Change Proposal Circular
To / BSC Change Administrators (BCAs)/ Party Agent Change Administrators (PACAs)No. / CPC00629
Purpose / For Consultation
From / Change Delivery
Date / 29 February 2008
CPC00629: Impact Assessment of DCP0029, CP1233, CP1234, CP1235 and CP1236
In CPC00627 there is1 Draft Change Proposal (DCP) and 4 Change Proposals for Impact Assessment by your organisation:
DCP No. / Title / SVA/CVA0029 / Recommendations of the Unmetered Supplies Expert Group / SVA
For details on the expected impacts on participants, please refer to the DCP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:
DCP Participant Impact Matrix
Listed below are the CPs for Impact Assessment:
CP No. / Title / SVA/CVA1233 / Transfer of the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator functional requirements from PSL140 to BSCP505 following the creation of PSL100 ‘Generic Non Functional Requirements For Licensed Distribution System Operators And Party Agents’ / SVA
1234 / Movement of the functional requirements within PSL 110 to BSCP514 and BSCP550, following the creation of a generic non functional PSL (PSL100) via CP1182. / SVA
1235 / Movement of Functional Requirements in PSL150 (‘Half Hourly Data Aggregation’) to BSCP503 following the creation of PSL100 for generic non functional requirements. / SVA
1236 / Clarification of De-Energised and Disconnection Processes - Obligations under BSCP515 / SVA
For details on the expected impacts for each CP on participants, please refer to the CP Participant Impact Matrix via the following link:
CP Participant Impact Matrix
Please note that the contents of the DCP/CP Participant Impact Matrices may not be exhaustive. Please carefully review the attached DCPs and CPs to determine the impact on your organisation.
Draft Change Proposals (DCPs) for Impact Assessment
DCP0029 - Recommendations of the Unmetered Supplies Expert Group
As part of their 2006 report the Auditor identified a number of ‘Market Issues’ relating to Unmetered Supplies. On ELEXON’s recommendation the SVG agreed that an expert group (UMSEG) should be set up to address these Market Issues.
DCP0029 sets out the solutions proposed by the UMSEG, and has been issued for Impact Assessment to obtain input from the Industry. As part of you impact assessment can you please indicate your level of support for each solution. If there are multiple options, can you please indicate in your response you preferred option.
Change Proposals (CPs) for Impact Assessment
CP1233 – Transfer of the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator functional requirements from PSL140 to BSCP505 following the creation of PSL100 ‘Generic Non Functional Requirements For Licensed Distribution System Operators And Party Agents’
The CSD review highlighted a large amount of duplication between the requirements in the PSLs and the corresponding BSCPs. To resolve this issue a single generic PSL has been created under CP1182 ‘Creation of a generic Party Service Line’ which will contain participants’ non-functional requirements.
Following on from CP1182, CP1233 was raised on 29 February 2008 by ELEXON and seeks to move the functional requirements of PSL140 ‘Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation’ into BSCP505 ‘Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’.
CP1233 was previously issued for participant Impact Assessment as DCP0025 via CPC00625 and has since been converted into a CP.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1233 is £330. CP1233 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
CP1234 – Movement of the functional requirements within PSL110 to BSCP514 and BSCP550, following the creation of a generic non functional PSL (PSL100) via CP1182.
As with CP1233, CP1234 was raised on 29 February 2008 by ELEXON following the implementation of CP1182 and seeks to move the functional requirements of PSL110 ‘SVA Meter Operation’ into BSCP514 ‘SVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS’ and BSCP550 ‘Shared SVA Meter Arrangement of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Energy’.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1234 is £550. CP1234 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
CP1235 – Movement of Functional Requirements in PSL150 (‘Half Hourly Data Aggregation’) to BSCP503 following the creation of PSL100 for generic non functional requirements.
As with CP1233 and CP1234, CP1235 was raised on 29 February 2008 by ELEXON following the implementation of CP1182 and seeks to move the functional requirements of PSL150 ‘Half Hourly Data Aggregation’ into BSCP503.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1235 is £440. CP1235 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
CP1236 - Clarification of De-Energised and Disconnection Processes - Obligations under BSCP515
The BSC Auditors have reported compliance failures with respect to LDSO’snot meeting the 5 Working Days (WDs) to issue confirmation of a change on energisation status (D0139), an obligation in BSCP515. The reported failures relate to the BSC Auditor’s interpretation that the 5 WDs relates to the time of the request or the proposed date of visit contained within the flow, rather than the actual date of energisation.
CP1236 was raised on 29 February 2008 by ScottishPower and proposes amendments to BSCP515 to provide clarity regarding the issuing of a change of energisation status (D0139 flow) to prevent further differing interpretation of the code.
The estimated ELEXON implementation cost for CP1236 is £110. CP1236 is targeted at the November 2008 Release.
Please carry out an Impact Assessment of the attached DCPs/CPs and return your response using the attached forms by 5:00pm on Thursday 3April 2008. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to meet this deadline. Please note that lack of any response to a CPC does not indicate a negative response.
If you have any queries please contact me on 020 7380 4327 or email . Alternatively, contact the ELEXON Helpdesk on 020 7380 4222 or email .
David Barber
ELEXON Change Delivery
Table of Attachments
DCP/ CP No. / Attached DocumentsDCP0029 / DCP0029
DCP0029 Attachment A
CP1233 / CP1233
CP1233 Attachment ABSCP505v10.0Redlinedv0.2
CP1233 Attachment BBSCP537Appendix1v3.0Redlinedv0.1
CP1233 Attachment CPSL140mappingmatrix
CP1234 / CP1234
CP1234 Attachment ABSCP514v11.0redlinedv0.2
CP1234 Attachment BBSCP550v10.0redlinedv0.2
CP1234 Attachment CMappingMatrixSVA MOA PSL110
CP1234 Attachment DReverseMappingMatrix BSCP514 toPSL110
CP1234 Attachment EReverseMappingMatrixBSCP550toPSL110
CP1234 Attachment FBSCP537 Appx 1v3.0redlined
CP1234 Attachment GBSCP504v18.0redlined
CP1234 Attachment HSVADataCatalogueVol1v27.0redlined
CP1234 Attachment I SVA Data CatalogueVol2v23.0redlined
CP1235 / CP1235
CP1235 Attachment ABSCP503 v10.0 redlined v0.3
CP1235 Attachment BBSCP537 Appendix 1 v3.0 redlined v0.1
CP1235 Attachment CMapping matrix PSL150 to BSCP503
CP1235 Attachment DReverse mapping PSL150
CP1236 / CP1236
CP1236 Attachment ABSCP515v7.0Redlinedv0.1
To: David Barber
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
Organisation:Capacity Organisation operates in (e.g. Supplier, HDDC, etc.)
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please tick if this information is to be used for all DCPs/CPs:
Draft Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / DCP No: / 0029
Title: / Recommendations of the Unmetered Supplies Expert Group
Part 1 – Proposals Arising From Audit Issues
1.4: Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
2.5: Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
A2.0: Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
A2.2: Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Which is your favoured option? (Please delete as appropriate)
Favoured option / a/b/c / Comments
3.1: Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Which is your favoured option? (Please delete as appropriate)
Favoured option / a/b/c / Comments
Part 2 – Actions Arising from Walkthrough
Agree Change? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes? (Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification would be required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Forms
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1233Title: / Transfer of the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator functional requirements from PSL140 to BSCP505 following the creation of PSL100 ‘Generic Non Functional Requirements For Licensed Distribution System Operators And Party Agents’
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1233 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1234Title: / Movement of the functional requirements within PSL 110 to BSCP514 and BSCP550, following the creation of a generic non functional PSL (PSL100) via CP1182.
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1234 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1235Title: / Movement of Functional Requirements in PSL150 (‘Half Hourly Data Aggregation’) to BSCP503 following the creation of PSL100 for generic non functional requirements.
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1235 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
Change Proposal Impact Assessment Form / CP No: / 1236Title: / Clarification of De-Energised and Disconnection Processes - Obligations under BSCP515
Proposed Implementation Date: / November 2008 Release
Agree Change?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No/ Neutral
Comments / Comments
Impact on Organisation’s Systems and/or Processes?(Please delete as appropriate) / Yes/ No
Capacity in which Organisation is impacted (e.g. Supplier, HHDC, etc)
Impact on Organisation (e.g. systems/process changes)
How much Implementation Notification is required from receipt of approved redline text changes?
No. of Calendar Days / Comments
Would implementation in the proposed Release have an adverse impact? (please state impact)
Other Comments:
Assessor Name
Contact Name (if different to Assessor) / BCA/PACA:
Contact email: / Phone no:
Please review the Redline text for CP1236 and use the following table to for any comments you have.
Point no. / Document name (e.g. BSCPXXXX/CoPX) / Location (Section and paragraph numbers) / Severity Code (H/M/L – see below) / Comments by Reviewer
Severity Codes:
H (high): Prejudices document’s conclusions, recommendations or fitness for purpose.
M (medium): Matter of substance, but not high.
L (low): Minor error but document’s intention is clear.
CPC00629 / v.1.029 February 2008 / Page 1 of 13 / © ELEXON Limited 2008