Regular Council Meeting

March 27, 2017

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Elizabeth Graham, Council Members Cheryl Bowman, Colleen Brooks, and Renee Zwach.


ALSO PRESENT: Clerk/Treasurer, Betsy Snyder, Maintenance Director Dean Duscher, Fire Chief, Mike Debbaut, Joe Plaetz, Granite Rock Insurance Agency, Rebecca Vien, Kinner & Company.

I. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Graham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge of allegiance was recited.

III. APPROVE AGENDA: A motion to approve the Agenda was made by Brooks, second by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.

IV. GUESTS: Joe Plaetz from Granite Rock Insurance Company was present to discuss the annual insurance renewal policy which is due the end of May. A motion to not waive the tort liability limits was made by Brooks, second by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.

Rebecca Vien from Kinner & Company Auditors was present to go over the 2016 financial statements and management letter. Questions were then welcomed. She then presented the debt analysis report, which is not audit related that they were asked to put together by the clerk. The historical cash balances and unused debt proceeds were reviewed. The report shows three options the city may consider if they were to pay down the debt, with a considerable savings to the city. The council will discuss later in the


V. OPEN FORUM: No one was present to address the council.

VI. CONSENT AGENDA: A motion to approve the consent agenda items was made by Bowman, second by Zwach. Motion carried unanimously.

A. February 27, 2017 Council minutes

B. Approve payment of claims (check#10757– 10783) in the amount of $28,226.38 and prepaid claims in the amount of $6,007.62

C. Approve the 3.2 liquor license for the Milroy Baseball Association

D. Approve the support letter for the Milroy Baseball Association hosting the State Legion Baseball tournament



1. A motion to approve for training the burning of the Gifford Liebschwager home was made by Brooks, second by Zwach. Motion carried unanimously.


1. Park Improvements were discussed. Quotes will be received for upgrades to the small basketball court. 2. A motion to approve the purchase of a chlorine tester was made by Zwach, second by Brooks. Motion carried unanimously.


1. Zwach asked about the changes if any that will need to be made to the liquor ordinance for Sunday off sale. The needed changes will be drafted for approval at the April meeting. She also commented that other small cities have one night a month in which city hall is open, typically this could be council meeting night.


Regular Council Meeting

March 27, 2017


1. The maintenance and equipment report/recommendations from The Bike Shop was reviewed. The clerk will get equipment quotes for the April meeting.


1. The council reviewed the three debt analysis options proposed and will make a decision in June prior to payment due in August.

2. The seasonal position interview committee will be Zwach, Graham and Snyder.

3. An update was given on the mail voting.

4. An update was given on the FCAM annexation.

5. The Gilb land detachment is complete and recorded.

6. An update was given on the Animal Licenses.

7. A motion to approve the use of city vehicles at funerals, city celebrations and parades was made by Zwach, second by Brooks. Motion carried unanimously.

8. A motion to approve the City/School Lease agreement was made by Zwach, second by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.

9. No donation will be given to the Redwood County Fair Board.

10. Spring Cleanup day will be May 17th starting at noon and ending May 18th at 5:00p.m.

11. A motion to approve the city clerk/treasurer serving as the MCFOA Region V VP was made by Zwach, second by Bowman. Motion carried unanimously.


1. April 5, 2017, Safety & Loss Control Workshop, Morton

2. April 5, 2017 MN Dot District 8 Utility Meeting, Granite Falls

3. April 17, 2017, Board of Equalization & Appeals Meeting, 5:00 p.m.

4. April 24, 2017, City Council Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

IX. ADJOURNEMENT – The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.


Betsy Snyder

City Clerk/Treasurer