Applied Design – Fashion MerchandisingWVEIS 0961

This course will provide students with the skills and practices that are required for the application of design elements and principles in the areas of fashion. Students will use reasoning processes, individually and collaboratively, to take responsible action in families, workplaces, and communities. Students will utilize problem solving techniques and participate in hands-on activities. Teachers should provide each student with real world learning opportunities and instruction. Students are encouraged to become active members of an appropriate student organization, such as FCCLA. The West Virginia Standards for 21st Century Learning include the following components: 21st Century Content Standards and 21st Century Learning Skills and Technology Tools. All West Virginia teachers are responsible for classroom instruction that integrates learning skills, technology tools, and content standards and objectives.

Grade 9-12


Applied Design – Fashion Merchandising

Standard: 1 / Career Paths within Textile Apparel and Design Industries
HS.S.ADFM.1 / Students will analyze career paths within textile apparel and design industries.
Objectives / Students will
HS.O.ADFM.1.1 / explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in textiles and apparel careers.
HS.O.ADFM.1.2 / analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors.
HS.O.ADFM.1.3 / summarize education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in textile and apparel services.
HS.O.ADFM.1.4 / analyze the effects of textiles and apparel occupations on local, state, national, and global economies.
HS.O.ADFM.1.5 / create an employment portfolio for use with applying for internships, work-based learning opportunities, and employment in textiles, fashion, and apparel.
HS.O.ADFM.1.6 / analyze the role of professional organizations in textiles, fashion, and apparel industries.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.ADFM.1)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard incareer paths within textile apparel and design industries. The student examines the roles and functions of individuals engaged in textiles and apparel careers; analyzes opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors; examines education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in textile and apparel services; and analyzes the effects of textiles and apparel occupations on local, state, national, and global economies. The student creates an employment portfolio for use with applying for internships, work-based learning opportunities, and employment in textiles, fashion, and apparel; and analyzes the role of professional organizations in textiles, fashion, and apparel industries. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in career paths within textile apparel and design industries. The student is able to explain the roles and functions of individuals engaged in textiles and apparel careers; analyze opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors; and summarize education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in textile and apparel services. The student analyzes the effects of textiles and apparel occupations on local, state, national, and global economies; and creates an employment portfolio for use with applying for internships, work-based learning opportunities, and employment in textiles, fashion, and apparel. The student analyzes the role of professional organizations in textiles, fashion, and apparel industries. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge & skills characterized by errors and/or omissions incareer paths within textile apparel anddesign industries. The student identifies the roles and functions of individuals engaged in textiles and apparel careers; recognizes opportunities for employment and entrepreneurial endeavors; and identifies education and training requirements and opportunities for career paths in textile and apparel services. The student describes the effects of textiles and apparel occupations on local, state, national, and global economies. The student develops anincomplete employment portfolio for use with applying for internships, work-based learning opportunities, and employment in textiles, fashion, and apparel; and describes the role of professional organizations in textiles, fashion, and apparel industries. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 2 / Fiber, Textile Products,and Materials
HS.S.ADFM.2 / Students willevaluate fiber and textile products and materials.
Objectives / Students will
HS.O.ADFM.2.1 / apply appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing, and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers.
HS.O.ADFM.2.2 / evaluate performance characteristics of textile fiber and fabrics.
HS.O.ADFM.2.3 / summarize textile legislation, standards, and labeling in the global economy.
HS.O.ADFM.2.4 / analyze effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products.
HS.O.ADFM.2.5 / apply appropriate procedures for care of textile products.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.ADFM.2)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in fiber, textile products, and materials. The student applies with sophistication the appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing, and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers and evaluates performance characteristics of textile fiber and fabrics. The student critiques textile legislation, standards, and labeling in the global economy; evaluates the effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products; and applies appropriate procedures for care of textile products. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard infiber, textile products, and materials. The student applies appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing, and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers and evaluates performance characteristics of textile fiber and fabrics. The student summarizes textile legislation, standards, and labeling in the global economy; analyzes effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products; and applies appropriate procedures for care of textile products. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge & skills characterized by errors and/or omissions infiber, textile products, and materials. The student recognizes appropriate terminology for identifying, comparing, and analyzing the most common generic textile fibers and describes performance characteristics of textile fiber and fabrics. The student is able to name some textile legislation, standards, and labeling in the global economy; review effects of textile characteristics on design, construction, care, use, and maintenance of products; and applies inconsistent appropriate procedures for care of textile products.Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 3 / Skills in Fashion, Apparel, and Textile Design
HS.S.ADFM.3 / Students willdemonstrate skills in fashion, apparel, and textile design.
Objectives / Students will
HS.O.ADFM.3.1 / explain the ways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern, and finish can affect visual appearance.
HS.O.ADFM.3.2 / apply basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects.
HS.O.ADFM.3.3 / utilize elements and principles of design in designing, constructing, altering and redesign textile, apparel, and fashion products.
HS.O.ADFM.3.4 / demonstrate design concepts with fabric or technology/computer, using draping and/or flat pattern making technique.
HS.O.ADFM.3.5 / generate design that takes into consideration ecological, environmental, sociological, psychological, technical, and economic trends and issues.
HS.O.ADFM.3.6 / apply elements and principles of design to assist consumers and businesses in making decisions.
HS.O.ADFM.3.7 / demonstrate ability to use technology for fashion, apparel, and textile design.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.ADFM.3)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard inskills infashion, apparel, andtextile design. The student analyzes ways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern, and finish can affect visual appearance; integrates basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects; and utilizes elements and principles of design in designing, constructing, altering, and redesigning textile, apparel and fashion products. The student integrates design concepts with fabric or technology/computer, using draping and/or flat pattern making technique; generates design that takes into consideration ecological, environmental, sociological, psychological, technical, and economic trends and issues. The student analyzes elements and principles of design to assist consumers and businesses in making decisions. The student demonstratesa sophisticated ability to use technology for fashion, apparel, and textile design. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard inskills infashion, apparel, andtextile design. The student explains ways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern, and finish can affect visual appearance; applies basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects; and utilizes elements and principles of design in designing, constructing, altering, and redesigning, textile, apparel, and fashion products. The student demonstrates design concepts with fabric or technology/computer, using draping and/or flat pattern making technique; generates design that takes into consideration ecological, environmental, sociological, psychological, technical, and economic trends and issues. The student applies elements and principles of design to assist consumers and businesses in making decisions. The student demonstrates ability to use technology for fashion, apparel, and textile design. Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge & skills characterized by errors and/or omissions inskills infashion, apparel, andtextile design. The student listsways in which fiber, fabric, texture, pattern, and finish can affect visual appearance; describes basic and complex color schemes and color theory to develop and enhance visual effects; and outlines elements and principles of design in designing, constructing, altering, and redesigning textile, apparel, and fashion products. The student illustrates design concepts with fabric or technology/computer, using draping and/or flat pattern making technique; selects designs that takes into consideration ecological, environmental, sociological, psychological, technical, and economic trends and issues. The student explains anobjective of elements and principles of design to assist consumers and businesses in making decisions. The student demonstrates a limited ability to use technology for fashion, apparel, and textile design. Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 4 / Production, Redesign, or Repair, Fashion Apparel and Textile Products
HS.S.ADFM.4 / Students willdemonstrate skills needed to produce, redesign, or repair, fashion apparel and textile products.
Objectives / Students will
HS.O.ADFM.4.1 / demonstrate professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools and supplies for fashion, apparel and textile construction, alteration, repair, and redesign.
HS.O.ADFM.4.2 / explain production processes for creating fibers, yarn, woven and knit fabrics, and non-woven textile products.
HS.O.ADFM.4.3 / use appropriate industry products and materials for cleaning, pressing, and finishing textile, apparel, and fashion products.
HS.O.ADFM.4.4 / examine current technology and trends that facilitate design and production of textile, apparel, and fashion products.
HS.O.ADFM.4.5 / demonstrate basic skills for producing, redesigning, and altering textile products and apparel.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.ADFM.4)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard in production, redesign, or repair. The student demonstrates sophisticated professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools and supplies for fashion, apparel and textile construction, alteration, repair, and redesign. The student compares production processes for creating fibers, yarn, woven and knit fabrics, and non-woven textile products; useseffectively appropriate industry products and materials for cleaning, pressing and finishing textile, apparel, and fashion products. The student experiments with current technology and trends that facilitate design and production of textile, apparel, and fashion products; and demonstratessophisticated basic skills for producing,redesigning, andaltering textile products and apparel. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard inproduction, redesign, or repair. The student demonstrates professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools and supplies for fashion, apparel and textile construction, alteration, repair, and redesign. The student explains production processes for creating fibers, yarn, woven and knit fabrics, and non-woven textile products; uses appropriate industry products and materials for cleaning, pressing and finishing textile, apparel, and fashion products. The student examines current technology and trends that facilitate design and production of textile, apparel, and fashion products and demonstrates basic skills for producing,redesigning, andaltering textile products and apparel.Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge & skills characterized by errors and/or omissions inproduction, redesign, or repair. The student demonstrates incomplete professional skills in using a variety of equipment, tools and supplies for fashion, apparel and textile construction, alteration, repair, and redesign. The student recognizes production processes for creating fibers, yarn, woven and knit fabrics, and non-woven textile products; ineffectively uses appropriate industry products and materials for cleaning, pressing, and finishing textile, apparel, and fashion products. The student selects current technology and trends that facilitate design and production of textile, apparel, and fashion products and demonstratesineffective basic skills for producing,redesigning, andaltering textile products and apparel.Performance needs further development and supervision.
Standard: 5 / Elements of Textile, Apparel, and Fashion Merchandising
HS.S.ADFM.5 / Students willevaluate elements of textile, apparel, and fashion merchandising.
Objectives / Students will
HS.O.ADFM.5.1 / apply marketing strategies for textile, apparel, and fashion products.
HS.O.ADFM.5.2 / analyze the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile, apparel, and fashion products.
HS.O.ADFM.5.3 / analyze ethical considerations for merchandising apparel and textile products.
HS.O.ADFM.5.4 / investigateexternal factors that influence merchandising.
HS.O.ADFM.5.5 / examine varied methods for promoting apparel and textile products.
HS.O.ADFM.5.6 / apply research methods, including forecasting techniques, for marketing apparel and textile products.
Performance Descriptors (HS.PD.ADFM.5)
Above Mastery / Mastery / Partial Mastery
The student demonstrates exceptional and exemplary performance with distinctive and sophisticated application of knowledge and skills that exceed the standard inelements of textile, apparel, andfashion merchandising. The student appliessophisticated marketing strategies for textile, apparel, and fashion products; effectively analyzes the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile, apparel, and fashion products; evaluates ethical considerations for merchandising apparel and textile products. The student evaluates external factors that influence merchandising; integrates varied methods for promoting apparel and textile products; and compares research methods, including forecasting techniques, for marketing apparel and textile products. The student can independently solve problems and is self-directed. / The student demonstrates competent and proficient performance and shows a thorough and effective application of knowledge and skills that meet the standard in elements of textile, apparel, andfashion merchandising. The student applies marketing strategies for textile, apparel, and fashion products; analyzes the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile, apparel, and fashion products; analyzes ethical considerations for merchandising apparel and textile products. The student investigates external factors that influence merchandising; examines varied methods for promoting apparel and textile products; and applies research methods, including forecasting techniques, for marketing apparel and textile products.Application of knowledge and skills is thorough and effective, and the student can work independently. / The student demonstrates basic but inconsistent performance of fundamental knowledge and skills characterized by errors and/or omissions inelements of textile, apparel, andfashion merchandising.The student appliesineffective marketing strategies for textile, apparel, and fashion products; explains the cost of constructing, manufacturing, altering, or repairing textile, apparel, and fashion products; and reviews ethical considerations for merchandising apparel and textile products. The student describes external factors that influence merchandising; identifies varied methods for promoting apparel and textile products; and identifies research methods, including forecasting techniques, for marketing apparel and textile products. Performance needs further development and supervision.