We look forward to an exciting term, and hope to enrich your academic experience and watch you improve your skills with all of our planned activities.Are you joining us for the FALL 2015 semester at Baruch College STEP Academy?
Yes ______No ______
Cell phone #:______Home phone #:______
NYSSIS ID #:______(10 digit number that is unique identifier for each public charter student in NYState)
SAT (total): ______CR: ______Math: ______Writing: ______GPA: ______
Email Address: ______
Parent Name: ______Parent Email:______
I, ______(full name), agree to participate in the Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) at Baruch College. As a participant, I will attend the activities as scheduled, I will arrive on time, and I will put forth my best effort as a participant. I understand that continued participation in STEP requires a commitment that I attend the program sessions regularly and on time. I will accept tutoring by the STEP staff, will cooperate with instructors, tutors, and administrative staff, and will participate in field trips, seminars, and other events. I understand that students are allowed no more than two absencesper semester. Once a student is removed from the program, the only way to rejoin will be through a scheduled interview with the director before the following semester.
Signature of Student ______Date: ______
Deadline to submit applications & course selection sheets: September 1, 2015
The STEP Academy FALL 2015 Program is in session ONLY ON Saturdays
from October3rduntil December 12th from 9am-2pm (excludes November 28).
Email with questions!
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Please return this form to:Brian Kane, Director
Baruch College STEP Academy
55 Lexington Avenue, B5-237
New York, NY 10010
Fax: (646) 312-4299
Full Name ______Fall 2015 Grade Level:______
___ Middle School Program General math & science (ONLY 9:00am-12:00PM)
7th and 8th graders will review basic math and science topicsin an interactive environment.
(Check Only One in Each Category)
Math Courses
(only check one)
___integrated Algebra Review
Prerequisite:Course is designed for students currently enrolled in an algebra course. This course is ideal for students preparing for the algebra regents or to strengthen their understanding of the subject.
___Geometry Review
Prerequisite:Course is designed for students currently enrolled in geometry. This course is ideal for students preparing for the geometry regents or to strengthen their understanding of the subject.
___Alg 2/Trig Review
Prerequisite:Course is designed for students currently enrolled algebra 2/trigonometry. This course is ideal for students preparing for the algebra 2/trigonometry regents or to strengthen their understanding of the subject.
___ SATMath
Prerequisite:12th grade priority
This course will prepare students for the math portion of the SAT exam. Special emphasis will be placed on math test taking strategies.
Science Courses
(only check one)
__Living Environment/Biology
Prerequisite:Course is designed for students currently enrolled ina Living Environment or Biology course. This course is ideal for students preparing for the living environment regents or to strengthen their understanding of the subject.
__Chemistry Review
Prerequisite:Course is designed for students currently enrolled in chemistry. This course is ideal for students preparing for the chemistry regents or to strengthen their understanding of the subject.
Will focus on the design process, covering a wider range of technical disciplines like: robotics, 3d Modeling, 3D printing, coding and web development.
PREREQUISITE:11th & 12th graders
COREQUISITE: Research Design II**
Will focus on the process of designing a poster, applying the scientific method, and obtaining data for analysis and presentation.
Presentation skills will be developed: speaking, appearance and answering questions.
*you must register for both research design I & II*
Elective Courses
(only check one)
___Essay Writing Workshop
Prerequisite:10th - 12th Graders
The course involves writing essays and personal statements for college admissions and scholarships. There will be homework as students are expected to work on their essays at home and review the essays in a workshop style setting in the classroom.
___ Environmental Science
The course was designed to introduce students to major topics including: energy, geology, pollution, hazardous waste, conservation and sustainability.
___Financial Literacy Workshop
This course is a partnership with cents ability in which personal finance workshops are instructed by industry professionals. topics include: banking, stocks, debt, saving and credit.
PREREQUISITE: 11th & 12th graders
COREQUISITE: Research Design I**
Continuation of science course.
*you must register for both research design I & II*
___ Science Bowl Competition
Prerequisite:10th -12th graders
Students are placed in groups and trained to compete in an academic competition based on various science-related topics.