Example of questions from a group of students
Questioning – Reading Strategy Worksheet
Name ______
Creating Questions / Answering Questions / Coding the Answers
Picture Book ______Author ______
- As you listen to the story, questions will come to your mind. We will pause from time to time and you can write your questions in the first column on the left.
- As you continue to listen to the story, some of your questions will become answered. You should write these answers in the second column.
- In this column, you should also use the codes below to explain how you were able to answer each question.
- You might develop a second question after your first question is answered. This is called a follow up question. Please label each question by using the codes below.
- R – Research needed outside of the text in order to answer
- A – Answered in the text
- I – Answered through your schema (your background knowledge) plus clues from
the text (inference).
- D – Discussion needed to clarify
- F – Follow up question after an initial question was answered.
Questions / Answers / Codes
What does Pink and Say mean?
Are the people poor?
Do they live in colonial times?
What is a lad?
How did he get injured?
Why was a kid fighting in a war?
What does it mean – to go green?
What are marauders?
Are both boys on the Union/North side?
Where will he carry him to?
Will Sheldon be able to walk again?
Why is he named Pinkus?
Are vittles a type of food?
Is MoeMoeBay her real name or a nickname?
What happened to the brick house?
Why do they call it the big house?
What does jump the broom mean?
Why does Pink have the same name as Master Aylee?
Why didn’t they trust colored soldiers with guns?
Why can’t Say read?
Why can’t Say sleep?
Was Say shot by a Union solider?
Why didn’t Moe Moe bay hide in the cellar too?
What happened to her?
How did the marauder know Say was lying?
Why didn’t Pink and Say try to escape from the barn?
Where are they taking Pink?
What is a lime pit?
What was Andersonville Prison like?
Are Pink and Say read people?
What did Patricia think when she first heard this story?