Welcome to Franklin Elementary …

Message from the Principal

Dear Franklin Families:


(916) 684-6518

Welcome to Franklin Elementary School, Home of the Pioneers. We are looking forward to partnering with you during the 2017-2018 school year. We are confident that this will be an outstanding time for all our students, and we welcome the challenge to continue to ensure all students will become lifelong learners and reach their full potential. Franklin Elementary School prides itself on preparing students for a successful academic career in middle school, high school and postsecondary.

As your new principal, I am excited to get to know each student and their family to build those important relationships that establish an open line of communication; confidence in our school programs; and continue the long-standing tradition of academic excellence at Frankilin. Never hesitate to contact me with your needs, concerns, successes, etc.

The new school year promises to be exciting and challenging for us all. We start our second year of implementing our English Language Arts curriculum, California Wonders. We will also continue our participation in the online “Smarter Balanced” (SBAC) assessment. For 2016, we showed great results in both English Lanugage Arts and Math, and can be very proud of the hard work put forward by our students and staff. Around thirty percent of our students are English learners, and our goal is for them to make one year of language growth as well as be redesignated as English Proficient within a five year time period. Our English Learners have shown positive results with this goal based on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT).

We continue to be an impacted school with our registrations exceeding our available classroom space. We thank all our new families for their patience as we work to identify classroom enrollment. We are working together with our community to facilitate a safe, efficient arrival and dismissal within our campus’s constraints. We also have several new staff members in our Pre-school and Learning Center as well as a new School Psychologist. We will have anew agency overseeing our after-school program. As Pioneers, we look forward to embracing these challenges and serving our community inour 158th school year!

We have many ways you can be involved in your child’s school experience. I would encourage all families to connect with one of our many parent/community groups (see page 5 of this handbook). You are your child’s first teacher and will always be an important part of his/her education. We look forward to partnering with you throughout the year, and look forward to a high level of parent involvement on our campus.

This handbook includes a great deal of information regarding our school. Please take time to read and discuss the information. Refer to it as questions arise. A copy of the handbook will also be included on our school website. We also ask that your review this information with your child, sign the verification form (back page) and return it to your child’s teacher. Our teachers will ask all children to review the handbook with their family and send in the appropriate verification form.


Larry Quismondo, Principal

Inside this handbook:

Welcome, Staff Roster / 1-2
Calendar, Schedules, Procedures & Policies / 3-4
Health & Medical, Community, Curriculum / 5-6
Programs & Services, Student Recognition
& Behavior / 7-9
EGUSD Policies / 9-13
Family Handbook Receipt Verification / 14

Mission Statement

of Franklin Elementary School

Franklin Elementary School is dedicated to developing respectful and responsible citizens who seek to make positive contributions to our diverse society. We resolve to accomplish this by:

Maintaining a safe and supportive learning

environment for everyone,

Developing life-long, independent learners and

thinkers, and

 Sustaining a strong and lasting sense of community and character through communication and

collaboration with families.


Administration & Office Team

Larry Quismondo / Principal
TBD / Vice Principal
Lesley Valim / Secretary
Lorraine Otani / School Office Assistant

Teaching Teams


Alegna AtkinsPreschool


Erin CatonAM Kinder

Stacy BruggemanPM Kinder

Tanille Mendenhall AM Kinder

JoAnn WoodsPM Kinder


Patty King

Donna Lee

Kim O’Hair

Diana Seymour


Jody Brown (2/3)

Annette Jonson

Amanda Martin

Camila McFarland

Kimberly McIntire


Jody Brown (2/3)

Karen Hausmann

Lotty Chaves-Kanemoto

Deb Patching

Marcelina Torrence


Sherri Arruda

Event Coordinators
Boots ‘n Bling / Goretti Duarte
Harvest Festival / Karen Vail
Winter Family Fun Night
Holiday Gift Shop / TBD
Kristi Jimenez
Staff Appreciation / TBD
Spirit Wear / Goretti Duarte
Box Tops / Josephine Manaois
Head Art Docent / Kristi Jimenez
Dinner Nights Out / TBD

Jennifer Levario

Laura McFarland

Diane Shirey


Mike BradleyNatalie Ellison

Brenda BridgesHeidi Emerson

Jean DeLucaJoe Fossum

Kathi HuttoNatalia Muraoka

Yard Supervisor Team

Rachel Cantor

Martha Flores-Reyes

Judit Kakuszi

Chris Lloyd

Josephine Manaois

Sarahi Velasco-Sequra

Intervention & Support Team

Laura Diaz-Castellanos / RSP
Holly Anthony / RSP
Jessica Malagon / Psychologist
Holly Green / SpeechTherapist
TBD / Nurse
Cindy Ahnin / Counselor
Monica Lopez / PBIS Coach/Behaviorist
Mariana Castro / Migrant Ed Family Support
Librarian / Computers
Lori Hebenstreit / Katheryn Wood
Custodial Team / Cafeteria Team
Doug Sefing / Kavita Lal
Yanhong Li / Diana Ortiz
PTA Board Members
Karen Vail / President
Kristi Jimenez / Vice-President
Karla Canant / Secretary
Goretti Duarte / Treasurer
Debbie Flowers / Parliamentarian
Lisa Manzo / Historian
Lesley Valim / Auditor
Erin Thompson / Leisure Activity Coordinator



2017-2018 Year at a Glance

August 8 / Back to School Night 1st – 6th Grades @ 6:00 pm
August 8 / Back to School Night Kinder @ 4:30 pm & 5:30 pm
August 10 / First Day of School
September 4 / NO SCHOOL -Labor Day
September 21 / Picture Day
October 20 / Harvest Festival
October 23 – 27 / Red Ribbon Week
October 31 / K-6 Minimum Day Report Card Prep
November 7 / Picture Retakes
November 8 / Bring Your Parent to Lunch
November 6 - 9 / Book Fair
November 10 / NO SCHOOL –Veterans’ Day Observance
November 9, 13-17 / 1st-6th Grade Minimum Days for Parent Conferences
November 17 / Scholars’ Breakfast/Awards Assemblies
November 20-24 / NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
December 7 / Winter Family Fun Night
December 15 / K-6 Minimum Day
December 18 – January 1 / NO SCHOOL - Winter Break
January 2 / Teachers’ Preservice Day – No School for Students
January 15 / NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Day
February 12 / NO SCHOOL - Lincoln's Birthday
February 19 / NO SCHOOL –Washington's Birthday
February 23 / K-6 Minimum Day Report Card Prep
March 6 – March 9 / 1st-6th Grade Minimum Days for Parent Conferences
March 9 / Scholars’ Breakfast/Awards Assemblies
March 12 – 16 / Science Camp 6th Grade to Sly Park
March 26 - 30 / NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
April 5 / Open House 5:00 – 7:30 pm
May 16 / K-6 Minimum Day Report Card Prep
May 24 / Scholar’s Breakfast/Awards Assemblies
May 25 / Last Day of School/PTA Aloha BBQ/K-6 Minimum Day




The Franklin Elementary School office is open Monday—Friday from 7:35 am—3:30 pm. Student supervision begins at 7:35 am where students may enter the campus and line-up near their classrooms or go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

PARENT-TEACHER COMMUNICATION We value our parents and want to communicate with you as much as necessary. Our first priority, however, is to see that student learning is not interrupted during the day. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, please email, send a note with your child, or leave a message with the office staff and the teacher will make contact with you as soon as possible. If you would like homework for your absent child, please call the office. Homework is usually available to pick up after 3:00 pm.


We welcome and encourage parents to visit and volunteer in their children’s classrooms.

All visitors and volunteers must, however, make prior arrangements with the teacher. When you arrive, please check in at the office where you will receive a visitor badge.

We also ask that you notify the teacher at least 24 hours in advance if you intend to provide an edible treat for a birthday celebration in case alternative arrangements need to be arranged for a classmate with dietary restrictions.


After completing and returning emergency forms to the school, please notify the school immediately when there is a change of address or telephone number.


Breakfast is served from 7:35 am—7:50 am and costs $1.75. The cost for lunch is $2.75. Meal applications must be submitted each year to qualify for “free or reduced” lunch. You may set up a student account at:


We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But, we also know that when students miss school—regardless of the reason—it can cause them to fall behind academically. Vacations during the regular school year are discouraged and teachers are not required to provide assignments or assessments for students with unexcused absences. Additionally, if your child misses ten consecutive days of school for unexcused reasons, s/he may be disenrolled. Children chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade are much less likely to read at grade level by the end of 3rd grade, and by 6th grade, chronic absence is a predictor for dropping out of school. Tardies and absences slow down instruction for all students. If an absence is necessary, please call, email, or send a note with your child including the date and reason for the absence. Students will be marked tardy if they are not in their classrooms by 8:00 am.

To report an absence,

call: (916) 684-6518

or email:


Traffic flow and existing parking are challenges we face at Franklin Elementary. We strongly encourage families to utilize bus transportation or car pool to avoid the long line of cars waiting to enter campus before school and around dismissal time. Safety is our number one concern and it requires patience and common sense on everyone’s part.

Do not park in handicapped spots without a placard.

Children may only cross the crosswalk with an adult during dismissal, or with a crossing guard during arrival.

Please do not EVER allow your child to cross lanes to be dropped off or picked up.

When picking your child up, please drive forward to the gate near the office.

Please do not park or wait along the yellow loading zone prior to the 2:20 pm dismissal.

Please do not park anywhere along Hood-Franklin Road for your safety and the safety of your children.




Head lice are tiny bugs that live on the hair and scalp. They are transmitted from one person to another by direct contact or on shared combs, hair brushes, hats, etc. They can also be acquired from upholstered furniture, clothing and bedding. Head lice cannot hop or jump.

If your child is found to have head lice:

Parents will be notified and child will be sent home.

Parents will receive a letter explaining treatment and care.

The child will be allowed to return to school if and when the child is free of live lice.

The child may not return to class until having first been cleared by the office.

Our district’s head lice policy/procedure is in line with evidence based practice and is based on the recommendation from the CDC, Sac County Public Health, American Academy of Pediatrics, and National Association of Nurses.

HEALTH AND NURSING SERVICES The nursing services at Franklin are

administered by a qualified school nurse once a week. The following services are provided: vision and hearing screening, updating medical information, keeping appropriate records for students, providing nutritional and

dental health education, and acting as a resource for our staff and parents.


Immunizations are required by law and will be verified at the time of registration. A TDaP booster after the seventh birthday is required for entry to middle school.

For first grade entry, all families must provide the district with written evidence of physical examination completed no sooner than 18 months prior to first grade entry but no later than 3 months after first grade entry. The law also now requires that children have an oral health assessment by May 31 in kindergarten or first grade—whichever is their first year of public school.


Any student who is required to take, during the regular school day, medication (either prescription or non-prescription) must have an updated “Administration of Medication bySchool Personnel” form on file in the office.

All student medication must be in the original container, clearly labeled with the student’s name and will be kept securely locked in the nurse’s office. Students may not

carry medication on their person; exceptions require physician, parent and principal authorization.



The ELAC meets once every trimester to discuss educational issues relative to students who are English learners (ELs). During those meetings, students are recognized for their language growth, performance on standardized tests, and redesignation as English proficient. Translators are available during these meetings. We welcome all parents to attend.


The primary role of the SSC is to assist in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of our school’s Local Control Accountability Plan

(LCAP). The council is composed of staff members and parents who serve two year terms. Meetings are held throughout the year.


Our PTA is a vital part of Franklin Elementary and continues to provide opportunities to build connections among families, socialize at sponsored events, and fundraise at school activities to enrich the lives of students and families. Please see the list of board members at the beginning of the handbook, browse their website which is

linked to Franklin’s own website and Visit their FaceBook page Franklin PTA.




Students will be issued textbooks for those content areas which the district has adopted texts. Your child is individually responsible for these books for the school year. If a book is lost or damaged, you will be billed for the partial or full price of the book depending on the condition of the book when it was issued. In order to ensure that our textbooks stay in good condition, it is recommended that all non-consumable texts should be covered during the first week of school.


California Wonders is the newly adopted ELA program in the Elk Grove Unified School District which integrates reading, writing, spelling, listening, and speaking. Classroom teachers also use social studies and science textbooks, short stories, poetry, plays, essays, biographies and novels to help all students achieve grade level Common Core Standards. The “ConnectEd” website linked to California Wonders is helpful to both parents and students:


In EGUSD K-6 classrooms, teachers will be implementing Common Core Standards using

Go Math curriculum. The Go Math materials are teacher, parent, and student “friendly” and the “Think Central” website linked to Go Math is helpful to both parents and students:


Our adopted standards-based science curriculum is California Science (K-5) and Earth Science (6th). As we implement CCSS,this curriculum will provide students more opportunities to read and understand informational text. State science standards are assessed annually as part of 5th grade CAASPP testing.


In EGUSD K-6 classrooms, the social science program is standards-based with an emphasis on both subject content and historical and social science analysis skills. Both the K-5 and 6th grade curriculum contains strategies for writing, note-taking, critical thinking, vocabulary development, and building success in comprehending expository text. These materials will also be used for instruction in the CCSS ELA.


Students in grades 1-6 will receive 100 minutes per week of physical education. For students to be excused from PE activities, a note from the parent or doctor detailing limitations as well as what the student can participate in is required. 5th grade students will participate in a state-required Physical Fitness Test in the spring.





Our students receive weekly instruction in computer-related skills which adhere to the EGUSD technology standards. The goal is for all students to have a minimum competency in basic operations and concepts, understand social, ethical, and human issues related to technology, and be able to use productivity tools.


Field trips are planned to coordinate with and enhance our curriculum. Only district-approved transportation will be used for trips. If behavior problems develop with a child, the parent will be asked to accompany their child on a trip, otherwise, the student may have to remain at school. If, for any reason, a scheduled field trip does not have the sufficient number of chaperones, the field trip may be canceled. Students must return correctly completed forms by the deadlines.