Flathead Valley Chapter SHRM

Board Meeting

April 5, 2012

Meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm on April 5, 2012, in the Glacier Bank Board Room.

Present: Rebecca Timis, Deb Broadbent, Maria Gilman, Tammy Skramovsky, Maureen Bryan, Cindy Carpenter, Wendy Nissen, Shelley Toavs, Jamie Braden, Susan Townsend

Minutes: Cindy Carpenter made a motion to approve the March minutes. Maria Gilman seconded. All approved.

Treasurer's Report:


$8032.61 Beginning Balance

$315.31 Revenue

$81.00 Expenses

$8266.92 Ending Balance

Programs: Cindy Carpenter reviewed the upcoming presenters for the monthly membership meetings. There was discussion of using Michael Crow for the extended September meeting. NFS will be utilizing his services during that time frame and the chapter could use him for a 2 hour presentation on September 13, 2012. There were a couple of topics to choose from that are HRCI approved. Deb Broadbent made a motion to pick up his travel expenses up to $700. Rebecca Timis seconded. All approved. There was discussion of what to charge for the September session. Deb Broadbent made a motion to treat the September meeting the same as the other regular meetings as far as non-member fees and lunch charges. Jamie Braden seconded. All approved.

Membership: Rebecca Timis reported that Peggy Young met with the Chamber of Commerce. We can post our meetings to their site for free. We can also post our meetings in the Water Cooler section of the Daily Interlake for free. Rebecca also announced that our chapter received “Star” award and our State Council was awarded “Superstar” status, regarding membership.

Foundation: There was discussion on who was attending the State Conference in Great Falls. Our chapter is responsible for selling the 50/50 tickets and volunteers are needed.

Diversity: Although Grechen Elmore was not present, she did email an update on the Veteran’s Job Fair being held on 4/24/12.

Legislative: Jamie Braden announced that the comment period on the new I-9 form ends 5/29/12. She gave update on the NLRB poster and the Age Discrimination Act going into effect on 4/30/12.

Workforce Readiness: Kiersten Adams was not present, but she submitted a paragraph about polling small businesses during the brown bag series for topics of interest to use for 2013 programs.

College Relations: (nothing to report)

Communications: (nothing to report)

There was discussion on records retention for the chapter, specifically the treasurer’s reports, Board meeting minutes, and bi-laws. It was agreed to keep these items saved in electronic format from this point forward. Cindy Carpenter gave Susan Townsend a copy of the signed bi-laws to post on the chapter website.

Certification: Shelley Toavs said the 2012 study guides will be released in May. She will send out a notice about a fall study group.

SHAPE: Rebecca said National is finishing up the evals of the 2011 SHAPE plan and is hoping that we will get the Silver award.

There was discussion on the chapters donation for the Silent Auction item for the State Conference.

Deb Broadbent agreed to head up the Ballot Committee for the 2013 Board members.

Meeting adjorned at 4:50 pm.

Next meeting will be held on May 3, 2011, at 4 p.m. in the Glacier Bank Board Room.