A MEETING of the TOWN COUNCIL was held on TUESDAY the 17 APRIL 2012 and commenced at 7.30 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillor J C Small in the Chair
Councillor Mrs M Pryor
Councillor P F Johns
Councillor F H Drane
Councillor P Rusling
Councillor Mrs E Andrews
Councillor F Rickard
Councillor J Whippey
Councillor J R Burns
Councillor M Holmes
Councillor Mrs L Wright
Councillor M Dodds
Also in attendance: Mrs K Wright, Town Clerk
Mrs B Lake, Office Manager
APOLOGIES: Councillor Mrs J M Richards
Councillor R Griffin
429/11 MINUTES: of the Town Council meeting held on the 20 March 2012 as circulated were confirmed and signed.
a) Minute 432/07 Closure of the Greenridge Pub. The demolition of the building has been further delayed due to the discovery of a gas main, and then subsequently jackdaws nesting in the roof. It is anticipated that the demolition will now be carried out between May and September (dependant on how many sets of eggs the birds have laid). Hall & Woodhouse have given permission for the hoarding around the site to be decorated and a local artist is being contacted to ascertain whether this is feasible. Representatives from PDC attended a neighbourhood planning information session on Tuesday 10 April prior to the Planning committee meeting.
b) Minute 104/08 Upton in Bloom. The next meeting will be held at the Town Council Offices on Wednesday 25 April 2012 at 7.15 pm.
c) Minute 326/10 Town Centre Issues. The groundstaff have been briefed on the Town Council’s desire to see their land at Frampton Terrace cleared and they will commence by placing boundary posts down the side of each plot. It should be noted that access onto the site is difficult at the moment due to the cars that park on our land. After discussion about how to pursue with the tidying of the Council owned plots it was agreed to write to the residents inviting them to attend a meeting and the letters will be hand delivered by Councillors.
d) Minute 387/10 Dorset Library Service – Upton Library. No further information.
430/11CLERKS REPORT:(Cont)
e) Minute 120/11 Community Payback Scheme for use on Council Owned Land. Contact details for CPS have now been provided by Cllr Johns and also details for another organization who may help with clearance (Headway) has been supplied to the office by Cllr Whippey.
f) Minute 279/11 Communications with Borough of Poole. Representatives from the Town Council met with an Officer from the Borough of Poole at Upton Country Park for a very interesting walk to view the two projects currently taking place on the site, i.e. the Walled Garden Landscape Improvement and the Play & Recreation project. A letter of thanks will be sent to the Borough of Poole.
g) Minute 392/11 4TK Fun Day. The fun day took place at the Recreation Ground on Friday 13 April 2012 and it was reported that the event was very successful and well supported.
h) Minute 395/11 Wall on Poole Road. A letter has been sent to PDC outlining this Council’s preferred option to retain and repair the wall. No response received as yet
i) Minute 396/11 Parking restrictions in Old Kiln Road. A survey has been produced and delivered to residents. Two responses have been received to date.
j) Minute 398/11 Policeman’s Lane Development. Cllr Rickard gave a brief update on a meeting that took place with Wyatts to discuss the SANG’s (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace). The PDC Officer dealing with this project will attend the Amenities committee meeting on Wednesday 2 May 2012.
a) Positive comments about the flowerbeds and the general state of the town were received from residents.
b) A copy of the Annual Review 2010 – 2011 was received from the CAB.
c) A letter applying for grant funding for 2013-14 was received from Purbeck CAB. A request was also received for a donation for 2012-13 but CAB will be advised that as budgets for that period have already been set there are no funds available, however their application for 2013-2014 will be considered in due course.
d) A letter thanking the Town Council for their donation of £500 towards community celebrations 2012 was received from The Beacon Project.
e) A letter requesting a raffle prize for their 50th birthday celebrations on 26 May 2012 was received from 1st Lytchett Minster Scout Group. It was a agreed that a £10 book token should be purchased from Councillors’ personal funds for this purpose.
f) Information on the Mobile Library Service Review was received from DCC along with a request for views on how the service can best meet local needs. A reply will be sent advising that as Lytchett Minster & Upton is a town rather than a parish, and has a fixed library facility, this review is not relevant.
a) The report of the Environment Committee held on 26 March 2012 as circulated was confirmed, adopted and signed with the exception of Minutes 405/11 and 408/11 which will be included as items on the Agenda of the next Environment meeting for further discussion.
b) The report of the Finance & Administration Committee held on 3 April 2012 as circulated was confirmed, adopted and signed.
c) The report of the Planning Committee held on 10 April 2012 as circulated was confirmed, adopted and signed.
Report by Cllr P F Johns – Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council
27th March attended the Environment Agency meeting held at the Dortford Centre in Dorchester. Three representative gave presentations; Steve Malpass and Nick Reid, both from the Environment Agency and Brian Richards – DCC Highways Drainage.
The main issue was for the Flood Wardens to hear about the services being provided. The DCC and Environment Agency will each be dealing with flooding problems. General flooding and road drainage actions on the highway etc will be co-ordinated by Brian Richard’s four man team at DCC. The Environment Agency will continue to deal with water levels and flooding issues related to the main rivers such as on the Sherford River up to Kings Bridge. The Agency will also continue to provide their flood warnings and water quality details.
The flood wardens present all gave details of areas of flooding in their parishes. My comments were related to the highway flooding in the east end Sandy Lane, the area around the Bakers Arms Roundabout and in Old Watery Lane in Lytchett Minster.
Meetings at The Junior School – In November I attended a meeting with the head teacher and our local police officers and I proposed the introduction of a walking bus system for the Junior School. In March I attended a Parents evening with Cllr. Bill Pipe and Claire Pipe. The vast majority of parents who attended the meeting were in favour of introducing the scheme and about eighteen parents offered to volunteer to supervise the walking of the children to school. A further meeting was held to day the 17th April when Cllr Mike Holmes also attended and we agreed details of how we will endeavour to put the scheme into operation.
Report by Cllr F H Drane – Dorset County Council
Damory services and First Hampshire Bus services I have sent to both Clerks at Upton and Lytchett Matravers .
As I said before I have been to DCC 4 Times to discuss the bus service. At the moment for Upton and Lytchett Matravers the position is Damory will cover routes not covered by First Hampshire, till the 9th June. Early buses for people attending work and returning are covered. DCC have agreed to meet me on the 2nd May 2012 to discuss the bus service after 9th June DCC are still stating there is no more money in the Budget. It was agreed that the Town Council should write to DCC on this issue with a copy to PDC.
I attended a Policy Development Panel on the Modernisation Review of Public Libraries on 5th April.
It was established that DCC are not taking advantage of the Media Face Book etc . This is now being addressed. DCC appear to be happy that the Libraries not in the core DC libraries are working well to establish a business Plan. I raised the Corfe Castle Library and the Building problems. DCC state they are overcoming this .
I attended the Adult Community Services Overview committee 23rd March.
There are 4. Items raised by the Director for Adult and Community services. 1. Clinical Commissioning arrangement in Dorset. 2.The development of a shadow Health and Well-being Board. 3. The development of Local Healthwatch. 4. The transfer of statutory responsibilities for public health to local authority.
This bill has moved into the report stage in the House of Lords its Third reading then returned to Commons on to Royal Assent no date given but it might take place April 2013. I give this information because there will be budgetary implications and risk for the County Council from proposed changes particularly in terms of the new responsibilities for the authority and the associated support mechanisms.
It was proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED that the accounts for the above dates be approved.
This was reviewed by the committee and it was then proposed, seconded and
RESOLVED that the financial summary and budget comparison be accepted.
a) It was reported that the woodchippings are selling well at £2.50 per sack.
b) The Clerk reported that the office have saved money by stocking up on postage stamps prior to the price increase at the end of April 2012.
c) It was reported that the local Police will not be attending the Annual Town Assembly on 1 May 2012 and going forward their focus must be on crime rather than community matters.
d) Distribution of the Town Council newsletter is underway and members are requested to advise the Clerk when theirs has been received.
e) Following concern expressed by members of the public, it was suggested that the Town Council could offer to manage bookings for the community centre at a cost, and this proposal will be put to LUCA representatives.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45 p.m.