TO: Service Region Administrators

Service Region Administrator Associates

Service Region Clinical Associates

Regional Program Specialists

Family Services Office Supervisors

FROM: Tina Webb, Assistant Director

Division of Protection and Permanency

DATE: February 28, 2014

SUBJECT: APS-Documenting Collateral Interviews, ADT Tip Sheet andInvestigation Assessment Extension Requests

The purpose of this transmittal is to update staff regarding an addition of content to the Adult Protective Services SOP and to clarify an issue regarding content entry on the APS Assessment for Abuse/Neglect:

  • APS ADT Content Entry: When completing the Chronology Information screens in the ADT assessment, if collateral interviews are not completed, the SSW must select the box “no collateral contact.”Then, in the Collateral Interviews notes section, the SSW explains that the alleged victim did not give express permission to interview the alleged perpetrator and/or no other collateral sources were available to be interviewed. It is the expectation that the SSW will accurately reflect whether or not collaterals were interviewed and, if not, explains the rationale.

Two examples in which collaterals may not be interviewed are:

  • If the SSW is conducting anAPS Spouse/Partner abuse report, in which the victim does not grant express permission to interview the alleged perpetrator, and no other collateral sources are available to be interviewed; or
  • As referenced in the Practice Guidance section of SOP 20.2 General Interviewing Guidelines, “an interview with the alleged perpetrator of abuse, neglect or exploitation may not be in the best interest of the victim.”
  • New Tip Sheet: The APS Assessment andDocumentation Tool Summary document has been added to theRelated Resources browser of the SOP manual. This document contains information regarding what information should be entered on each screen of the new APS ADT.
  • Extension Requests: SOP 20.1 Introduction to APS Investigation and Assessment has been revised to include guidance for requesting an extension for an investigative assessment. The process has not changed; however, language already existing in the CPS SOP has been replicated in the APS chapter for purposes of clarification.

If you have any questions regarding this transmittal, please contact via e-mail, or by telephone at (502) 564-7043, ext. 3570.