Question: Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
Core Curriculum content:
Knowledge and understanding is / Secure/expected
• Pupils know that Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth; Advent for Christians is a time for getting ready for Jesus’ coming.
• Pupils know that Christians believe that Jesus is God. They know the birth narrative i.e. The Angel appeared to Mary, Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem where Jesus was born as a baby and he was placed in a manger. Angels appeared to the shepherds. The wise men brought gifts.
• The Bible points out that his birth showed that he was extraordinary (e.g. he is worshipped as a king in Matthew) and that he came to bring good news (e.g. to the poor in Luke)
• Pupils use the term incarnation. They can talk about examples of how this theme has been explore in art and music (including hymns) by Christians.
Pupils / TM JC LW NL NS
Knowledge and understanding is / Developing/Emerging
Pupils know that Christians celebrate Jesus’ birth. They are aware of Advent but can’t explain its significance.
They know aspects of the birth narrative i.e. The Angel appeared to Mary, Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem where Jesus was born as a baby and he was placed in a manger, Angels appeared to the shepherds. / Excelling
Using this knowledge and understanding pupils can raise relevant questions in response to their enquiry into the Christian concept of Incarnation. Pupils are able to discuss the idea of Jesus being extraordinary and can make connections to the ‘Big Story’. They can explore why Jesus being born in a stable is significant for Christians.
Pupils / NF TF / NS
Pupils with additional needs have made the following responses ......
© Derek and Verity Holloway; Salisbury Diocese: Culham St Gabriel’s