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Chapter 5 Section 2 : The Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Pages 188-195

A. Reviewing Key Terms, People, and Places

Directions: Choose the person, place, or term that matches the underlined phrase. Write theletter of the answer next to the correct number. You will not use all the answers.

Column I

_____ 1. Zebulon Pike made a long tripof

exploration and discovery.

_____ 2. The mountain ridge thatseparates river

systems inNorth America is located inthe Rocky Mountains.

_____ 3. Jefferson ran into a turningpoint, or

deciding event inhistory, when he found out

that France had purchasedNew Orleans from


_____ 4. When the Americans arrivedin France,

they had to changein some way their plan

to buyNew Orleans.

_____ 5. Spanish soldiers captured theexplorer

of the southernregion of the Louisiana territory

and escorted himback to the United States.

Column II

a. crisis

b. loom

c. continental divide

d. Toussaint L’Ouverture

e. Zebulon Pike

f. expedition

g. alter

h. current split

i. Meriwether Lewis

B. Key Concepts

Directions: Read the following statements. If a statement is correct, write T next to its

number. If it is incorrect, place an F next to its number and replace the underlined word(s) tomake the statement correct.

_____ 6. England closed the port of New Orleans to American farmers.

If false, replace England with

_____ 7. Robert Livingston and James Monroe offered to buy New Orleans, butTallyrand offered to sell all of Louisiana.

If false, replace New Orleans with

_____ 8. The expeditions of Lewis and Clark and of Zebulon Pike expanded

Americans’ knowledge of the land west of the Missouri River.

If false, replace Missouri with

_____ 9. Lewis and Clark traveled west across the United States until they reachedthe Atlantic Ocean.

If false, replace Atlantic with

Continued on the back…..

C. Critical Thinking

10. What goals did Lewis and Clark accomplish on their expedition?

11. How much did the Louisiana Purchase cost?

12. What was Jefferson’s dilemma with the Louisiana Purchase?

13. Why did the United States want to buy New Orleans?

14. Where were Lewis and Clark when they met Sacagawea?

15. How did Lewis and Clark get horses to cross the Rockies?

16. When did they return to to St. Louis? About how long did their entire journey take?

17. Why were the Spaniards so concerned about Pike’s expedition?