Mark T. Sheehan High School
Minutes of Meeting: June 5, 2014
In Attendance: Ms. Burns, Ms. Citerella, Mr. DiMartino, Ms. DeVince, Ms. Duthie, Ms. French, Mr. Kimball, Ms. Koepfer, Ms. Nation, Ms. Palange, Ms. Penczynzyn, Ms. Riley-McCracken, Ms. Ryan, and Mr. Sarullo
The meeting convened at 6:40 p.m.
The minutes from the May 2014 meeting were read. Motion to accept— Ms. Penczynzyn; Second— Ms. Koepfer.
The first order of business was the election of officers for the upcoming school year. After a brief discussion, the following individuals were elected:
Chairperson Jenni French
Vice-chairperson Lisa Ryan
Representative to System-wide PTAC Beth Raccio, alternate Patti Ficorilli
Representative to PPS PTAC David Kimball
After the vote was taken, the conversation shifted to the Ninth Grade Parents Meeting scheduled for September 18. The purpose of this program is to provide information helpful to a successful transition from middle school to high school. There will be a large group presentation and brief video followed by smaller question and answer sessions. Ms. Duthie asked for parent volunteers to facilitate these sessions. This event will take place prior to the school’s Open House. More detailed planning will take place at the September 2014 PTAC Meeting.
Information from the May 2014 System-wide PTAC meeting was shared with the group. Items covered included a trial of a camera system to record vehicles passing stopped school buses discharging passengers, the need for parents for the updating of the district strategic plan, the capstone experience that is being piloted in 2014-2015, the school ambassador program, and traffic flow at Sheehan. This led to a question concerning the Bridge Academy. Ms. Duthie explained that the academy is a summer institute to help identified students make a smoother transition to Sheehan. It will be run by Sheehan teachers assisted by high school student mentors. Study skills, goal setting, and team building will be addressed in this four day August program.
Ms. French shared her efforts regarding fundraising for school technology needs. She met with the Lyman Hall PTAC, Wallingford Education Foundation, and the district technology committee. The response has been positive and the next step is to hold a meeting this summer with interested parties and develop a project description. Everyone in attendance thanked Ms. French for her initiative and efforts.
Mr. Sarullo answered a question concerning the upcoming sports awards night, which celebrates spring sports as well as all seniors who participated in the athletic program during the school year. He addressed the change in schedule and format so that the Adult Ed Graduation could be accommodated prior to the sports program. He also reviewed the sports physical requirements and athletic program review survey.
A request was made to have the school’s voice mail phone tree amended so that there is an option to select “office.” Parents indicated that this option would be useful in fielding general questions.
Prior to the meeting’s conclusion at 7:55 p.m., Dianne Citerella and Frank DiMartino were acknowledged and thanked for their service and contributions to the school and district at-large. All were wished an enjoyable summer and reminded that the first meeting for the 2014-2015 school year would be held on Thursday, September 4, 2014.