RCC – Math 65 Fundamentals of Algebra II – Kathie Davidson – Fall 2016 – Syllabus

Course: Math 65 Fundamentals of Algebra II, section R7, four credits

Prerequisite: Math 60 or appropriate placement score

Instructor: Kathie Davidson

Time and Place: Tue & Thur 5:30 - 7:20 P.M. (come early for help: 4:45 - 5:30) HEC-214

Required Materials:

● Text: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Graphs and Models; Bittinger; 2nd custom edition

● MyLabsPlus is packaged with your textbook. If you bought a textbook from a source other

than the RCC bookstore or if yours is a used book, you may purchase an access code for

MyLabsPlus at the bookstore or on-line. If you are using financial aid, you must purchase access

at the RCC bookstore. This on-line multimedia package contains the required on-line homework

assignments, your grade book and many wonderful resources to help you succeed in this class.

Temporary access is available. When you log in for the first time you will be given the option to

enter an access code, purchase access, or pay later. Temporary access will be good for 14

days after you start using it.

(1) On the web, go to RCC Home → My Rogue → MyLabsPlus OR

(2) Go to http://roguecc.mylabsplus.com

Your username is RCC followed by your student ID (for ex: RCC1234567) and your default

password is your student ID (for ex: 1234567). This will take you to the MyLabsPlus page.

Click on “MyProfile” at the top of the page and make sure the e-mail address listed for you is correct.

You may change your password here if you wish.

Click on the link for this term and you should see your course.

Product Support: 1-888-883-1299 or 1-800-677-6337 or

or CLICK “help”.

My Labs Plus Video Tutorial: Go to RCC Home; click on “Faculty/ Departments” (on the right

hand side); click on “Mathematics”; in the main body of the page you’ll see “My Labs Plus


● Graphing Calculator (recommended: TI-83 or TI-84)

You may rent one from the library for $15 per term.

(Calculator help at education.TI.com or call 1-800-842-2737)

● Straight Edge & Graph Paper: You may print grids from the “Graph Grids” Section in the Menu Bar

of MyLabsPlus or go to http://www.printfreegraphpaper.com or http://mathbits.com

Important Dates:

Deadline to add or drop a class and get a full refund: Oct. 5

Deadline to withdraw or change to audit: Nov. 18

Term ends: Dec. 9

Final grades available online at www.roguecc.edu/studentresources/reportcard: Dec. 14

Course Description:

Chapter 5: Polynomials (5.1–5.8)

Chapter 6: Polynomial Factorizations and Equations (6.1–6.7)

Chapter 7: Rational Expressions, Equations, and Functions (7.1-7.8)

Support Services:

● Tutoring Center: G121, 245-7700

See MLP “Tutoring Center Hours”

● Testing Center: G109, 245-7777

See MLP “Testing Center Hours”

● Disabilities and Special Services: B-9, 245-7537:

Any student who feels that he or she may need academic accommodations for a disability, such

as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning, psychological or other medical conditions, should make

an appointment with the Support Services Office. Documentation to verify a disability is required

to receive special accommodations.


Students are expected to attend ALL classes. Please be on time to class (that means ready to go

at 5:30) and do not plan to leave early unless you have talked with me first. If you find it necessary

to miss class, you are responsible for the missed material. Attendance is strongly encouraged!

If accident, illness, or other crisis interferes with completing the math course this quarter, it is recommendedyou drop the class by official withdrawal "W". Incompletes generally will not be given.

If 75% or more ofthe course work has been successfully completed, incompletes mightpossiblybe given for a special casethat is evaluated on an individual basis, but never in lieu of a poor grade.

Academic Integrity:

Cheating, plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty are regarded as serious offenses and

will be grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the “Students’ Rights and Responsibilities” manual. These consequences include, but are not limited to, failure of assignment/test, failure of course, removal from class, and removal from the college. Academic honesty is not negotiable!

This means you need to keep your eyes on your own paper during a test and do your own assignments!

Classroom Etiquette:

● If you are tardy to class or need to leave early, please be discrete and enter or exit quietly.

● Please, please, please turn off your cell phones before entering the classroom.

If you must take or make a call, please leave the classroom.

Texting is not allowed in the classroom. It is disrespectful and distracting.

You will be asked to leave if you use your phone for calls or texts.

A grade of 0% will be given if your cell phone is out during a test.

● Students may not engage in any activity which the instructor deems disruptive or counterproductive

to the goals of the class. Instructors have the right to remove students from class for not following

the Student Code of Conduct. (See the “Students’ Rights and Responsibilities”.) Please be

courteous during class and respect your instructor and classmates in every regard.

Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Violence Policies:

RCC is committed to ensure that its learning and working environments are free from all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. Therefore, it is a violation of College policy for any employee, student or third-party at RCC to engage in these practices.

In addition, RCC has a zero tolerance for sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner or domestic violence, dating violence and workplace violence. Anyone found participating in any of these activities will be subject to disciplinary action and prosecuted in accordance with RCC policies and procedures and Oregon state laws. For more information, go to http://web.roguecc.edu/title-ix-and-sexual-misconduct

The College assists in keeping the campus safe, but a safe campus can only be achieved through the efforts and cooperation of all students, faculty, and staff. For information on safety services, go to https://www.roguecc.edu/safety/

Weather Concerns:

Check the college’s website or call 245-7500 or 956-7500 for the most current closure information.

Smoking restrictions (Board policy):

Smoking is not permitted on the premises of Rogue Community College except in designated areas. For more information go to www.roguecc.edu/TPTF

Grading Weights:

MyLabsPlus on-line Homework: 10%

Text Book Homework: 10% (These are turned in for grading.)

MyLabsPlus on-line Quizzes: 10%

Tests: 70%

(The three chapter tests (chp 5, chp 6, chp 7) are each worth about 17% and the Final is worth 20%)

Grading Scale:

A 90 -100% B+ 88 - 89% C+ 78 - 79% D+ 68 - 69% F 0 - 59% B 80 - 87% C 70 - 77% D 60 - 67%


If you are unable to attend class on the day of a test and you have a serious and compelling excuse a makeup test will be arranged for you to take in the Testing Center. If you take the test in the Testing Center before the next scheduled class meeting your score will receive an automatic 10% reduction. If you make up the test after the following class meeting, your score will receive an automatic 20% reduction. If you do not make up the test within one week of the test date, you will receive 0%.

There are no re-takes and no extra credit. Do not ask for re-takes or extra credit.

This is what you will see when you log onto MyLabsPlus:

ANNOUNCEMENTS / These are from Pearson
GRADEBOOK / Find your overall grade in the class, as well as grades for
MLP Homework, MLP Quizzes, Book Homework,
Chapter Tests and the Final. Check your grade regularly.
If you see anything you don’t understand, see me ASAP.
HOMEWORK / This is where you do your on-line homework.
QUIZZES AND TESTS / This is where you take your on-line quizzes.
There are also sample tests and quizzes you may try for extra practice.
STUDY PLAN / Practice exercises for each section. These are not graded.
CLASS HAND OUTS / All class hand outs are located here. Print them if you miss a class!
GRAPH GRIDS / 5 sizes available for printing
MULTIMEDIA LIBRARY / Select a chapter and a section and then check out:
Multimedia Textbook (Your Text Book)
Power Point Lessons
Section Video Lectures
CHAPTER CONTENTS / Student Solutions Manual: solutions to all odd-numbered
Exercises and all answers to Reviews, Summaries and Tests.
Worksheets for each section and answers to the odds.
Interactive Games
Concept Videos
Graphing Calculator Help

MLP Homework & Quiz; Book Homework Info

MyLabsPlus Homework:

v  HW due by 5:30 P.M. on the dates indicated. See the calendar.

v  If you work on an assignment past the due date, 20% of the score earned on the late problems

will be deducted each day.

You must get the correct answer by the 3rd try to receive credit for a problem. (If there are fewer than 4 choices, you only get 2 tries.) If you click on “Help Me Solve This”, you will receive a new problem after the help. If you get a problem marked incorrect, you can click on “Similar Problem” and start over. You get 2 chances to get a “Similar Problem”. (So, you can get up to 3 different problems to try.) Once you open an assignment, you may open the PRINT button on the right and print a particular problem or the entire assignment. Make sure you hit the SAVE button so you can return to the same exercises after you work the problems out on paper. You can then enter the answers on line. This makes for a great review sheet (especially for the MLP Quizzes). You can wave your mouse over any answer marked incorrect and you will see the correct answer and the answer you gave.


MyLabsPlus Quizzes:

v  Quizzes due by 5:30 P.M. on the dates indicated. No late quizzes allowed. See the calendar.

v  These are to be taken after all the MLP homework is completed in the sections covered by the quiz. You have a 1-hour session (which can not be broken up) for each quiz and each quiz has 8 questions. You may use your book and any notes you have. You may take each quiz twice and the higher of the 2 grades will be recorded in your MLP gradebook. You can click on “Help Me Solve This” as many times as you want for any given problem and get a new problem, but you only have one chance to input an answer. After the quiz is completed you can wave your mouse over any answer marked incorrect and you will see the correct answer and the answer you gave.


Book Homework:

v  HW due by 5:30 P.M. on the dates indicated. See the calendar.

v  Any late Book Homework will result in a score reflecting a 10% deduction for each class meeting that it is late. Each student may turn in no more than one late book homework.

v  All “reasonable” WORK must be shown on Book Homework to receive credit.

Show your work algebraically. A calculator may be used for numerical calculations.

v  Make sure you ANSWER ALL THE PARTS of a question: explain, compare, interpret, give the point on the graph, what do you notice? Etc.

v  Please LABEL ANSWERS with appropriate units to receive full credit.

v  Sometimes you have to “look around” for the directions, associated graphs and pictures for problems in the book. These may be above, to the left or to the right of the problem or on the previous page.

v  If you need help in working an even numbered problem, you’ll often find a similar odd numbered problem in the book right before it and you can check out the student solution manual for help located in the “Chapter Contents” in MLP.

v  Getting help from me or another student is GOOD! Just make sure your homework is your own!

Week / Tuesday / Thursday
1 / 9/27
5.1 / 9/29
2 / 10/4
#1 MLP HW & QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
5.3 / 10/6
5.4, 5.5, 5.6
3 / 10/11
#2 MLP HW & QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
5.7, 5.8, Graph Master / 10/13
5.8, 6.1
4 / 10/18
#3 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
Review for Chp 5 Test / 10/20
5 / 10/25
6.2, 6.3, 6.7 (#1, 2) / 10/27
#4 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
6.4, 6.7 (#3)
6 / 11/1
#5 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
6.5, 6.6, 6.7 (#4, 5) / 11/3
Review for Chp 6 Test
7 / 11/8
#6 MLP HW & QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
CHP 6 TEST / 11/10
7.2, 7.3
8 / 11/15
#7 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
7.4, 7.5 / 11/17
7.6, 7.7
9 / 11/22
#8 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
7.7, 7.8 / 11/24
No Classes
Happy Thanksgiving!
10 / 11/29
Review for Chp 7 Test / 12/1
#9 MLP HW QUIZ & BOOK HW Due 5:30
More Review
CHP 7 TEST – Part 1 (7.1-7.6)
11 / 12/6
Review for Final
CHP 7 TEST – Part 2 (7.7-7.8) / 12/8

MLP Homework & Quizzes; Book Homework

Due Date
#1 / MLP HW: 5.1, 5.2
MLP Quiz: 5.1, 5.2
Book HW:
5.1 Page 336 #44, 74, 86, 100 (please give your answer to #100 in a complete
5.2 Page 346 #43, 53, 68, 72, 106, 112, 120
(you may use your calculator in MODE SCI for #106, 112, 120) / Tuesday
Oct. 4
#2 / MLP HW: 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
MLP Quiz: 5.3, 5.4, 5.5
Book HW:
5.3 Page 359 #69, 71, 79,
82 (The directions say to just LOOK at the graph, don’t use the equation.),
105 (use your calculator & round your numbers to the nearest hundredth: