Speaker 24: Alan L. Friel of Kaye Scholer LLP / Page 1

Alan L. Friel

Kaye Scholer LLP


March 22-23, 2007

Beverly Hills, CA

Virtual Property - Real Money in a Virtual World

Suggested Reading List

Balkin, Jack M. “Virtual Liberty: Freedom To Design And Freedom To Play In Virtual Worlds.” Virginia Law Review Association Virginia Law Review (December, 2004),90 Va. L. Rev.

Branch, John W., John LaBarre, and Nicholas Szabo. “Gaming the System: Intellectual Property Protection for the Video Game Industry.”Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal 18.4 (2006): 1-6.

Carless, Simon. “IGE: Inside the MMO Trading Machine.” Gamastura.com. 25 Aug. 2006. 21 Feb. 2007 <

Castronova, Edward. “On Virtual Economies.” Gamestudies.org. Dec. 2003. California State University, Fullerton USA. 27 Dec. 2006 <

Castronova, Edward. “The Right to Play.” New York Law School Law Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 185-210 (2004).

Chein, Allen. “Note: A Practical Look At Virtual Property” St. John's Law Review Association St. John's Law Review.(Summer, 2006),80 St. John's L. Rev. 1059.

Dibbell, Julian. “Play Money: or, How I Quit my Day Job and Made Millions Trading Virtual Loot.” Basic Books. (2006).

Jankowich, Andrew E. “Property And Democracy In Virtual Worlds.”Trustees of Boston University Boston University Journal of Science and Technology Law. (Summer, 2005) 11 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 173.

Jenkins, Peter S. “The Virtual World as a Company town: Freedom of Speech in Massively Multiple Online Role Playing Games.” Journal of Internet Law 8.1 (2004): 1+.

Lastowka, F. Gregory, and Hunter, Dan. "The Laws of the Virtual Worlds."University of Pennsylvania Law School Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series, Research Paper No. 26, (May 2003): 1-98.

Lastowka, F. Gregory, and Hunter, Dan. “Virtual Crimes.” New York Law School Law Review. (2004/2005) 49 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev.,Institute For Information Law And Policy Symposium State Of Play:II.

Loftus, Tom. “Virtual Worlds Wind Up in Real Courts.” MSNBC.com. 7 Feb. 2005. 21 Feb. 2007 <

Malaby, Thomas. “Parlaying Value: Capital in and Beyond Virtual Worlds.” University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee Games and Culture. (April 2006), pp.141-162.

Mayer-Schonberge, Viktor, and Crowley, John. “Napster's Second Life?: The Regulatory Challenges Of Virtual Worlds.” Northwestern University Law Review Northwestern University Law Review(Summer, 2006),100 Nw. U.L. Rev. 1775.

Miller, Nick. “Virtual World: Tax Man Cometh.” BizTech. 30 Oct. 2006. 21 Feb. 2007 <

Pham, Alex. “eBay Bans Auctions of Virtual Treasures.” LATimes.com. 3 Feb. 2007, 5 Feb. 2007 <

Terdiman, Daniel. “IRS Taxation of Online Game Virtual Assets Inevitable.” 04 Dec. 2006. 21 Feb. 2007 <

Terdiman, Daniel. “Virtual Gaming’s Elusive Exchange Rates.” 5 Aug. 2005. 27 Dec. 2006 <

Zarsky, Tal Z. “Information Privacy In Virtual Worlds: Identifying Unique Concerns Beyond The Online And Offline Worlds.” New York Law School Law Review. (2004/2005) 49 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 231.

Law Seminars International | Gamer Technology Law | 3/23/07 in Beverly Hills, CA

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