Household Survey

Urban profiling exercise in Delhi

Approach to Dwelling
1.  Ask to speak to the person who is the head of the household.
2.  If he/she is not available, ask to speak to another person over 18 years who can speak on behalf of the household. If both are not present, find out when they are likely to be back.
3.  Scheduled return time………………………… (check with supervisor)

Oral Consent

Hello Sir/Madam, my name is [your name]. We are a team from a local organization called Development and Justice Initiative and a university in USA, Tufts University. We are working on a research project with the aim to understand the living conditions of people in Delhi. I would therefore like to ask you some questions about your household. The questions will only be about your household; by which I mean the people in your dwelling with whom you are living together on a daily basis and share food.

This survey is not related to any humanitarian or government program, and therefore not linked to any assistance. It is conducted by our organization, which is an independent local organization.

We cannot give you anything for participating in this survey, except our appreciation. You are under no obligation to participate, and you are free not to answer some of the questions or to stop the interview at any time.

The information you give us will be kept anonymously. We will not write your name on this interview form and your name will never appear in our research. The interview should take less than 45 minutes. Do you have any questions?

Z00 / Date of Interview (DD/MM/YY) / / / /
Z01 / District Code /
Z02 / Ward Code /
Z03 / Enumerator Code /
Z04 / Supervisor Code /
Z05 / GPS Point / Latitude, Longitude Altitude and Accuracy
Z06 / Household Code (scan the barcode)
Z07 / Consent for the interview /
Yes No


D01 / Are you the head of household / 1 = yes
2 = no / |___| / If 1D03
D02a / (If not head of household) What is your relationship to the head of household? / See code sheet / |___|
D02b / Sex of respondent / 1= Man
2= Woman / |___|
D02c / Age of respondent
Write 96 for older than 95 years / 98= DK 99= RA / |___|
D03 / Head of household is a / 1= Man
2= Woman 88=D/K 99=RA / |___|
D04 / What is age of the head of Household: / 88=DK 99=RA / |___|
D04a / Is the head of the household a citizen of India? / 1= yes
2=no / |___|
D05 / Country of birth? / (see code sheet)
if ‘Other’: Specify______ / |___||___|
D06 / What is the household head’s place of original/habitual residence? / (use code sheet) / |___|
D07 / What is the main language spoken in your household? / (use code sheet) / |___|
D08 / What is the religion of this household? / (use code sheet) / |___|
D09 / What is the ethnic group of this household? / (use code sheet) / |___|
D10 / What is the highest level of education attained by head of household? / (use code sheet) / |___|


HC1 / How many rooms in total does your household occupy? (excluding corridors, and shared kitchen and bathroom) / Write the number of rooms / |___|
HC2a / Including yourself, how many members are part of your household living here? Please tell me their ages
(Do the household composition on paper first) / Number under 18 / |___|
HC2b / Number between 18 - 45 / |___|
HC2c / Number between 45-65 / |___|
HC2c / Number over-65 / |___|
HC3 / Do you share your dwelling with others, who are not members of your household? / 1= No, only our household lives here
2= Yes, we host only one other person
3= Yes, we share with other households
/ |___| / If1HC6
HC4a / If Yes, how many other persons or households live in this dwelling? / number of persons / |___|
HC4b / number of households / |___|
HC5 / If Yes, Do you share following -what is your economic relationship- with the other household(s) living here?
(Multiple answers are allowed) / 1= share rent
2= hosted for free by other household
3= share food
4= share income
5= share household bills other than food (e.g. water, electricity, etc.)
6 = no relationship; each household covers own expenses
7 = Other : Specify______
88 = DK/RA / |___| |___|
HC6 / Is there anyone in your household that is not able to work due to health reasons (physical and mental)?
This does not apply to people over 65 / 1= yes
2= no / |___|
G04 / Does your household have its own latrine, or do you share with other households? / 1 = own latrine
2 = share with others households / |___|
G05 / Does your household have its own kitchen, or do you share with other households? / 1 = own kitchen
2 = share with others households / |___|
G09 / What is the ownership status of your household’s dwelling? / 1= own
2= rented
3= other / |___| / If 2G10
G10 / Do you have a contract for living in this dwelling? / 1 = yes
2 = no
88= DK/RA / |___|


CH1 / Are there children 5 to 18 living with you in your household? / 1= yes
2= no / |___| / If 2 skip to CH7
CH2 / If Yes, how many are your own children by blood or marriage? / Number: / |___| / If 0, go to CH4
CH3 / How many are not your own children? (e.g. unaccompanied minors, other) / Number: / |___|
Ch4 / Please tell me about all your children, starting with the oldest:
Is this your own child by blood or marriage?
1=yes, 2=no / Sex / Age / What type of school is child enrolled in? (more than one response possible)
1= not enrolled anywhere (SKIP)
2= private school
3=government school
4=community school
6=bridge school, catch up
7=National Open School
8= English class
9=vocational training (Learn+ Train, computer)
10=special needs school
11= Church school/school run by religious group
11= Preschool
9= RA / How often does child go to school?
2= Between 3-4 days per week
3= 2 days per week or less
4= not at all
CH4a / Oldest child
|___| / |___| / |___| / |___| / |___|
CH4b / Second child
|___| / |___| / |___| / |___| / |___|
CH6 / (If any children are not in school)
Why is this child/children not enrolled or not in school regularly?
(multiple answers) / 1 = distance/no school here
2= financial constraints
3 = it is useless
4= children must work
5= discrimination/ pupils-teacher are hostile
7= drop out/failure
8=Security /not safe
9= Too old/too young /mismatch age
10= Language issues
11=quality is too low
12=lack of documentation/not recognized dox
88=DK, 99=RA / |___|
CH7 / Is anyone in your household currently attending university/college classes? / 1= yes
2= no / |___|


M01 / How long has head of household lived in Delhi? / 1= Always, born here
2= Came before age 16
3 = more than 10 yrs
4 = 4-10 years
5 = 1-3 years
6 = less than 1 yr
88= DK / |___| / If 1or 2  SKIP to MO9
M02 / What year did the head of the household leave their home place? / Indicate the year / |___| |___| |___||___|
M03 / What was the main reason for leaving?
Choose TWO main reasons / 1= communal conflict or violence
2= feared for life /persecution
3= could not make a living or find work (economic reasons)
4= for education (own or of children)
5= to join family
6= land disputes
7= government evictions
8= environmental problems (floods, etc)
9= Caste, racial, religion, gender, ethnic oppression/discrimination
11= forced labour
10= other, specify: ______/ |___|
|___| / If 1 or 2  skip to M03a
M03a / Did you apply for Asylum Status
Relevant if feared for life/prosecution is ticked / 1= yes
2= no
88= DK
99= RA / |___|
M04 / Did all the household members move together with the head of the household? / 1= yes
2= no / |___|
M05 / Why did the head of household choose to come to Delhi rather than another place?
Indicate the main reason / 1 = I hoped to find work here
2 = it was safe here
3 = my family was here
4 = there were people who could help me here
5= wanted to seek education (own or of children)
6= I was told to come here
7= NGO (humanitarian) assistance
8= hoped for resettlement to another country
9 = for medical treatment
9= other, specify: ______/ |___|
M06 / Did friends or relatives already reside here before head of household arrived? / 1= yes
2= no / |___|
M07 / Does the head of household have a rural or urban background? / 1= rural area 2= urban area 88=DK/RA / |___|
M07a / Has this household ever lived in a refugee or IDP camp? / 1= yes
2= no
88 = DK
M08 / Before the household left home, were any of the following assets owned?
1=yes 2=no / 1= House
2= vehicle
3= land
4= jewelry
5= cash
6= cattle/livestock
7= business
8- other, write in: ______/ |___|
Did household have to abandon assets, i.e. leave without arrangement for safekeeping and without compensation?
1=yes 2=no / 1= House
2= vehicle
3= land
4= jewelry
5= cash
6= cattle/livestock
7= business
8- other, write in: ______/ |___|
M09 / What identity documents does the head of the household possess? / See code sheet / |___|


E01 / Here in Delhi have you ever been evicted/ forced to move from your home? / 1= yes
2= no / |___| / If 2  E04
E02 / If yes, how many times have you been evicted/ forced to move from your home? / Indicate number of times / |___|
E03 / If yes, what were the main reasons for being evicted/ forced to move?
(tick two main reasons) / 1= could not pay rent any longer
2= Could not pay the rent on time
3= owner did not want us here
4= development projects in the area
5 = other describe ______/ |___|
E04 / I am going to read you a list of community groups. Please tell me if you or anyone in your household has participated in any here in Delhi?
Answer for each option:
1= yes.
2= no / 1= youth organization
2= women’s group
3= neighborhood committee
4= savings/credit /self-help group
5= Refugees/migrants association
6= religious group
7= community based organization
8 = none
8= other / |___|
E05 / Where do you usually seek help, if you have financial problems? For example if you cannot pay your rent, medicine, food, etc.
DO NOT READ LIST tick first mentioned or ask which is most important if more than one mentioned / 1= relatives here in Delhi
2= relatives abroad or other part of India
3= community association
4= neighbors/friends of same ethnic group/origin
5= neighbors/friends in general
6= aid/humanitarian organization
7 = Ask Employer
8 = None of the options would be available to me / |___|
E06 / In the last year, have you or anyone in your household faced theft or robbery? / 1= yes
2= no / |___|
E07 / In the last year, have you or anyone in your household been physically assaulted? / 1= yes
2= no / |___|
E08 / Compared to other neighborhoods in the city, how safe do you think your neighborhood is? / 1 = very safe
2 = safe
3 = unsafe
E09 / What is the main problem that you encounter in your neighborhood?
DO NOT READ LIST Tick first mentioned or ask which is most important if more than one mentioned / 1= physical insecurity/ fear of harassment
2= distance from employment areas
3= unfriendly neighborhood
4= lack of strong community ties/networks
5= lack of civic services/sanitation/water supply
6= no problems / |___|


I would now like to ask you some questions about the main income earners in this household. Tell me about their employment. If they recently stopped working, answer about their previous employment (if they worked two jobs, answer about the one they worked for the longest time). If one person is working two jobs, answer about the top job.

L01 / What is the current employment status of head of household? / 1 = Self-employed/own business
2= Employed/salaried
3 = Unemployed bit looking for job
4= Unemployed but not looking for job
5= Working for relatives (unpaid)
6 = Domestic work
7 = Student
8 = Retired
9 = Disabled
99= DK/RA / |___|
L02 / Does any person living in your household contribute income through social benefits, scholarship, subsistence allowances, etc. / 1 = Yes
2= No
88= DK / |___|
L03 / Does any person living in your household contribute income through unearned income (rents, subletting)? / 1 = Yes
2= No
88= DK / |___|
L04 / Does any person living in your household contribute income through savings? / 1 = Yes
2= No
88= DK / |___|
L01 / Including yourself, how many people living here in your household contribute income for the household through a job? / Number of earners: / |___|
L02 / Do the income earners speak any of these languages? / 1- English
4= Arabic
5= Chin / |___|
L03 / Is anyone in your household is trained or having any skills? probe: skills can be acquired though experience or formal training / See code sheet Mention main 3 responses / |___|
Please tell me about the two top (highest) income earners / Top (highest) income earner / Second income earner