San Jose City College


Amended Minutes

February 21, 2006

Senators Present: Patrick Butler, Kieron Connolly, Alex Esparza, Christopher Frazier, Beth Gaydos, Alice Gosak, Nancy Gressley, Maricela Martinez, Dan McElroy, Leslie Rice, Virginia Scales, Hung Trieu, Robert Wing, David Yancey, Carole Young

Excused Senators: Melanie Levinson, Wendy Pio, Jussi Rajna, Pat Space

Senators Absent: Carlton Connor, Karen Pullen

Guests/Resource Persons: Leo Chavez, John Branlund


Virginia Scales, Academic Senate, President, called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m., in the Community Conference Room, Room SC204.

Motion to approve agenda

Motion by David Yancey; Second by Dan McElroy

Motion passed unanimously

Consent agenda approval Committee Appointments

Motion by Alex Esparza; Second by Dan McElroy

Motion passed unanimously

  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES February 7, 2006

Motion to approve minutes

Motion by David Yancey; Second by Dan McElroy

Motion passed unaimously

  2. Dan McElroy – The AS President should speak on IID.

B. Alice Gosak –Alerted faculty to lock car doors. Her parking sticker was stolen. Other cars have been broken into.

C. David Yancey –The Academic Senate motion asking that bookstore profits not be used to pay for expenditures unrelated to the bookstore was discussed at the District Council. We need to examine the District Policies as they relate to bookstore operations. The bookstore is making undue profits from the students even while the students themselves are being de-reged.


A. #Ad Hoc Smoking Committee (Classified) – David Ahlberg, Sami Ibrahim

B. #Physical Ed Instructor & Volleyball Coach – Percy Carr, Carlton Connor

C. #Child Development Specialist (Classified) – 2 Faculty Members Needed – Ann Deckert

D. #Scholarship Committee – Elena Lipilina, Dorothy Pucay, Guillermo Castilla E. #Librarian – Bob Wing, Joseph King, Alex Esparza

  1. #IPCC – Eve Page-Mathias, Dan McElroy

Consent Approval


A. SJCC Interim President – Leo Chavez

Dr. Leo Chavez was formally introduced as the Interim College President. His remarks provided us with insights to how he will govern and what his approach is to shared governance. Faculty members gave him a very warm welcome. Instructors who had worked with him in earlier years were delighted to have him return. We look forward to working with him.

B. Enrollment Management – Virginia Scales

Dr. Tsang had formed a group/team that has been meeting to address enrollment management. The AS was also in the process of forming a separate Enrollment Management Committee so that faculty involvement could be enlisted. President Chavez is interested in establishing an Enrollment Management Committee that will include faculty, and he will begin with the draft of the committee found in this agenda. This item will be brought back to the senate at a later day when information has been reviewed and progress has been made on forming the committee.

Motion to forward the suggested Enrollment Management Committee format to the President’s Office for further review when an Enrollment Management Committee is established.

Motion by David Yancey; second by Robert Wing

Motion passed unanimously

  1. SignificantIssues Survey Results – Virginia Scales

The survey was conducted primarily to find was to stimulate growth using the $2.5m allotted by the Governing Board. Faculty comments were varied and covered many issues, not all of them directed related to increasing enrollment. The comments that most directly addressed enrollment growth were about transportation, relations with other institutions, courses and programs that meet the needs of the community, program review, and improved relations with our students.

  1. Email Box Size – Virginia Scales

Paul Klepac had proposed disabling the email of adjunct faculty who had not used their email for at least six months. Such action would give more email space. The Senators had concerns about this, specifically if and how those faculty would be informed that their email would be disabled, how they could be reinstated, how much space this action would generate. Further, if these faculty are not accessing their email, we should find out why. Are there other ways of increasing space? It was suggested that we need to establish an email protocol policy.

E. District Facilities Usage Policy Procedures – Virginia Scales TABLED

The senate had questions concerning the District Facilities Usage Policy Procedures and need to review

the complete policies before taking action. Of special concern was the stipulation that the facilities

could not be used for political purposes.

Motion to Table this item

Motion by Patrick Butler; Second by David Yancey

Motion passed unanimously

  1. Future On-Line Course Management System – Virginia Scales

Mike Renzi will keep the college apprised about the progress on what is happening with the pilot program.

  1. Community College Funding Initiative – David Yancey

This statewide initiative has been endorsed by our Governing Board and by the AFT. The initiative calls for an adjustment in state funding to community colleges to deal with increases in funding. Your support will be needed to qualify the initiative for the ballot in November and then to be sure it succeeds.

H. Faculty Positions Recommendations 2006-2007 – Virginia Scales/Tim O’Hare

Tim O’Hare was not present at this meeting, reported by Virginia Scales

The Senate reiterated that this was the second year that the Machine Tech position had been rejected.

A second look at this request was requested.

Motion to send to the VP of Instruction (with a cc to the President) the rational provided to the Academic Senate for the hiring of a full-time instructor of Machine Technology and to ask the VP for a more detailed response to those agreements.

Motion by Patrick Butler; Second by Kieron Connolly

Motion passed unanimously

I. IID Presentation – Virginia Scales TABLED


A. Presidents Report – Virginia Scales

Due to lack to time the AS President to send via email the President’s Report.

B.Board Policy Manual Subcommittee – Patrick Butler

The Ad Hoc Committee to update the instructional sections of our Board Policies:

The draft of the instructional policies that was approved by the ad hoc committee faculty representatives and then edited and approved by the Academic Senate at our special meeting in January was approved by the EVC Academic Senate. The EVC Senate made only one change- substituting “curriculum committee” for “Academic Senate” in the language in order to clearly indicate the senate’s right to govern the curriculum process. Virginia asked if there was any objection to this substitution and none was voiced. The draft will now be sent back to a final meeting of the ad hoc committee for comment and then will be sent out to the various representative groups before submission the Governing Board via the Chancellor. As this section of the policies all fall under “academic and professional matters”, the Governing Board should approve them as they are submitted by the Academic Senates.

C.College Planning Council (CPC) – Leslie Rice

The CPC is working on a draft the Institutional Planning Guide

D.Diversity Equal Employment Advisory Committee (DEEAC) – Alice Gosak

The DEEAC is arranging for a facilitator to conduct a discussion following the video CRASH at the March IID. We are also looking into museum visitations as a possible future activity.

E. Facilities Committee – Patrick Butler

The Facilities Committee and Dr Leo Chavez approved a process for the awarding of consultants and architects contracts for work at SJCC that had been previously approved by the Academic Senate. Any contracts of $50,000 or more would require presentations of at least three applicants at a meeting of the full Facilities Committee, and the committee would then select a contractor and send that to the college president. Contracts of less than $50,000 would require a paper screening by the Facilities Committee, which would then make a recommendation to the college president. The time spent on these paper screenings would be in proportion to the worth of the contract. Dr. Chavez indicated to the Senate that he would attend the Facilities Committee meetings when these contact presentations were made and would personally discuss his decision regarding the Facilities Committee recommendations with the committee’s members.

F. Faculty Association – Robert Wing

Adjunct/overload faculty have recently received an 8% increase from state parttime equity fund, which the FA is trying to make a permanent pay raise. The FA will be sending out a survey prior to its negotiations for the next 3-year contract. Members are urged to attend the CFT Convention. Contact the FA office if you are interested. More faculty are needed to serve on the Council of Division Reps.

G. Finance Committee – Chris Frazier

Report for this committee to be included with March 7th minutes.

H. Instructional Policies and Curriculum Committee (IPCC) – Nancy Gressley

Because EVC and SJCC often cannot agree on course descriptions, it is being suggested that the two colleges have separate courses. The IPCC also requested from the Senate to reverse the order of reports.

Additional TABLED Item:

Meeting Schedule – Language Change


  1. CPC – Minutes November 18, 2005, Agenda December 9, 2005
  2. EVC Academic Senate – Agenda December 13, 2005
  3. Facilities Committee – Agenda/Minutes November 7, 2005, Agenda December 12, 2005
  4. Finance Committee – Agenda December 12, 2005
  5. IPCC – Minutes November 22, 2005, Agenda December 13, 2005
  6. SDC – Agenda December 14, 2005
  7. Mathematics Contest Round One Results
  8. Improving Teacher Quality Program
  9. AS for California Community Colleges – Vocational Education Leadership Institute 2006
  10. AS for California Community Colleges – 2005 Exemplary Program Award, Sacramento, Jan. 17, 2006
  11. AS for California Community Colleges – Hayward Award for Excellence in Education
  12. Celebrating the Diversity of Leadership International Conference – Tucson, AZ, April 19-22, 2006

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Notes Recorded by Vicki Elam The next Senate Meeting will be Tuesday, March 7, 2006