Washington Township Girls Soccer

Team Goals and Expectations

To the members of the Minutemaid Soccer Team and their parents:

Washington Township Soccer has accomplished many goals over the years and we are looking forward to another successful season. We want to continue our winning tradition. A winning tradition comes from the hard work, dedication and commitment by the coaching staff, players and parents.

There are many different positions on a soccer team. You may tryout for any position; the staff reserves the right to move you where it is best for the team. Being a team member means doing what is asked of you.

Our team has high goals and expectations for this year. Team policies and expectations are necessary for us to be successful. Below is the list of our team goals and expectations:

1)Representing WashingtonTownshipHigh School is an honor and a privilege. At all times on and off the field you should conduct yourselves in an appropriate and mature manner. Players will conduct themselves with class and dignity, treat teammates, administrators, opponents and officials respectfully and display excellent sportsmanship.

2)Being a member of this team means making a commitment to the program. You will be responsible for managing your time to meet all of your other obligations.

3)Student athletes should abide by the rules set forth during the school day. Deviation from these rules (detention, suspension, etc…) will lead to disciplinary actions and/or dismissal from the team.

4)Attendance is mandatory for all practices, games, meetings and team functions. There will be games and practices scheduled on Saturdays. Medical and professional appointments should be made at a time when practice or a game is not scheduled. Vacations are unexcused absences. An unexcused absence will result in that player not being permitted to play the next game. A second unexcused absence will result in that player not being permitted to play in the next two additional games and a parent/coach meeting. A third unexcused absence will result in that player not being permitted to play in the next three additional games and result in a parent/coach/AD meeting. A fourth unexcused absence will result in dismissal from the team.If you are absent from school your parent/guardian must notify the appropriate coach by e-mail before noon.

Coach Alvaro (Varsity):

Coach Silvesti(JV):

Coach Sachs (Frosh):

5)Excused absences are: academic related school functions, religious commitments, medical notes, death in the family and legal reasons.

6)At all times, players should be prepared (clothing, shin guards, sneakers, cleats, etc…) to practice indoors and/or outdoors.

7)Players are responsible for notifying the coaching staff by DATE of any extended absences or obligations during the season. Failure to notify the coaching staff can result in loss of playing time. Seniors and Juniors are permitted two (2) excused absences at practice for college visits provided Coach Alvaro is notified at least two (2) weeks in advance.

8)All players are to be on the field and all equipment will be set up before the scheduled starting time of practice and games. Players should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled practice. Each player on the team is responsible for their personal equipment and team equipment.

9)All players are responsible for their academic performance. Any student-athlete needing extra help may stay after school providing they contact the appropriate coach during the day and be at practice by 3:00 with a note/pass.

10)Good communication between coaches, players, teammates and parents is essential in having a successful program. Coaches, players and parents will keep an open line of communication to avoid any misinterpretations. Any concerns a player may have should be addressed directly to the coach at an appropriate time. All meetings need to be scheduled at the convenience of the coach.

11)Players are responsible for traveling to and from each game with the team, and being seated on the bus at the scheduled departure time. Any exceptions must be approved by the Athletic Director 24 hours prior to the game with a signed note from your parent/guardian.

12)All players are required to remain at the games and practices until the coaching staff dismisses the team. Failure to stay for the entire game or practice can result in lost playing time. .

13)The use of illegal substances, alcohol, and tobacco is not permitted.

14)Respect all managers and trainers. They are an important part of our team.

15)If you are not in school by 10:00am, you may not practice or play in the game that day, but you are expected to be at practice or the game to support your team. A player leaving school early (5th pd.) must return before the end of the day with a note. If not, you will not be permitted to play.

16)Practices will start at 2:40 sharp on school days, weather permitting. This is to provide for extra help, club meetings, and to see the trainer. Please notify the coach if more time for activities is required. All players must be in the locker room by 2:25! Lateness will not be tolerated. Players are to remain in the locker room until the coaching staff dismisses them. All equipment must be carried out prior to practice starting at 2:40.

17)Players are responsible for their uniform cleanliness, tidiness and bringing all parts to each game. You are responsible for turning in all parts of your uniform (except socks) at the end of the season.

18)Players will be responsible for wearing uniform parts and designated team attire on game days.

19)Practices are closed to outsiders. Players are not permitted to talk to parents, friends, etc… during “game time”. Game time includes: pre-game, game, post game and clean-up.

20)ALL players should come to practices/games with an open mind and positive attitude. Bring your BEST EVERYDAY…NO REGRETS!!!


Please keep the Team Goals and Expectations and return the signed portion to the appropriate coach by August 23, 2014.

I, ______, understand that being a part of the WT soccer program comes with many responsibilities and that I represent WTHS. I have read, understand and will abide by all of the team goals and expectations for the 2013 soccer season.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

We have read and understand the team goals and expectations:

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______