/ Lesson Plan
1. Lesson Plan Information
Subject/Course: Science / Name: adapted from Ryan Lafraniere
Grade Level: Grade 9 (applied) / Date: 26 October 2010 Time: 12:11-1:26pm
Topic: Assessing Local Sustainability Initiatives / Length of Period: 75 minutes
2. Expectation(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The Ontario Curriculum):
  • Assess the effectiveness of a local initiative of personal interest that seeks to ensure the sustainability of a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem (e.g., greening their school grounds,; conservation efforts of local Aboriginal communities; naturalizing banks of local rivers or ponds with native vegetation; adoption of an integrated pest management strategy to combat pests in a local garden), and explain why the initiative is important to the sustainability of the ecosystem [B1.2];
  • Use appropriate terminology related to sustainable ecosystems and human activity, including, but not limited to: biodiversity, biotic, ecosystem, equilibrium, species diversity, sustainability, and watershed [B2.1]
Learning Skills (Where applicable):
  • Independent work: follows instruction with minimal supervision

3. Content
What do I want the learners to knowand/or be able to do?
  • Define: Abiotic Factors: The physical but non-living features of an ecosystem (e.g. light, gases, atmosphere, soil, rock, ice, climate, non-living organic matter);
  • Define: Biodiversity: The variety of species (types) of organisms at all levels of classification in an ecosystem, and the variety of ecosystems, globally or within a specific geographic region; and Define Characteristic: A distinguishing trait or quality of a substance or object;
  • Define: Ecosystem: A complex, self-regulating system through which energy and materials are transferred, made up of a group of living organisms and their abiotic environment, which interact as a unit (aquatic- based in water, terrestrial- based on land); and Define: Natural Ecosystem: An ecosystem that has not been altered by human activity;
  • Define: Sustainability: A condition or process that can be maintained without interruption, weakening, or loss of valued qualities. Sustainability ensures that a population remains within the carrying capacity of its environment. The term is often used in reference to the ability to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs;
Today learners will:
  • Demonstrate their knowledge of the importance of ecosystem sustainability by analyzing the story of Junction Creek (a local area river that extends throughout the whole city);
  • Explore information relating to Junction Creek (City of Greater Sudbury) and communicate an understanding of how the ecosystem has been negatively affected by mining contamination and sewer dumping
  • Relate important ecosystem definitions (such as wetland, ecosystem, sustainability, abiotic species, watershed, etc.) in describing the importance of the Junction Creek clean-up;
  • Apply critical problem solving skills to assess whether the Junction Creek clean-up has been a success;
  • Recall key definitions such as abiotic factors, biodiversity, characteristic, ecosystem, natural ecosystem, and sustainability as they relate to the science of ecosystems and sustainability analysis

4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)
(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric)
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I intended?
  • circulate and give guidance to the student groups as needed while working on brainstorming session
  • circulate and record learning skills in anecdotal notes i.e. Independent work: follows instruction with minimal supervision
  • Yes/No/Maybe So student-self assessment: Together with circulation observations, review each canister after class to analyze how well the day’s lesson was understood and which students may need additional explanations or one-on-one tutorials (5 minutes);
  • Give opportunity to place their cards in the appropriate can, the next day; if their understanding and interpretation of the material has decreased after homework completion (partial), a thorough review of homework will be needed.
  • Advise class that today’s analysis may appear on the Unit test as a communication question and they will be evaluated.

5. Learning Context
A. The Learners
(i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning experience?
  • have an understanding of assessing social, economic, and environmental impacts of selected technologies (Grade 8);
  • have an understanding of the detrimental effects of human activities and technologies of the sustainability of water resources (Grade 8);
  • have an understanding of the characteristics of biotic and abiotic components;
  • have an understanding of human activity affects on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (Grade 9);
  • can interpret graphs related to the effects of the aforementioned factors;
  • can differentiate between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and describe their components;
  • can describe cellular respiration and photosynthesis and indentify the factors that can affect these processes;
  • have group work skills from previous Grade 9 Science classes including: classroom rules (such as answering questions, bathroom breaks, etc.), sharing in pairs, groups, defined group roles, classroom introduction routines
(ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all students?(Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as exceptional.)
  • RDF has difficulties writing at the pace of the rest of the class. Mention to RDF before the start of the class that when I ask to choose a role card, do not choose the recorder (Bear card).
  • AAA and HDB have difficulties staying on task.
  1. Although I have seated them in separate groups, I will continue to provide them (and their groups) with positive reinforcement to stay on task.
  2. Ensure that class stays on task and circulate around the classroom and observe the specific working skills of each individual.

B. Learning Environment
  • Students are in their normal pre-arranged seats during the lesson (ie. There are 20 students divided into 5 groups of 4): Group 1: AAA, DLB, AML and AP, Group 2: HDB, SD, CFL and SMM, Group 3: AJL, NJF, DAM and JFN, Group 4: SJV, ALS, TFM and NM and Group 5: RDF, MJL, JG and SR;
  • During the activities, students will be seated in their 4 desk groups for the period;
  • The teacher will be at the front of the classroom for the beginning of the lesson when the introduction to the activity is taking place;
  • After the introductory activity, students will be given role cards and I will identify what each card means and the students and will remain in their groupings;
  • During the activity, the teacher will be rotating to each station assisting the students with any difficulties that they may be having with the activity.

C. Resources/Materials
  • Computer;
  • Powercord and AV plug-in;
  • 2 videos (Junction Creek and Junction Creek Interview on computer);
  • Junction Creek summary handouts ( last accessed October 24, 2009) [Appendix B);
  • Powerpoint introduction (Appendix A);
  • Yes/No/Maybe So canister, class names and role cards (Appendix C);
  • Slide clicker and laser pointer;
  • Dry-erase markers and eraser;
  • Chart paper;
  • Green 8 1/2 x 11 paper;
  • Erasable markers (many colours ~20);
  • Anecdotal notes (Appendix D);

6. Teaching/Learning Strategies
How will I engage the learners?(e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of students’ prior knowledge, activities, procedures, compelling problem)
a)Introducing the Activity (Junction Creek video 4.5 minutes)
  1. Students enter classroom and write their learning objectives (daily routine: written on whiteboard a few minutes prior to class) into their notebook, while I take attendance and attend to any student issues (guidance appointments, questions, collecting documents, etc.) and hook-up my laptop to projector:
  1. Familiarize yourself with a local sustainability initiative and explain why it is important to the aquatic/terrestrial ecosystems in Sudbury;
  1. present the Junction Creek video and ask “Reflect on the ecosystems presented in the video and start thinking about naming some of the components of these ecosystems.”
  2. During the video handout a green page to each of the 5 student desk groupings for the upcoming brainstorming session;
Teaching: How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility - modeled, shared, and guided instruction).
b)Routines (3 minute questioning + 5 minute group brainstorming + 3 minute concept map + 2 minute Junction Creek Video #2 + 30-35 minutes for activity #2 (Graffiti-type) = 43-48minutes)
After Hook students will:
  • Attentively listen to the instructions; take any notes in their notebook and ask questions; remain in their grouped desks for the period;All questions asked during the presentation will be to the class as a whole, if not otherwise indicated. We discuss “Independent work: follows instruction with minimal supervision”
Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring all the important ideas from the learning experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for understanding?
  • define the following key terms that will be used throughout the day’s lesson.
  • AJL What is an abiotic factor? NJF  What is biodiversity?DAM  What is an ecosystem?AQL  Define sustainability.
Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning?(Moving from guided, scaffolded practice, and gradual release of responsibility.)
After Hook I will:
  1. Ask “Reflect on the ecosystems presented in the video and start thinking about naming some of the components of these ecosystems.” (in groups of four) brainstorm and write answers on green sheet: What types of ecosystems characterize Junction Creek? Name some components of these ecosystems. (Appendix A, Slide 3);
  1. Use concept map below to prompt responses from class.
  1. Show the Junction Creek interview to give students the opportunity to see what has been done to reestablish a sustainable ecosystem around Junction Creek. handout chart paper to each of the five groups for activity #2 as well as role cards (Appendix C) and Junction Creek Summary handout (Appendix B) during video
  1. Transition students into activity #2 after having distributed to each group a summary of both videos regarding Junction Creek and they now have to analyze the ecosystem sustainability story. re-describe expectations of the students while working in their groups (teamwork, cooperation, initiation, etc.).
  1. outline the requirements for activity #2, making reference to all materials and assessment plans (Appendix D):
  • In your group, randomly select a role card randomly select a role card and identify that: the bear is the recorder, the trout is the timekeeper, the water is the leader, and the tree is the presenter (Appendix C)(Slide 5);
  • Read the Junction Creek Summary handout as a group;
  • The recorder will neatly write the answers to the following questions (also appearing on the powerpoint slide throughout the activity):
How has mining and pollutants affected Junction Creek and its aquatic/terrestrial ecosystem?
How is Junction Creek being cleaned-up and improving?
Why are these initiatives important in sustaining Sudbury’s aquatic/terrestrial ecosystems?
  • Remind students to refer back to our brainstorming session at the beginning of class to help them answer the questions on the chart paper and remind students that all group members are contributing  Anecdotal notes summary;
  • 30-35 minutes to answer the questions and prepare the presenter for their presentation (role for leader and timer respectively);
  • During the activity, circulate and record how each group member is working (Appendix D)
  • After the 30-35 minutes stop work and presentations begin
CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson?
At the end of the activity, the students will stay at their desks and based on their group number (determined at the beginning of the year). The presenter in each group will have 2 minutes (5 groups at 2minutes = 10 minutes) to answer each question. While the other students listen, each presentation will act as a summary of the Junction Creek story and similar terms/concepts will repeat.
7. My Reflections on the Lesson
What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?
  • Following the results of the Yes/No/Maybe So, a quick review should be sufficient. If results vary tomorrow morning , more reteaching may be required before tomorrow’s test review class;
  • I will prepare, for the day after tomorrow’s lesson, advanced readings and workings for RDF, so he can have a head-start to compensate for his writing skills;
  • AAA can remain working with DLB, AML and AP;
  • HDB can remain working the SD, CFL and SMM.
  • The cooperative learning strategies in today’s lesson seemed to work well. I am going to try and implement some more of these strategies in my next few classes: maybe a jigsaw activity for a test review?
  • Arranging the desks in groups, will remain- this always works well;
  • Asking other students, who do not normally answer questions (JFN, JG and AAA), will be called up to answer and become more engaging; I will allow everyone a turn to speak and answer at least one question;
  • More positive feedback will help the students feel motivated to share, participate and investigate.
  • I will also re-evaluate by timing and pacing my classes to make sure the students are engaged in the lesson

Lesson Plan Template

1Schulich School of Education – Practice Teaching Handbook 2010-2011