Submit to: Karla Embleton, Office of Distance Education & Educational Technology,
306 MacKay Hall, 294-9198

Requests should be submitted AT LEAST 2 WEEKS prior to survey data collection start date.
This form does not replace information requested in the IRB application.

College technical assistance overview:

Based on the information that you provide, College ODEET staff will code a web-based survey for you. One or more meetings can be expected during the coding phase. Researchers should provide question text, images, and other data in electronic format. In rare cases, question reformatting may be necessitated by the survey software. Each survey coded with SurveyGizmo or as a custom form will have a unique URL. WebCT surveys do not have a unique URL. It is the responsibility of the researcher to send out survey participation invitations. ODEET staff will provide you with collected data in electronic, Excel-compatible format. It is the responsibility of the researcher to pilot test the online survey to verify that it operates as expected and that collected data is both accurate and in a usable format,prior to large scale sampling.At the end of your study, the survey will be archived but it is the researcher’s responsibility to store and archive collected data.

The researcher is responsible for obtaining any necessary IRB approval, or official IRB exemption, from ISU. To facilitate the IRB review process, please include a copy of this form with the IRB application. This form does not replace information requested in the IRB application—you must also complete all sections of the IRB application before your study can be reviewed.

Survey Title:
Primary Investigator:
Department / Unit:
Secondary Investigator:
Department / Unit:
Type of survey: / __ Non-research: Administrative use (vote, student data collection)
__ Non-research: Course evaluation
__ Research: Faculty/Staff
__ Research: Graduate student /Undergraduate
__Other. Please describe:
Is IRB approval required?* / __ Unsure
__ NO
__ YES , approval required
__YES, exemption required
Will your survey include images or multimedia files? / __ NO
__ YES. Approximate data size of files (if known): ___ KB
Anticipated Timeline: / Development start date:
Date that data collection will begin:
Date data collection will end:
Date project will end:

Privacy and ConfidentialitySettings

There are a variety of settings inthe survey software that can be set to ensure privacy and confidentiality for research participants. The default settings we have chosen allow for the collection of identifying information (names, email addresses, electronic identifiers, etc.) if such data is needed, and use standard security settings for data transmission. However, sometimes different settings are useful or necessary for some types of research. Accordingly, there are a variety of options available related to privacy and confidentiality.Please indicate your choices for privacy and confidentiality settings.

Names, contact information, and/or email addresses(check one box):
Names, contact information and/or email addresses should be collected and included with the survey data in a single file (common for longitudinal studies or when follow-up is necessary)
Names, contact information, and/or email addresses should be collected, but will be removed by ODE staff prior to releasing data to the investigator (researcher receives one anonymous data file)
Names, contact information, and/or email addresses should be collected, but will be removed and retained in a separate file by ODE staff prior to releasing data to the investigator (common when compensation is provided to participants)
Names and/or email addresses should not be collected (required for the data to be anonymous)
Electronic identifiers (e.g., IP addresses, cookies) (check one box):
Electronic identifiers should be tracked and included with the survey data
Electronic identifiers should be tracked, but removed from the data by the college technical assistant prior to releasing data to the investigator
Electronic identifiers should not be tracked (required for the data to be anonymous)
If shared computer use is likely (e.g., spouses, roommates, etc.) (check all that apply):
Ensure that responses from users cannot be viewed by other users
Ensure that only one response from a computer is allowed;or
Allow multiple responses from the same computer

Level of security required during transmission of data(check one box):

Encryption, secure HTTP, etc. (normally used when highly sensitive information is collected)
Standard Survey Gizmo settings

Other Settings

Along with settings for privacy and confidentiality, there are other issues that impact how your survey is designed. For example,we will use a default setting when constructing your survey that allows participants to skip questions they do not wish to answer because it is normally required by the IRB. Additionally, participants must be able to consent to participate. If you wish to have consent information included as an introduction to the survey, it is customary to include a button where participants must click “agree” to take the survey. Some surveys include ID codes that participants must enter in order to complete the survey. Please indicate your choices below.

Informed Consent Process(check all that apply):
Informed consent information will be included in a letter of introduction sent by email or regular mail to recruit participants
Informed consent information should be included as the first page of the survey and participants must click a button to “agree” before participating in the survey
Use of ID codes(check one box):
Participants will be assigned an ID code that they will type into the survey form
No ID codes will be needed
Special Requests(please explain):