provide fee revenue info per Section B. Total enrolment should be the sum of the enrolment for all participating centres across the year. For 2015, please assume no increase in enrolment.

*Fees are excluding GST.




I declare that I have been duly authorized by the Operator (as per Section B above) to acton their behalf to submit this Expression of Interest to ECDA for purposes of being considered for the POP Scheme.

I declare that the facts stated in this Expression of Interest and the accompanying information and documents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and I have not wilfully suppressed any material fact. I also declare that the business/company is currentlynot involved in any pending or anticipated litigation. I understand that ECDA may request for information as and when required. I accept that if any of the information given by me in this Expression of Interest is in any way false or incorrect, my Expression of Interest may be rejected.

I understand that ECDA reserves the right to reject myExpression of Interest, and is under no obligation to disclose the reason(s) for which this Expression of Interest is rejected.

**Average number is , where total number of CPD training hours attended are number of hours attended by programme staff whose roles are outlined in Annex A.


SignatureDate of Application (DD/MM/YYYY)



Annex A

Programme Staff Job Roles

Position / Role Descriptor / Qualifications and Training Requirements
[Typically requires at least 2 years of Early Childhood Education(ECE) teaching experience and general working experience of 5 – 8 years] /
  • Ensure the leadership, management and delivery of quality curriculum and that the daily operations, financial, human resource and management of the centre are carried out effectively.
  • Work within the centre’s policies, philosophy and procedures
  • Plan and co-ordinate change in consultation with the centre’s operator/licensee, management, staff and families
  • Plan and monitor individual staff’s continuing professional development
  • Work with programme staff to develop a holistic and developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum
  • Ensure that centre’s service meet the needs of children and families
  • Diploma in Pre-School Education Leadership (DPE-L) / Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education – Leadership (DECCE-L), or its equivalent
  • Valid certificate in first aid

Senior Teacher
[~>7y exp] /
  • Lead in the planning and implementation of a holistic and developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum for the centre
  • Provide oversight on quality of curriculum delivery
  • Lead in the organisation of school events and activities
  • Lead in the organisation of parent and other outreach activities
  • Mentor and coach new teachers
  • Diploma in Pre-school Education - Teaching (DPE-T) / Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECCE-T), or its equivalent

Teacher 2/3
[~2-6y exp] /
  • Plan and implement a holistic and developmentally appropriate early childhood curriculum
  • Delivers valid, and effective lessons for all levels of classes, demonstrating a variety of teaching techniques
  • Provide a safe and clean learning environment for the care and development of children in the centre
  • Provide activities, apparatus and equipment to support the various curriculum areas
  • Ensure that centre’s service meets the needs of children and families
  • Diploma in Pre-school Education - Teaching (DPE-T) / Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECCE-T), or its equivalent

Position / Role Descriptor / Qualifications and Training Requirements
Teacher 1
[~0-1y exp] /
  • Deliver early childhood programmes for all levels of classes in the centre according to curriculum guidelines
  • Provide a safe and clean learning environment for the care and development of children in the centre
  • Provide activities, apparatus and equipment to support the various curriculum areas
  • Ensure that centre’s service meets the needs of children and families
  • Diploma in Pre-school Education - Teaching (DPE-T) / Diploma in Early Childhood Care and Education (DECCE-T), or its equivalent

Educarer /
  • Deliver early childhood programmes up to according to curriculum guidelines for Nursery level.
  • Provide a safe and clean learning environment for the care and development of children in the centre
  • Provide activities, apparatus and equipment to support the various curriculum areas
  • Ensure that centre’s service meets the needs of children and families
  • Certificate in Pre-school Teaching (CPT) / Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education (CECCE) / Higher NITEC in Early Childhood Education, or its equivalent

Infant Educarer /
  • Plan and implement early childhood curriculum / Early Years Development Framework to meet the physical, emotional and social, intellectual needs of the infants, toddlers or young children
  • Provide a safe and clean learning environment for the children in the centre
  • Provide activities, apparatus and equipment to support the various curriculum areas planned for the children
  • Ensure that centre’s service meets the needs of children and families
  • Higher Certificate in Infant Care / Advanced Certificate in Early Years / Certificate in Infant and Toddler Care and Development OR is a State Registered Nurse with a Certificate in Infant Care
  • Valid certificate in first aid


[1] This refers to capabilities at the HQ to oversee the planning and development of POP centres and staff to meet the Scheme’s requirements.

[2]Potential Operators may refer to ECDA website: for information relating to the requirements of the POP scheme.

[3] Enrichment Programmes refer to programmes that are over and above the standard child care and infant care servicesthat children receive from paying the general programme fees.