EXTENDED MATHEMATICS 11 Course Outline / 2016--2017

Text:Nelson, Foundationsof Mathematics11

Teacher: Mr. Anthony Grover

Contact Information: Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School

105 Braemore Ave., Antigonish, NS, B2G 1L3

Telephone: 863-1620

Fax: 863-8284


While studying the topics in an academic mathematics course, the pace for Extended Mathematics 11 will allow more time for students to activate prior knowledge, engage in sense-making tasks and projects and consolidate their understanding. Extended Mathematics 11 satisfies the prerequisite for both Mathematics 12 and Pre-calculus 11. The majority of students who take Extended Mathematics 11 will pursue the academic pathway and continue on to Mathematics 12 in their grade 12 year.

**NOTE**Extended Mathematics 11 will be counted as one academic mathematics credit and one technology credit and both credits will be awarded upon successful completion of the full year course.

Extended Mathematics 11 will be broken down into the following units as outlined in the provincial learning outcomes:

1. Relations and Functions
In this unit, students will learn to model and solve problems that involve systems of linear inequalities in two variables. Students will also develop an understanding of the characteristics of quadratic functions, including vertex, intercepts, domain and range, and axis of symmetry.
2.Logical Reasoning
In the logical reasoning unit, students will learn to analyze and prove conjectures, using inductive and deductive reasoning, to solve problems. Students also will be expected to analyze puzzles and games that involve spatial reasoning, using problem-solving strategies.
3. Geometry
In this section students will be expected to derive proofs that involve the properties of angles and triangles. Students will alsosolve problems that involve the properties of angles and triangles. Finally, students will be expected to solve problems that involve the cosine law and the sine law, including the ambiguous case.


This section will deal with solving problems that involve the application of rates and problems that involve scale diagrams and proportional reasoning. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among scale factors, areas, surface areas, and volumes of similar 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.

5. Statistics
During the statistics unit, students will learn to interpret statistical data, using confidence intervals, confidence levels, and margin of error. Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of normal distribution, including standard deviation and z-scores. Finally, students will be expected to critically analyze society’s use of inferential statistics.
6. Data Analytics
Students will learn about Big Data in terms of how it is collected and used. In addition, students collect and analyze large amounts of data.
EXTENDED MATHEMATICS 11 Course Outline / 2016--2017

Homework: As per the homework policy recently released by the Department of Education, in this class homework will have one or more of the following three purposes:

• Prepare information or materials for future learning activities (e.g., gather resources, read somethingfor a class discussion, or rehearse for a presentation).

• Practice new knowledge or new skills (e.g., read for pleasure, practice physical skills, practice amusical instrument, use new knowledge to complete a project, or practice basic literacy andmath skills).

• Enrich students’ understanding of a topic and apply it in new ways (e.g., research local news,investigate a science experiment, write daily or weekly reflections in a journal, or apply skills to aclass project).

It is not only an expectation, but it is also a requirement that you complete your homework when it is assigned.

NOTE: To get homework and other course updates follow make sure that you join my Mathematics 11 Google Classroom. You can also find homework on Strait Up.

Attendance and Make-up work

Regular attendance and consistent study are two factors that contribute greatly to success in school. Attendance is expected. However, if you must miss a class, you are required to make up all missed work. It is your responsibility to complete all missed lessons and work.

Extra Help

Extra help is available for all students and is a great way to help you be successful. Extra help will be given on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until about 3:15. If help is required outside of those times please see me in class.


  • If a student misses a scheduled quiz or a test due to an excused absence, then the student will be required to write the quiz or test the first day back. It is important that contact is made with the school on the day of the absence.
  • Missing assignments will be marked incomplete (IC in Power School) and will count as a 0 until the assignment is completed and passed in.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

  • Be on time; be fully prepared; work to the best of your ability.
  • Be courteous, co-operative, respectful and non-disruptive. All four of these apply to proper cell phone use as well.
  • Keep good notes, participate in class, and ask questions.
  • Complete all tasks on time.
  • As per school rules, music devices and cell phones will not be permitted. Cell phones may be used periodically but only with consent from the teacher and when for school purposes. It is not acceptable to text or make/ take phone calls during class time.

NOTE: We will use Google Classroom extensively in this course. If you do not have a device or internet access at home, you will have access to an iPad at school. To get homework and other course updates please use the Classroom and/or visit StraitUp.

Recommended Apps: If you have an appropriate device it would be beneficial to download the following apps: Desmos and Google Classroom.

EXTENDED MATHEMATICS 11 Course Outline / 2016--2017
Functions and Relations / 22%
Logical Reasoning / 8%
Measurement / 7%
Geometry / 17%
Data Analytics / 10%
Final Exam / 25%
EXTENDED MATHEMATICS 11 Course Outline / 2016--2017

At the end of the first semester, students will write a cumulative assessment based on all of the material covered in the semester. This assessment will be counted within each of the appropriate categories and will not be counted as a stand-alone assessment such as the final exam. Please note the above percentages are subject to change, depending on how much time is spent on the given units. Any changes to the percentages will be discussed with the class.