Seminar on child labour, education and youth employment: a challenge for growth

Madrid, 11-12 September 2008

Understanding Children’s Work Project

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

The seminar will be held on 11-12 September 2008 in Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Salón de Grados, Campus de Getafe.

Draft Agenda

11 September 2008

Opening Remarks (14:00 – 14:30)

Joan R. Roses, Universidad Carlos III

Furio C. Rosati, Understanding Children’s Work Project, University of Rome ‘Tor Vegata’

Guillermo Dema, IPEC Coordinator for Central America, Dominican Republic and Haiti

Afternoon sessionI (14:30 – 15:00)


Alessandro Cigno,University of Florence

Afternoon session II (15:00 – 17:00)

Child labour and the worst forms of child labour

A positive stigma for children’s work

Authors:Harry Patrinos(WB)

Lifetime health consequences of child labour in Brazil

Author:Chanyoung Lee(Bank of Korea)

Measuring the worst forms: the case of begging children in Senegal

Authors:Maurizia Tovo (World Bank)

The worst forms of child labour in Latin America: educational implications

Author:Anna Ensing(IREWOC)

Coffee break (17:00 – 17:30)

Afternoon session III (17:30 – 19:00)


The determinants of school attainment in Turkey and impact of extension compulsory education

Authors:Idil Goskel (Bocconi University)

Child labour and school attendance: evidence from MICS and DHS surveys

Authors:Friedrich Huebler (UNICEF)

Child labour and education in Latin America: an empirical review

Authors:Zafirs Tzannatos (World Bank)

Poverty alleviation and child time allocation

Author:Eric Edmonds (DarthmouthCollege, IZA and NBER)

12 September 2008

Morning session I (9:00 – 10:30)

The labour market: child labourers and youth employment

Child labour demand

Authors:Lorenzo Guarcello (UCW), Marco Mancorda (LSE) and Furio C. Rosati (UCW)

The effect of child labour and low education on adult’s labour market experience: the case of Guatemala

Author:Francesca Francavilla (University of Florence)

What hides behind extended youth employment duration in Bosnia and Herzegovina: evidence from individual level data

Authors:Nihan Koseleci (Université Paris I)

When manna comes from abroad. Remittances and youth labour market behavior in Albania

Author:Michela Braga (Bocconi University)

Coffee break (10:30 – 11:00)

Morning session II (11:00 – 12:30)

Children and vulnerability

The role of children in household risk management: impact on schooling and child labour

Author:Anne Kielland (FaFo)

Impact of rising food prices on vulnerability to child labour: implications and appropriate responses

Authors:Charlotte Harland (UNICEF)

Family income and child outcomes: the 1990 cocoa price shock in Cote d’Ivoire

Author:Rémi Jedwab (ParisSchool of Economics)

Child labor and schooling responses to production and health shocks in northern Mali

Author:Andrew Dillon (CornellUniversity and IFPRI)

Lunch Break (13:00 – 14:00)

Afternoon session I (14:00 – 16:30)

The impact of policies

The heterogeneous impact of conditional cash transfer programs on child labour: the case of Tekoporã in Paraguay

Authors:Guilherme Issamu Hirata(International Poverty Centre – UNDP)

Leveling the intra-household playing field: compensation and specialization in child labour allocation

Authors:Ximena del Carpio (World Bank)

Microfinance, street children and the capability approach

Authors:Baddredine Serrokh (University of Bruxelles)

Coffee Break (16:30 – 17:00)

Afternoon session II (17:00 – 19:00)

Round Table: Intervention Strategies

Panelists from the following institutions are expected to participate:

U Carlos III, Alvaro Escribano (Vicerrector de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación)

ILO/IPEC, Manuel Garcia (Coordinator for South America)

UCW, Furio Camillo Rosati

UNESCO, Kevin Watkins, (Director EFA Global Monitoring Report)

UNICEF, Charlotte Harland

Instituto Figuerola of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, TBC

World Bank, Harry Patrinos

World Bank, Maurizia Tovo