Meeting Held: January 12, 2015

Directors & Staff (P= Present, A= Absent, L=Late, E=Early departure)

Forrest Benson / P / Mike Deck* / P / Mike Hartman* / P / Gene Zambarda* / P
Jim Burke* / P / Jim Golding / P / Andrzej Ogiba / P / Terry Collins / A
Pete Calinski* / P / Tom Halter / P / Mark Walsh / P / Rick Szudzik* / A

* Member of the Architectural Committee

The polls closed at 6:30. Forrest Benson Mary Ann McKenna commenced counting of the ballots

Resident’s Forum:

·  Dave Hood and Marly Blank. Observing

·  Ed Drozen.

o  Lawsuit.

§  Could be at $125,000.

§  It is before the court

§  Hopefully resolved by June

§  We are only suing to overturn the sale and get our expenses returned

o  2014 Spending

§  Some projects were delayed to 2015 to keep in budget.

§  Remodel Ransom Oaks meeting Room

§  Fence project

The Meeting Was Called to Order at: 6:43 by Mark

·  Revisions to the December 2014 minutes

o  First bullet under Tom Halter “only” not “lonely”.

o  Third bullet. “Foreclosure” not “bankruptcy”

o  Tom Meldrum did repay the $767 Workman’s Comp.

o  Total Workman’s Comp. is $5927.57 for 2014.

Vice President, Gene Zambarda:

·  26 Shady Oaks. No contact from defendants, attorney or judge

·  6 Whispering Court. They signed the agreement. Mark needs to sign for us.

·  Shed on Bramhill. Waiting for a response

·  Greenwood parking ban

o  Call Town Safety officer (AI#1, Jim G.)

o  Call Ramona (AI#2, Jim G.)

o  Email residents (AI# 3, Pete)

Treasurer, Jim Golding:

·  We should be under budget by $5,000 for 2014 Thanks to Tom Halter!

·  The funds will go into the Reserve Fund

·  Total assets should increase by $3,000

Secretary, Pete Calinski:

·  Do we need the URL, ransomoaks.info? No it was “just in case”.

·  The Halters are getting excessive spam. They will get a new email address (AI#4, Pete)

o  Note it is

·  Five residents paid using PayPal so far including the test payment

·  Terry Collins recommended $100 to $150 worth of changes and updates to the website. Approved. It will take place after the update of WordPress has proven solid.

Facilities Manager, Andrzej Ogiba:

·  Town officer, Chris Schregel provided to Andrzej, more details about the Greenwood Parking Ban. They should be emailed to residents and put on the website.

Facilities, Tom Halter (T&K):

·  Our auditor has resigned from the firm. A replacement will be named

·  Some house sales are requiring a “Certificate of No Change” stating that no changes to the Declaration documents are pending. We will create one (AI#5, Pete)

·  Foreclosing actions against 751 Forrest Edge will cost #2,500. Ranzenhofer will proceed. They owe us nearly $9,000.

Election results:

·  Jim Burke 127

·  Mike Deck 125

·  Mike Hartman 123

·  Write in votes 4

·  Total ballots 136

·  The board will remain the same.

·  The Ballot cast by the Millers of 81 Eveningwood Lane was drawn for a free assessment.

The meeting closed at 7:38

Next meeting February 9, 2015

Action Items
Action items will remain on the list as long as they are Open
If they become Closed or OBE they will remain one more month so the minutes reflect that
Then they will be eliminated from future month’s minutes
OBE=Overtaken By Events
Number / Assignee / Description / Status
May 2012
2 / Forrest / Create policy for free verses charging for add/notices/charities. Will re-email it as of the September 2013 meeting. / OBE
June 2014
2 / Tom H. & Andrzej / Preventive maintenance program for the winter / Open
October 2014
4 / Andrzej / Shower Policy / Open
November 2014
3 / Gene / 23 Doral Court letter / Open
4 / Gene / 18 Woodmoor Letter / Open
7 / BoD + Tom / Welcoming Committee Letter / Open
December 2014
2 / Tom / 314 Glen Oak Remove or replace fence / Closed
3 / Andrzej / Remove Equipment / Closed
4 / Tom / Insurance Breakdown / Closed
5 / Forrest, Mike / Plan for Improving the courts / Open
January 2015
1 / Jim G. / Call Town Safety officer Re: Greenwood parking / Closed
2 / Jim G. / Call Ramona Re: Greenwood Parking / Closed
3 / Pete / Email Residents Re: Greenwood Parking / Closed
4 / Pete / New email for Halters / Closed
5 / Pete / Certificate of no Change / Closed