1. Why We NEED YoU!

This first program will be a visual explanation of all the Marina’s education and recreation programs and our “green” buildings. Learn about your role as a docent and get your questions answered.
DATE: Thursday, October 17, 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Hydrology on the dock


An introduction to history of the Bay including early animal life, Indian and Spanish settlements, and human impact on the Bay.
DATE: Friday, October 18, 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon


The latest information on the problems and triumphs concerning the state of the Bay today. Includes viewing the videos, “Secrets of the Bay” & “ Synthetic Seas”.
DATE: Thursday, October 24, 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon /


How to work with groups of students: discipline; creative teaching; gearing talks towards specific grade levels; how to hold the attention of your group.
DATE: Friday, October 25, 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon


Practice and discussion on how to work with groups. Learn how to interpret the exhibits here at the Nature Center. Bring something from home to interpret.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, Oct. 31Nov.1,2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

6 & 7. Fins, ScALesANDgiLLs

In these classes, you explore the ins and outs of fish and sharks that live in the Bay. Through fish printing and internal and external anatomy, you’ll learn some exciting ways to teach information to children.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, Nov. 78, 2013
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

8 & 9. FeAtheRedFRiends

This program teaches the life skill of bird watching, through multimedia presentations and hands-on activities: feathers, conservation, bird sounds, feeding and a practice walk to identify local marine and land birds.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, Dec 5 & 6, 2013

TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon


Feathers under a microscope in the bird program

1o. & 11. FLukesAnd FINS

Coastal marine mammals will be explored through slides and lectures. Hands on artifacts will help you teach about feeding, conservation, insulation and sounds.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, Jan. 910, 2014
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

12 & 13. BAy Scientist, Me?

A field and lecture class exploring marine life of the rocky shore and docks. You will handle a variety of marine life, investigate water chemistry, and explore the world of plankton.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, Feb. 67, 2014

TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

14. & 15. Seashore SECRETS

A field and lecture class focusing on the rocky shore habitats. Scheduled during low tide, you will learn the art of handling and studying shoreline residents, while examining rocks, mudflats and tide pools.
DATES: Thurs - Fri, March 6 & 7, 2014
TIME: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. /

16. Protecting our watershed

This new program will focus on the conservation side of our programs. Preparing for the hundreds of shoreline cleanups we oversee in the East Bay, we will be identifying the problems, the solutions and the best ways to teach about trash and lead clean-ups!
DATES: Thurs, March 27. 2014
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

17. RESEARCH the bay program

You will broaden your knowledge of the Bay when we go out on the Research boat, Cordell Explorer. We will trawl for fish to observe, tow a plankton net, and take a bottom sample of the Bay.
DATE: Friday, March 28, 2014
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Sailing on the “Pegasus”

18. Introduction to sailing

You will go out on the Bay for a two-hour basic sail training. It will train you for the sailboat trips for 4th graders and up. Land activities include: nautical terms, navigation, knots, and handling lines.
DATE: Saturday, April 5th, 2014

TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

STRAW BALE nature center

This building features passive solar and photovoltaic systems, heat radiant flooring, recycled and salvaged wood materials. The new classroom features state of the art microscopes and two 180 gallon aquatic ecosystems.

28th ANNUAL Shoreline CLEAN-UP

On September 21, 2013, docents help run this event for 1,800 people. This is an opportunity for one-time volunteers. Help set up and tally data. Meet at University & Frontage Rd. at 9-12 noon.

Hands on Saturdays

Docents lead hands on activities for the public, on fish, birds, bay critters and more. On the first Sat. of the month from 1-4. Starting in March.

More Fun in the Summer!

Docents use their skills to assist teachingfour, 4-8 day sessions of marine biology to really enthused students – a very rewarding culmination of the year.

Friends of Shorebird Park Fundraiser

Friends of Shorebird Park need your skills to help raise money. If you have fundraising skills or like to ask for donations, we need you!
Berkeley Bay Festival
April 19th 2014-11am-4pm
Environmental education groups, music, free boat rides, shoreline clean-up, tours of the facilities’ “Green” technology. For all ages. /

ReQuiREments for VoLunteers

 Interest and/or experience working in a marine environment.
 Participation in training sessions and;
 Leadership or assistance with at least two fieldtrips per month.
T.B. test and fingerprinting required to work with children.

Docents and students using equipment to learn about the Bay.


 Satisfaction of working with children and encouraging their appreciation of the environment.
Training handbook of educational materials and information on the Bay for leading tours at the Marina.
 Professional training in the education field. Excellent for those considering a career change. Looks great on your resume!
 Help give something back to the community and be part of something really special.“Best fieldtrip ever!” /

Bay InteRpRetiveTRaining

In 1979, the City of Berkeley Marina Programs staff created the Marina Experience program for school children and teachers. Since its beginning over 84,523 children and 11,584 adults have learned about Bay ecology. The “BayIT” Bay Interpretive Program was developed in 1985 to help train volunteers (YOU) to assist in teaching these children and adults.
These programs include: Animals: (Nov. – Feb.) Fish, Birds, Marine Mammals & Bay Scientist; Low Tide: (March – June) Explore the rocky shore, docks and fishing pier; Boating: (Mar. – June) For older students - we teach about the Bay from a sailboat. Docents will go out on a research boat andwe trawl for fish, tow plankton nets and take bottom samples; and Summerprograms featuring Marine Biology & Boating Week.
Our training begins in October 2013 and continues until June 2014. It involves hands-on training sessions covering such topics as the history of the Bay, marine habitats, andbayshore plant and animal life, with special emphasis on how to teach and use artifacts and live animals. These are on-going trainings, and you may join the program any time during the year.
The cost is $62. This covers the training materials, nametags and 2 boat trips.
Shorebird Park Nature Center
160 University Avenue, Berkeley Marina
To obtain an application, please call: Patty Donald or Tomás Flores at (510) 981-6720 ore-mail to:
