Implementing Agency:Zambia Meteorological Department(ZMD)

Project Title: Strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Eastern and Southern Africa for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change – Zambia

Project Number:00086729

Fiscal Year:2015

Reporting Period:01 April to 30 June 2015

Project Budget (US$) for the Reporting Period (Use annual budgets in quarterly reports):

Original Budget (USD) / Latest Signed Revision (USD)
Core/Trac Resources (UNDP):
Donor 1 (Name): GEF / 1,936,672.00 / 1,936,672.00
Donor 2 (Name): …………………………
Donor 3 (Name): ......
Government: ......
Total Budget (US$): / 1,936,672.00 / 1,936,672.00

Submission Date:15 July 2015

Contact Details (IP):

Name of Contact Staff:Jacob Nkomoki

Position of Contact Staff:Director

Address:Haile Selassie Avenue, P.O. Box 30200, Lusaka

Contact Telephone Number:+260 211 251912

Contact Email:

Contact Details (UNDP):

Name of Contact Staff:Winnie Musonda

Position of Contact Staff:Energy and Environment Advisor

Address: Alick Nkhata Avenue, P. O. Box 31966, Lusaka

Contact Telephone Number: +260 211 386200

Contact Email:

  1. Executive Summary


  • From the outset, the project
  • t
  1. Background and Purpose of Programme/Project

  1. Background and Purpose of Project

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  1. Progress on Implementation of Activities(Quarterly based on agreed annual workplan)

Main Activity / Target / Progress against planned activities and targets / Planned Completion Date / Implementation Status (Completed, Ongoing-On Track, Ongoing-Off Track & Cancelled) / Reason (s) for slippage (if progress and implementation is not on track) and remedial measures taken / Budget & Expenditure Monitoring Framework
Budget (USD) / Expenditure (USD) / Expenditure (%)
1.1.1 Undertake a systematic analysis of existing synoptic agro-meteorological, climatic and rainfall stations to determine gaps in coverage and priority stations for rehabilitation. This will include an identification of the location where AWSs will be installed within the priority districts / List of priority districts revised. Order of priority for station rehabilitation established. Condition of existing stations analysed and sites for new AWSs selected / Collation of information on all existing weather station operated by ZMD and other institutions is on-going / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing-On Track / ZMD Management and ProvincialMeteorological Officers had a workshop to revise the list of priority districts for AWS installation. The next steps are physical site selection and preparation. The PMOs shall also submit revised lists of instruments missing from each manual station, so that a rehabilitation schedule can be prepared. / 13,325.00 / 4,763.00 / 36%
1.1.2 Procure and install 28 AWSs in the priority districts including solar panels, batteries and GPRS modem for data transmission / Procurement of 28 AWSs finalized / CIRDA arranged with PSO to make use of WFP’s existing LTA with Adcon Telemetry. Specifications submitted to UNDP CO to be passed on to PSO. / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing-On Track / UNDP PSO to order AWSs from Adcon Telemetry. A quotation has been received. Adcon’s recommendation for purchase of spare parts is under consideration. / 1,022,000.00 / 0.00 / 0%
1.1.3Rehabilitate / upgrade the 41 existing meteorological stations (including 2 AWSs and 39 manual stations) / Instruments for rehabilitation of manual stations procured / Bids evaluated and supplier selected / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing-On Track / The procurement process is currently with the Regional Service Centre, as the amount involved exceeds the Country Office threshold. / 288,600.00 / 5,244.00 / 2%
1.2.2 Upgrade and update the national ZMD Database from CLICOM to CLIMSOFT / CLIMSOFT Training conducted. ZMD Database migrated from CLICOM to CLIMSOFT / SASSCAL project(co-financing)is providing Climsoft installation and training at ZMD. The CIEWS project has provided 5 computers for Climsoft installation. / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing-On Track / These funds could be used to hold a training course on CLIMAT reporting instead. This is under discussion. / 2,500.00 / 0.00 / 0%
1.3.4 Implement an awareness raising campaign, led by the local meteorological officer, in local communities situated close to installed and rehabilitated stations on the importance/benefits of installed equipment / Publication of CIEWS brochure / Draft brochure finalisedfor printing / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing – On Track / The printing company has committed to delivering the brochures by end of July 2015 / 2,000.00 / 740.00 / 37%
1.4.1 Train: i) 4 senior climatologists (based in Lusaka); ii) 20 analysts (2 in each province);iii) 28 weather forecasters (1 per AWS installed); and iv) 3 researchers based at UNZA on state-of-the-art region-specific weather and climate forecasting including the use of observed data, forecasting stations and data storage and information management systems / Sponsorship of 12 ZMD staff to study Diploma in Weather Forecasting / College fees and student allowances paid for second term / 30 June 2015 / Completed / College fees and allowances for the second term have been paid. / 43,250.00 / 24,400.00 / 56%
2.1.1 Undertake a comprehensive assessment of existing, tailored (if any)climate information available to the agricultural, water and energy, health and other climate-sensitive sectors – including information exchange mechanisms, communication channels and dissemination mechanisms between ZMD, user agencies and end-users – to establish best practices, gaps and opportunities for streamlining and collaboration on data-use and -sharing. / Baseline Study undertaken to verify the current status of CIEWS / Complete baseline study / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing – On track / The assignment shall be completed by 31 July 2015. / 52,509.00 / 27,350.00 / 52%
CIEWS household survey conducted in the three pilot districts / A national household survey was conducted in 30 flood/drought-prone districts / 30 June 2015 / Completed / The survey results are to be presented in the baseline study report. / 15,000.00 / 28,860.00 / 100%
2.3.1 Develop a national weather and climate information and early warning system communication and coordination strategy. This will include SOPs for disseminating weather and climate information including alerts across all levels, e.g. community-level, local-level, state/province-level and national level / National CIEWS Communication and Coordination Strategy development / ToR submitted to UNDP and consultancy advertised in the national newspapers / 30 June 2015 / Ongoing – On track / The next step is evaluation of the proposals received. / 15,000.00 / 2,297.00 / 15%
2.4.1 Undertake a review of the private sector demand for improved climate information in Zambia / Interview companies across a range of climate-sensitive sectors / 8 companies across 4 sectors - agriculture, insurance, construction and mining – were surveyed. / 30 June 2015 / Completed / The findings from this survey are to be presented in the baseline study final report. / 1,000.00 / 1,088.50 / >100%

4.Progress towards achievement of results

Reporting period: 01 April – 30 June 2015

Output / Budget (USD) / Expenditure (USD) / Balance (USD) / Expenditure (%) / Remarks and recommendations
1.1 28 Automatic Weather stations procured and installed, and 41 existing manual and automatic monitoring stations rehabilitated (as well as procurements of additional EWS components) / 1,310,600.00 / 7,541.00 / 1,303,059.00 / 0.6% / A supplier for the meteorological instruments has been selected and the order is to be placed soon. Automatic weather stations are to be procured via a long-term agreement with Adcon Telemetry. Specifications for the remaining EWS components have been finalised.
1.2 Weather and climate forecasting systems updated, including the installation of required hardware and software and integration of satellite observations / 27,500.00 / 5,857.00 / 21,643.00 / 21% / Computers have been distributed to all provincial meteorological offices and selected stations, for climate data management and weather forecasting purposes.
Discussions are underway with the meteorological agencies in Uganda and Tanzania to host study visits, for the purpose of comparing the hardware and software in use.
1.3 Capacity developed for operating and maintaining the climate observation network and related infrastructure, including the training of 10 engineers, 10 technicians and local communities to maintain and repair meteorological equipment, computer infrastructure and telecommunications network / 20,000.00 / 0.00 / 20,000.00 / 0% / Two ZMD technicians and one engineer have been trained in AWS installation through the SASSCAL project (co-financing). More training will be conducted by Adcon during the installation of the 28 AWSs. Sponsorship to short training courses on repair of meteorological equipment, computer infrastructure and telecommunications network is to be done within the year.
1.4 Technical capacity of ZMD is developed to improve the production of standard and customized weather and climate forecasts and packaging meteorological data and information into a suitable format for user agencies and local community end-users / 56,418.00 / 24,400.00 / 32,018.00 / 43% / The sponsorship of 12 meteorological assistants to study the Diploma in Meteorology at ZASTI is on-going. The sponsorship for 4 ZMD staff to study BSc Climatology still underway. Candidates have been selected. ZMD to outline selection criteria and provide verified qualifications.
2.1 Tailored, sector-specific weather and climate information made accessible to decision makers in government, private sector, civil society, development partners and local communities. / 52,509.00 / 27,350.00 / 25,159.00 / 52% / The baseline survey covered a range of weather information users from various sectors, to understand their needs in terms of tailored weather information. Data analysis is underway and the final report will be delivered during Q3.
2.3 Communication channels and procedures for issuing warnings are enabled at a national level, and implemented at a district level through the development of mobile phone-based alert platforms in the priority districts of Chipata, Gwembe and Sesheke / 15,000.00 / 2,297.00 / 12,703.00 / 15% / The deadline for submission of proposals by prospective communications consultants was 30 June 2015. Thus, the consultants will be selected and appointed during Q3.
2.4 Public-private partnership developed for sustainable financing of the operation and maintenance of the installed meteorological observation network / 5,000.00 / 1,088.50 / 3911.50 / 22% / Liaison with mobile service providers and insurance companies is on-going. There will also be engagement on this matter with MAL to understand the provisions for weather-index insurance in the revised draft Agricultural Policy.

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  1. Next Quarter’s Work Plan

Expected Output / Main Activity / Sub Activities / Fund Source / Budget Description / Amount (USD)
1.1 28 Automatic Weather stations procured and installed, and 41 existing manual and automatic monitoring stations rehabilitated / 1.1.1 Undertake a systematic analysis of existing synoptic agro-meteorological, climatic and rainfall stations to determine gaps in coverage and priority stations for rehabilitation. This will include an identification of the locations where AWSs will be installed within the priority districts / Physical site selection and preparation in the selected districts / GEF
LDCF / 75700
Workshop / 12,100.00
1.1.2 Procure and install 28 AWSs in priority districts including solar panels, batteries and GPRS modems for data transmission / Procurement of AWSs completed through the LTA with Adcon telemetry and orders placed for the remaining components of the EWS / GEF
LDCF / 72300
Materials and Goods / 522,000.00
1.1.3 Rehabilitate / upgrade the 41 existing meteorological stations (including 2 AWSs and 39 manual stations) including procuring and replacing relevant instruments for manual stations, and sensors and data loggers for automated stations, as required / Instruments for rehabilitation of manual stations procured / GEF
LDCF / 72300
Materials and Goods / 288,600.00
1.2 Weather and climate forecasting systems updated, including the installation of required hardware and software and integration of satellite observations / 1.2.2 Upgrade and update the national ZMD Database from CLICOM to CLIMSOFT / CLIMAT training for meteorological officers / GEF
LDCF / 71300
Local Consultant / 2,500.00
1.2.4 Procure and install equipment including the hardware and software required for modern meteorological forecasting workstations at ZMD HQ / Needs assessment of the forecasting center conducted, through study visits / GEF
LDCF / 75700
Training Workshops and Conferences / 20,000.00
1.4 Technical capacity of ZMD is developed to improve the production of standard and customized weather and climate forecasts and packaging meteorological data and information into a suitable format for user agencies and local community end-users / 1.4.1 Train: i) 4 senior climatologists (based in Lusaka); ii) 20 analysts (2 in each province);iii) 28 weather forecasters (1 per AWS installed); and iv) 3 researchers based at UNZA on state-of-the-art region-specific weather and climate forecasting including the use of observed data, forecasting stations and data storage and information management systems / Sponsorship of 4 ZMD staff to study BSc Climatology at Mulungushi University / GEF
LDCF / 75700
Training, workshops and conferences / 13,168.00
2.3 Communication channels and procedures for issuing warnings are enabled at a national level, and implemented at a district level through the development of mobile phone-based alert platforms in the priority districts of Chipata, Gwembe and Sesheke / 2.3.1 Develop a national weather and climate information and early warning system communication and coordination strategy. This will include SOPs for disseminating weather and climate information including alerts across all levels, e.g. community-level, local-level, state/province-level and national level / Engage communications consultants to draft strategy / GEF
LDCF / 71300
Local Consultants / 15,000.00
Hold consultative workshop on a draft CIEWS Communication and Coordination Strategy / GEF
LDCF / 75700
Training Workshops and Conferences / 2,450.00
2.3.5 Establish an Open Data Platform including server and software for SMS alert system, tailored to the priority districts of Chipata, Gwembe and Sesheke / Zambia Emergency Preparedness and Response Information System (ZEPRIS) reactivated and tailored to the needs of key users in the three EWS pilot districts / GEF
LDCF / 71300
Local Consultants / 5,000.00
2.3.6 Implement a two-way, SMS-based alert system in the priority districts of Chipata, Gwembe and Sesheke including community engagement, community training, inclusion of indigenous knowledge / Agreements with mobile service providers signed and database established / GEF
LDCF / 72100
Contractual Services - Companies / 3,000.00

Signature (ZMD):______Signature (UNDP):______

Name: ______Name: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

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