Washington Parish Council
June 24, 2013
Regular Meeting -6:00 PM
Washington Parish Courthouse
Council Chambers
Item No. 1– Call to Order – Chairman Route called the meeting to order.
Item No. 2 – Invocation – Chairman Fussell gave the invocation.
Item no. 3– Pledge of Allegiance – Councilman Route called for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Item No. 4– Roll Call – Council Clerk Sharon Lyons, called the roll. Present were Kenneth Wheat, Michael Fussell, Charles Nassauer, Andre’ Johnson, Pete Thomas, Greg Route and Aubrey Posey.
Item No. 5 -Approval of Minutes – Councilman Fussell offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Posey to approve the minutes of June 10, 2013 meeting.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Item No. 6 – Introduction of Proposed WP Ordinance No.13-575 – An Ordinance to Levy Taxes for the 2013 Tax Roll on all Property subject to Taxation in Washington Parish
Item No. 7 -Public Participation - There no comments during public participation.
Councilman Fussell offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Posey to close public participation.
Roll Call vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Item No. 8 – President’s Report – President Thomas proclaimed the July 12, 2013 as Collector Car Appreciation Day and presented a copy of the proclamation to Chat Jones.
Finance Report:
· Completed audit
· Completed field work
· Finance Committee – audit conference with finance committee
Transportation Report:
· Roads - blacktopping program continued
· 9 culverts installed
· Road signs installed
· Roads – litter pickup –bush hogging
· Noble Cemetery & Poplas Street Bridges – completed - August 6, 2013
Councilman Route commended the crew for the good job on bush hogging Penton Road.
Councilman Johnson asked about what is left to complete on the Poplas Street Bridge and he was told just the punch list will have to be completed by the contractor.
Item No. 9 – Council Discussion – Councilman Nassauer inquired about the status of the resolution that was adopted by the Council and by the Louisiana Police Jury Association, concerning the parish’s proposed severance tax on gravel, tops and clay.
Councilman Fussell reported that the association chose not to move forward with it due to an anticipated lack of support in the Legislature.
Council Nassauer expressed his disappointment with the decision and stated perhaps a letter should to be sent to the Louisiana Police Jury Association with regard to not following through with procedures when a resolution has been adopted.
The Council by unanimous agreement that they would not relinquish the endeavor to move forward with the resolution concerning the severance tax on natural resources until it is adopted into law.
Item No. 10 – Executive Session – Under La. R.S. 42:17(2) concerning Litigation.
Chairman Route dismissed the public and the Council entered into Executive Session.
After executive session was adjourned, Chairman Route declared the council meeting back in regular session. Chairman Route stated the Council will pursue ligation against Deepwater Horizon/British Petroleum oil spill which is permitted under the Oil Field Pollution Act, maritime law or any other appropriate law or statutory legal system. Also, against TIN, Inc., d/b/a Temple-Inland and its successor, International Paper for the discharge that occurred in 2011.
Chairman Route called for the motion to open and add to the agenda proposed Resolution No.13-617.
Councilman Fussell offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson open and add to the agenda the above proposed Resolution No.13-617.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Item No. 10- A – Resolution No. 13-617 – Resolution authorizing Special Counsel to represent the Washington Parish Government in all Matters Related to the Deep Water Horizon/BP Oil Spill.
Councilman Fussell offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Johnson to adopt Resolution No.13- 617 as read.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Chairman Route called for the motion to open and add to the agenda proposed Resolution No.13-618.
Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheat to open and add to the agenda Resolution No. 13-618.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (5) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Councilman Route and Johnson recused themselves from the vote. Chairman Route relinquished the meeting to Vice Chairman Fussell. Both Councilmen Johnson and Route existed the meeting.
Item No. 10-B – Resolution No. 13-618 – Resolution authorizing Special Counsel to represent the Washington Parish Government with respect to the Discharge involving TIN, Inc., d/b/a Temple Inland and its Successor, International Paper.
Councilman Posey offered a motion, seconded by Councilman Wheat to adopt Resolution No.13-618 as read.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (5) Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
After the vote was taken on Resolution No. 13-618, Councilmen Johnson and Route reentered the council and Vice Chairman Fussell relinquished the meeting to Chairman Route.
Item No.11–Adjourn - No further business to come before the council, the meeting was adjourned on motion by Councilman Posey, seconded by Councilman Wheat.
Roll call vote as follows:
YEAS: (7) Route, Posey, Wheat, Fussell, Nassauer, Johnson and Thomas
NAYS: (0)
Greg Route, Chairman
Washington Parish Council
Sharon Lyons, Clerk to the Council
Washington Parish
(All Ordinances, Resolutions and Attachments in its entirety are available at the office of Clerk of the Council at 909 Pearl Street, Franklinton, Louisiana or wpgov.org.)
This meeting was held in accordance with the Americans Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, please contact Sharon Lyons, Clerk to the Council at 985-839-0105 describing the assistance that is necessary.