Springton Lake Middle School
1900 N. Providence Road
Media, Pennsylvania


Telephone 610.627.6500
Fax 610.566.8665

April 22, 2016

Dear Eighth Grade Parents and Guardians:

A field trip for the entire 8th grade has been planned for Thursday, June 2nd, 2016to Washington, DC. As part of this curriculum-based field trip, students will be given the opportunity to explore the Smithsonian Museums and Exhibitswhile taking a walking tour of our nation’s monuments. The cost is$50.00 for students and chaperones. If parents have expressed interest in helping chaperone the trip andhave been approved by the district (clearances),then a confirmation e-mail was sent by their child’s team leader.

Chaperones are expected to attend an informational meeting that has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 21st, at 7:00 P.M., in the SLMS library. We look forward to sharing the itinerarywith the chaperones at this time.

Students and chaperones will need to arrive at Springton Lake at 6:00 A.M. and will report directly to the cafeteria, where we will prepare to board buses. The luxury buses will depart promptly at 6:30 A.M.—we will not hold buses for latecomers. We should return to Springton Lake Middle School by 7:30 P.M., depending on traffic. Students will need to bring a bagged lunch and snacks for the ride back home. The majority of the trip will be outdoors, so students and chaperones need to prepare for inclement weather. A more detailed itinerary will be given to the students and chaperones a few weeks prior to the trip.

Checks and cash will be accepted. Checks should be made payable to Rose Tree Media School District. If you have a financial concern, please contact the guidance counselor, Mrs. Howe, at 610-627-6507.

The permission slip and money are due to your child’s homeroom teacher by Friday, May 6th, 2016. If payment cannot be made by this time, please notify one of your child’s teachers or Mrs. Howe, the 8th grade guidance counselor.

Thank you for your support.


The 8th Grade Teachers

(You must return this portion along with payment in a sealed envelope to your child’s HOMEROOM teacher by Friday, May 6th, 2016)

I do give my child ______

(Print student name) permission to attend the Washington, DC field trip on Thursday, June 2nd. (Payment included)

I am a chaperone and have included my payment of $50.00.

☐I do NOT give my child ______

(Print student name) permission to attend the Washington, DC field trip on Thursday, June 2nd.

It is expected that if your child is not attending the field trip, they attend school for a regular day of instruction.

Parent/Guardian Signature:


*Please make checks payable to Rose Tree Media School District (RTMSD)

Return this completed permission form and the trip cost in a sealed envelope to your child’s homeroom teacher no later than Friday, May 6th, 2016.