Table 2. 4 Possible formal and informal supports/services for a family outcome and a child outcome

Family Outcome and Criteria / Strategies / Options for early intervention supports/services
Outcome: Sylvia will take Paolo to the park and shopping, by herself
Criteria: Sylvia will take one trip with Paola to either the library, mall or other community activity by herself within the next 4-6 months /
  • Sylvia will review the mobility training she received at the MD School for the Blind
  • I/T provider will accompany Sylvia and Paola to community activities such as the library
  • Sylvia will identify available transportation options and ask family and other community supports to accompany her on a trial run
/ Depending on their knowledge/experience any one of the following EI providers could support Sylvia in achieving this outcome:
Family support coordinator
Occupational therapist
Social worker
Special educator
Physical therapist
Other formal and informal services to support outcomes:
MD School for the Blind
Extended family/friends
Library program for children

NOTE: In selecting services to help implement this family’s IFSP, all outcomes and strategies on Paolo’s IFSP should be reviewed.

The frequency and intensity of services should be chosen after discussion with Sylvia about how much support she desires to navigate the transportation system and reach her destination while attending to her son’s needs. Will Paolo need a stroller? Is he walking on his own? How far and how long? How easy will it be to address his toileting and eating needs while Sylvia and Paola are outside their home?

The natural environments in which supports/services would be provided to meet this outcome are the public library or shopping mall and the selected transportation method identified by Sylvia (bus, taxi, walking).

Child Outcome and Criteria / Strategies / Options for early intervention supports/services
Outcome: Neena will eat and drink by mouth like other kids during family outings
Criteria: Neena will drink a minimum of 4 oz of fluids from a cup and eat 3 spoonfuls of food during family outings /
  • Family and I/T staff consult with GI doctor about realistic timetable and plan for Neena to drink and eat
  • I/T providers will share information about oral-motor development with parents and suggest enjoyable hand/mouth games to play with Neena
  • Family and I/T staff work together to introduce Neena to new foods and liquids and track her likes and dislikes
  • I/T staff will accompany family on outings to adapt eating suggestions
  • I/T staff will link family to other families who have a child with a feeding tube to see how they cope and get around in the community
/ Depending on their knowledge/experience any one of the following EI providers could support Neena’s family in achieving this outcome:
Occupational therapist
Special educator
Speech-lang pathologist
Other formal and informal services to support outcomes:
Parent-parent support

NOTE: In selecting services to help implement this family’s IFSP, all outcomes and strategies on Neena’s IFSP should be reviewed at the same time.

The frequency and intensity of services should be chosen after discussion with Neena’s parents about how much support/services would be needed to implement the strategies identified above. It may be that the early intervention provider suggested above with the most experience/knowledge in helping children learn to eat by mouth could work with Neena and her parents in a flexible schedule (e.g.,2x/week for 6 weeks, and then visit once per week for another 8 weeks) until the parents are ready to try a family outing.

The natural environments in which supports/services would be provided to meet this outcome are the family home (to begin weaning Neena off tube feedings) and the community destinations chosen by Nina’s family, when they are ready to go out with her.