Dear [insert name here],

I wish to attend the Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century conference which will take place from the 27 - 28 July 2015 in Sydney, Australia.

Jointly hosted by the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (The AusIMM) and the University of New South Wales, this conference provides an excellent opportunity to exchange information and discuss current challenges. The mass mining concept as a viable approach for the foreseeable future is producing greater amounts of waste and mill tailings and this conference seeks to discuss alternatives to managing this in a more sustainable manner.

This is a golden opportunity for sharing innovative ideas and will provide numerous opportunities to network with consultants, engineers, industry representatives, regulators, researchers and academics to discuss state-of-the-art developments around the world.

Conference discussion themes include:

·  Mine waste and mine planning

·  Tailings and mine planning

·  Tailings and mineral processing

·  Tailings thickening and dewatering

·  Tailings (slurry) handling

·  Tailings disposal

·  Dry stacking of tailings

·  Geomechanics for waste dumps and tailings storage facilities (TSFs)

·  Water management at TSFs

·  Seepage and groundwater control

·  Acid rock drainage (ARD)

·  Tailings and mine waste issues of coal and uranium mines

·  Emerging technologies

·  Environment, community, economic and governance considerations

·  Case studies

·  Co-disposal

·  Oil sands

·  Mine fill

Having reviewed the quality of the technical program which includes presentations from the industry’s leading practitioners, I feel my attendance at this event would greatly assist my professional development and provide me with useful knowledge I can apply directly to my work.

During the two day conference I will:

·  gain 14 hours of recognised professional development

·  attend technical sessions that include the following technical papers.

o  List here the technical papers of interest as you may be asked what papers are relevant

·  access the trade exhibition, featuring numerous businesses and suppliers.

Registration for this conference includes access to the:

·  technical program;

·  exhibition;

·  professional networking functions;

·  daily catering throughout the conference;

·  and receipt of the highly regarded AusIMM abstracts volume and USB.

Here is a complete breakdown of the anticipated costs of attendance:

Conference Registration / Travel (Flights) / Ground transportation/meals / Accommodation / Additional Workshop
A$1265 (Members price, saving $715) / $ [xxx] If applicable / $ [xxx] If applicable / $ [xxx] If applicable / $[xxx] If applicable

Attending this conference will directly influence my role here. It will help me to build new business relationships, both locally and internationally, and provide opportunities to discuss the latest developments and issues within our industry.

Please accept my proposal to attend the Tailings and Mine Waste Management for the 21st Century conference. I will ensure I maximise the significant professional development opportunities which will provide a tangible benefit this organisation.
Feel free contact me directly to further discuss.