General Procedures

Students will be dismissed from the cafeteria around 7:20 a.m. Students will then go to their lockers and have everything ready to begin on their desk before going to the gym for Good Morning GES. Since the intermediate grades change classes several times throughout the day, we want to begin instruction as soon as we finish in the gym. If you drop off your child in the morning, PLEASE have them to school by 7:20 so that they have time to go to their lockers before going to the gym.

Each student will receive their homeroom schedule on the first day of school. Students will change classes several times throughout the day with their homeroom class.
Your child will have the following teachers:
Brandi Plumlee- Reading
Ellen Tandy- Science
Jessica McPherson-Math
Leslie Wilson- Social Studies


Students are expected to have their planners signed EVERY night by their parents. This is one way teachers/parents/students can communicate with each other. Teachers will often write notes in the planner for the parents to see and the parents are free to do so as well. This also gives the parents the opportunity to know what homework has been assigned and sue the next day. Please discuss homework with your child in order to make sure it has been completed. (See homework policy) Please check your child’s planner each night to know what is due the following day.

All homeroom teachers will collect some of the supplies students were asked to bring in (pencils, markers, scissors, glue…). These supplies will be used in that teacher’s classroom. For example, all students who to Ms. Jessica’s class will use the supplies her homeroom students brought in. All students who go to Mrs. Tandy’s class will use the supplies her homeroom students brought in and so on. By doing this, students will not have to keep up with taking these items from class to class since they will already have so much to transport between classes. The supplies will already be available in each classroom for student use.

All homeroom teachers have collected two boxes of pencils that students were asked to bring in from the supply list. Those pencils will stay in the homeroom classes. Therefore, students will NOT need to transport pencils from class to class. In the past students easily lost or dropped pencils when they changed classes. By leaving the pencils in the classrooms, students will never be without a pencil and work will not be delayed. Each student will then have one remaining box to complete homework assignments and to use at STARS. Your child will not need to keep up with any pencils during the school day.

Classroom Parties
Students will only be asked to bring in items for one classroom party this year. Teachers will indicateon the party note which students are to send in items. This prevents extra food from going to waste and “over-asking” for help.