Minutes of CMK Medical Centre PPG –Tuesday 13October2015

  1. Those Present

Janet Mulley / Sandy McAlear / Muriel Moffoot / Georgina Price (Practice IT manager)
John Mountford / Ray Loveridge / Dr Stephen Norman / Dilys Seddon
  1. Welcome and Apologies

Janet welcomed everyone.

Apologies received from:Eileen Freestone, Rick Conway, Paul Winter, (Julie Screen – on holiday)

3.Minutes of previous meeting - The minutes were agreed

4.Matters Arising

  • Boots Pharmacy: The manager will attend the next meeting, but Janet said she would speak with her soon, before the meeting regarding the queuing.
  • LED screen display: John said that he had seen a large TV screen in Wolverton Health Centre, and it was much easier to see and read; hopefully more than one person can be called at a time. Georgina said that the adaptors for the Screen have been ordered; our problems had been caused because we had been one of the first to introduce our systems and screens.


There was no report, as Paul Winter was not present.

6.Outside Meetings

Janet went to the Healthwatch AGM, and though much of the meeting was administrative, she had copies of a presentation given, and offered everyone the chance to see the slides Janet suggested we had copies of Healthwatch leaflets in reception, if not a Healthwatch poster. Janet will pursue with Healthwatch.

7. Flu Clinic Raffle

There was no raffle, as it was too late to organise it. Janet mentioned that Flu Clinics were not on the web site. Georgina said she hadn't put it on this year. Appointments were going very well.

8.Surgery Business

  • GP: Dr Norman informed the meeting that he intended to retire in 6 months' time, and intended to pursue other interests around health, though not necessarily at GP or on a full time basis. Although other MK practices were having difficulty recruiting GPs, it was hoped that one of the current locum doctors working at the practice would agree to join the practice on a permanent basis, though others may also be invited to join. The PPG wished Dr Norman a happy and fulfilling retirement.
  • VOIP telephone system:There was a problem in that Bradwell Common cannot currently connect to fibre broadband, (much to everyone's' surprise – and horror), and it was therefore going to be difficult to implement the VOIP system.Temporary workarounds were being considered, though the costs may be higher.
  • Prime Ministers’ Challenge Fund:

The service is now called MK Health Extra Clinics.

Between 21/9/15 – 30/11/15, clinics will be available as follows:

Mondays 6.30pm -8pm (now have 2 GPs in)

Wednesdays 6.30pm -8pm (now have 2 GPs in, most weeks)

Saturdays 12-3pm (1 GP)

As from 1/12/15clinics will be available as follows:

Tuesdays 6.30pm -8pm (4 GPs)

Saturday 8am-2pm (4 GPs)

There will also be Nurses or HCAs working but numbers are not fixed yet.

Three of the practice's doctors will be involved in this pilot scheme. From December, it will be possible to book appointments with the other hubs, and other patients at our practice on Tuesday evenings. All 4 hubs are on a rota system. Some hubs are open early mornings; there are already some appointments here from 8am with some doctors.

9.PPG Facebook Page

Janet offered to take over and manage the facebook page as the PPG page. This was agreed. Georgina agreed to give Janet admin rights for the page.

9. AOB

If anyone has any ideas for the next Newsletter, please speak with Janet. Janet would draft the next Newsletter for the next meeting.

The next Community Choir Christmas concert is to be held on 9 December at the Salvation Army small hall at 6:45pm followed by refreshments.

Dr Norman thanked everyone for their commitment and time for the PPG. He assured everyone that the practice valued their input.

10.Date of next meetings: The dates of the next meetings are Thursday 3rd December 2015 (a change from the previously advertised date)and Tuesday 12th January 2016, commencing at 6:30pm.