
Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homophones


3 weeks


Lesson / Time Frame / Focus
Lesson 18 / 1/5-1/9 / Identify and Use Synonyms
Lesson 19 / 1/12-1/16 / Identify and Use Antonyms
Lesson 20 / 1/20-1/23 / Identify and Use Homophones

Lesson 18

LessonOverview: 3.4C/Identify and Use Synonyms

  1. Forthe lessononSynonyms, use the Synonym, Antonym, Homophone PowerPoint slides #1-5.
  1. Create the Synonyms Anchor Chart with your students, leaving the synonym column blank.
  • Define theconcept of synonym
  • Ask students togenerate synonymsofBIG,thestudents couldsayGIANT,HUGE,HUMONGOUS,etc.
  • Record these on the in the synonym column.
  • Repeat this process for the words Friend, Tall, Sad, Sleepy

3. Next, theteacherintroducesthestudentstotheresourcesthatareavailableforfindingsynonyms (athesaurusorinternet-basedresources suchas

4. Independent Practice: Students find 3 or 4 synonyms for the remaining words on the anchor chart.

This can be done on a copy of the anchor chart or drawn in their Word Study Notebook

Synonyms- words that mean the same

Word / Synonym
Big / giant, huge, humongous
Friend / ally,buddy,chum,pal
Tall / big,lofty,lanky
Sad / unhappy,gloomy,glum
Sleepy / tired,beat,drowsy

Antonyms-words that are opposites

Word / Antonym
Nice / mean, naughty, cruel
Sharp / blunt,dull,rounded
Skinny / fat,heavy,beefy
Rich / poor,bankrupt,broke

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Lesson 19

LessonOverview: 3.4C/Identify and Use Antonyms

  1. For the lesson on Antonyms use the Synonym, Antonym, Homophone PowerPoint slides #6-8.

2. Create the Antonyms Anchor Chart with your students, leaving the synonym column blank.

  • Define theconcept of antonym
  • Ask students togenerate antonymsofNICE ,thestudents couldsay,MEAN,BAD,CRUEL etc.
  • Record these on the in the antonym column.
  • Repeat this process for the words Sharp, skinny, and rich

3. Independent Practice: Students find 3 or 4 antonyms for the remaining words on the anchor chart.

This can be done on a copy of the anchor chart or drawn in their Word Study Notebook

Lesson 20

LessonOverview: 3.4C/Identify and Use Homophones

1.For the lesson on Homophones, use the Synonym, Antonym, Homophone PowerPoint slides #9-11.

2. Create the Homophones Anchor Chartwith your students & distribute a copy for students to paste in their Word Study Notebook

Homophones-words that are sound the same but have different meanings, and are spelled differently

Word / Meaning / Homophone / Meaning
week / weak
ate / eight
pair / pear

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