Central FloridaRegion
November 16, 2004 – 10:00 am
Name / RepresentingC.B. Shirey, Chair / AvonParkExecutiveAirport
Cindy Barrow / BartowMunicipalAirport Development Authority
Glenda Poland / Chalet Suzanne
Mike Willingham / SebringRegionalAirport
Wayne Boggs / LakelandLinderRegionalAirport
James Christman / CAP - HighlandsCounty
Don Harris / Grip-Flex
Dave Goode / LPA Group, Inc.
Bob Highley
Andy Keith / FDOT Central Office
Chase C. Stockon / Panther International, LLC
Airports/Agencies not represented:
ArcadiaMunicipalAirportJack Browns Seaplane Base
River Ranch Resort
Winter Haven's GilbertAirport
FDOT - District 1
- Call to Order / Introductions
Committee Chair C.B. Shirey called the meeting to order. The meeting attendees introduced themselves around the room. Andy asked everyone to sign-in on the sheet and asked if anyone had any questions.
2. Approve Last Minutes
Cindy Barrow made a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting as submitted. Mike Willingham seconded the motion. The Chairman called for a vote that unanimously passed.
3. FASP 2004 System Plan
Andy updated everyone on the FASP process and the related activities over the last year. He summarized the recent conference calls and the work putting the system plan together. We are in the final stages. Andy presented a PowerPoint presentation on the FASP 2004.
Andy’s FASP 2004 Presentation - Overview of FASP
Andy presented and discussed the overview of the FASP. The components include the Data, Analysis and Publications.
The analysis and strategic planning are built from the data collected. The data collected includes:
Air Cargo
Land Use
Delay Cost
Economic Impact
Strategic Planning Process
Three state workshops
CFASPP rounds following the 1st two workshops
Statewide CFASPP Committee review & amendment
Statewide Overview
Frames Regional Perspectives
State Priorities for Funding
Regional Perspectives
Identifies Regional Issues
Suggests Economic Development Strategies
Infrastructure Assessment Tool
Commercial Service Interviews
Statewide Overview – Handout
Regional Perspectives – Handout
Glossaries – Handout
Andy noted that the cover was specifically designed to look similar. It has a generic background for Commercial Service and General Aviation. It also has an airport logo and locator maps where available. FDOT will provide each airport multiple copies for their use in both digital and hardcopy.
Strategy and Policy Plan
Executive Summary
This document is available on the table. It includes sections on:
- Flight Plan to the Future
- Economy
- World Commerce
- Lifestyle and Mobility
- Growth
- Challenges
- Policies
The last remaining publication to complete is the video. Andy presented two movies highlighting the technological look and feel of the video.
C.B. Shirey asked about the update process for the regional and glossaries. Andy replied that he envisions one round of CFASPP per year being dedicated to updating the Glossaries, Regional Perspectives and possibly even their impacts on the Statewide Overview. Andy stressed that if major changes occur, please let FDOT know so that the glossaries can be kept up to date. C.B. asked if the locals could update their Glossary and send the updated version to FDOT. Andy concurred.
C.B. Shirey discussed the role determined in the plan as it relates to Business / Recreation operations.
Andy summarized the System Plan update process. The system plan is a dynamic process and as things change, the process will allow for the updates to be incorporated into the system plan. The goal is to keep the information up to date. This will be accomplished by holding 3 rounds of CFASPP each year with one dedicated each year to updating the System Plan.
Bob Highley complimented the FDOT on the completion of the FASP.
- Aviation Office
Andy highlighted the five largest active projects taking place in the Aviation Office. These include 1) Florida Community Airports Project; 2) Statewide Pavement Management Program; 3) Aviation Test Center; 4) Community Airport Security Project; and 5) MasterPlanning & IntelligentAirport Layout Plans.
Florida Community Airports
This project will take the assets (multi-billion dollars of infrastructure) of the State of Florida and the System Plan one step further. It will take SATS another step forward by focusing on the airports. There was an extended discussion on the term Community Airports. Mike Willingham asked if they could borrow the Community Airports Display if they would handle the transportation. Andy replied that the FDOT is working on a traveling version of the display. Mike stated that he would contact Andy as he has a specific need.
Pavement Management Program
Andy gave an update on the PMS Phase I. Andy is co-chair with Vu Trinh on the project. Andy provided a status update of the project. He described the various levels of participation and involvement available to each airport. These include 1) self inspection; 2) FDOT assisted inspection; and 3) FDOT inspection. The pavement program is a voluntary program.
Andy provided an update of the AviationTestCenter. It is coming to fruition. The TestCenter is a world class facility where different types of aviation technology can be tested in a real world environment. Andy covered the projects and the types of projects that will be managed at the Center.
CommunityAirport Security Project
This project will be in place at the TestCenter. This project will assist in monitoring ramp security and operations at remote fields. A follow-on to the project will include infrared cameras that will increase observations in low-light environments.
Airport Master Planning Guidelines / Intelligent ALPs
The consultant team has been selected for this project. The scope is being developed currently. More on this at future meetings as the project progresses.
- FDOT District Announcements
No FDOT District personnel were present.
- MPO Comment / Presentations
No MPO personnel were present.
- DoD Comments
No DoD personnel present. Mr. Jim Christman updated the group on CAP activities over the last year. These activities included their standard Search and Rescue activities upon activation by Central Office in NJ. The CAP changes command every three years. There have been changes both locally and nationally.
C.B. understands there has been a change in personnel at the Avon Park Range. He will see if a new representative should be selected for this committee.
- Old Business
No action items from last meeting.
- New Business
Note: John DuBose at Lakeland was elected as Vice-Chair of the committee.
Jim brought up the fact that lawsuits against pilots participating in acrobatics in legal areas are on the increase. Jim’s son in New England and three others are being sued. AOPA is helping to defend these gentlemen. It is also very expensive to defend this action. This sets bad precedent for airports. We, in the State of Florida, need to monitor this situation. Again, the FAA does not participate in local airspace issues and their regulations have insufficient teeth to get involved.
The discussion of Community Airports came up again. Mike Willingham made a motion, as a committee, to support the moniker of “Community Airports” in use by FDOT over GeneralAviationAirport.” Cindy seconded. A lengthy discussion ensued. While many understood the federal and financial issues raised by Nelson Rhodes and Bob Ball at the FAC meeting, they agreed that for smaller airports, it is important that their communities bond with and support their community airports. C.B. Shirey called for a vote. It passed unanimously.
Andy presented an update on the FDOT’s SIS activities. This included a discussion of the definition of a SIS project. A lengthy discussion ensued.
Jim mentioned that CAP turned off 1200 EPIRBs during the last hurricanes.
Bob mentioned that TSA has just imposed an added burden on the flight instructors to check birth certificates. This is extremely difficult. AOPA is working on countering this. Bob thinks that everyone should be aware of this situation.
A discussion was held on the impact of the hurricanes.
- Time and Place of Next Meeting
Andy Keith is trying to schedule three CFASPP rounds for 2005. The three rounds include: 1) a round following the FAC mid-year meeting (late February) before the legislative session; 2) a round prior to the July statewide at FAC (May/June); and 3) a round in the October timeframe. Notices will follow.
- Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at noon.
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