Valencia High School AP/IB Art HistoryMrs. Schultz

Unit #5

Chapter 21: The Renaissance on Quattrocento Italy

1400- 1500 (6 WORKS)

List of Required AP Works (5 works):

Cue Cards

1. Pazzi Chapel. Basilica di Santa Croce. Florence, Italy. Filippo Brunelleshci (architect). c. 1429- 1461 C.E. Masonry. (p. 584-585)

2. David. Donatello. c. 1440- 1460 C.E. Bronze. (p. 568)

3. Palazzo Rucellai. Florence, Italy. Leon Battista Alberti (architect).c. 1450 C.E. Stone, masonry. (p. 587-588)

4. Madonna and Child with Two Angels. Fra Filippo Lippi. c. 1465 C.E. Tempera on wood.

(p. 577-578)

5. Birth of Venus. Sandro Botticelli. c. 1484- 1486 C.E. Tempera on canvas. (p. 581)

List of Required IBWorks (2 works):

Cue Cards

1. Pietro Perugino, Christ handing the keys to St. Peter. Fresco. Cappella Sistina, Vatican.

(p. 589)

2. Filippo Brunelleschi, Cappella deiPazzi, Santa Croce, Florence (c. 1441- 61). Interior and ground-plan.(p. 584-585)


“Observe the Bean Sprout!” We use this theme to think about the way artists like Giotto will once again show an interest in the natural world. The “sprout,” though small and young, seems determined to break through crusty soil to reach for the sun (fame). We give the sprout three nurturing roots present in the Trecento: new economic strength, the philosophy of humanism, and a new emphasis on personal experience.



Valencia High School AP/IB Art HistoryMrs. Schultz

  1. chiaroscuro
  2. pieta
  3. aerial perspective
  4. commemorative portraits
  5. pyramidal composition
  6. intarsia
  7. trompe l’oeil
  8. ecorche
  9. imitation vs. emulation (reference to p. 573)
  10. pre-figuration
  11. covenants
  12. illusionism


Valencia High School AP/IB Art HistoryMrs. Schultz

Review words: humanism, linear perspective (one point and two point) atmospheric perspective, contrapposto, panel painting, putti, frescos (buon and secco), rusticated, terra cotta, engraving


Differences between Italy and Northern Europe

  1. Oil Paint: The artists of the North invented oil paint! They use oil paint fifty years or more before they use it in Italy (where they use tempera until then). Think about what oil paint can do that fresco and tempera can not do! The Renaissance in Northern Europe is very different from the Renaissance in Italy.
  2. Classical Antiquity: Remember that in Italy the Renaissance was a rebirth of the art and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome? Northern Europe was far from the important centers of Ancient Greek and Roman culture, and so the Renaissance in the North was not as much of a rebirth of Ancient Greek and Roman culture the way it was in Florence.

3. Engraving: Northern used hatching and cross- hatching where Italy used hatching alone


  • Medici Family - The most powerful and famous dynasty of bankers who used their incredible wealth to both govern city-states and be patrons of the arts. Founded in Florence. Wealth first started by Giovanni de'Medici.
  • Expanding wealth of merchant class and guilds. Florence develops into a powerful and wealthy republic.
  • International trade and banking continued growth of cities = HUGE increase in the arts
  • New World view = deeper awareness of the individuals relationship with the world – humanism.
  • Emergence of the artists’ social position (artist as a hero, divinely inspired, genius!)
  • Intellectual approach to beauty and art including the rediscovery of linear perspective
